

  • I second the EA Sports Active 2 rec - it's absolutely brilliant! You can start off slow, pick your workouts for your problem areas and avoid any exercises that you may have problems with (I have real problems with doing push-ups for example, my wrists are pretty fine boned and just can't seem to take the pressure). Well…
  • Thanks for the replies - sounds like it works (well temporarily anyway). Definately need the extra "oomph" for that evening. Hoping to wear a lovely dress and to have just a little bit less to fill it with would be excellent for that evening. Honestly, I don't know whether its a good idea to go to this salsa party that…
  • Wow - you always looked lovely but that after photo is amazing.
  • You know what are absolutely bloomin amazing! You should rightfully feel proud to the core of yourself for making such a difference to your health! I have a friend who has just joined and who needs support and motivation as I think secretly she is depressed about her weight (she lost her newborn son a couple…
  • I'm definately going to try this - i'm on the 1200 cals a day and although i'm pretty new, I feel gutted I haven't lost more than 5lbs. This last week I suddenly started to try to get up to my 1200 cals and although this week I haven't got any exercise in, I have lost 2.2lbs - where previously I was stuck at the same…
  • My god - believe me I know what you meant - I had a Mac D's because I was too tired to cook and OMG it was an ENTIRE DAYS worth of cals and over for just the one meal. Never again. But hey, like I saw someone say, we didn't put on weight for the sake of one day, or even a week. Just get back on the 'horse' and keep going,…
  • God knows what i'm going to get from my fella - hopefully he won't buy anything to eat or drink as he knows I am trying to be good... He has booked a meal out tonight an ITALIAN restaurant. Not the best place to watch what you are eating in. I'll just have to try to pick better choices on the menu and hope…
  • Take no notice of what they said, its completely ridiculous to use a site like this to attack others and the lowliest of the low to attack someone's children. Well done for standing up to it and for staying strong! xxxx
  • I used to use the original Laughing Cow light and spread it on celery for a snack.
  • I just bought a CardioSport GO 35. It should arrive next week..... I couldn't afford a Polar one so hope this will be good enough. Does anyone here have a GO 35?
  • Hey Indy :) Weather nothing like what you have in the UK, been cold here in Cornwall but sun is out. Hope you take care over there, lots of awful weather going around the world! Nothing much on today, at work - one of my colleagues has a birthday so might be tempted to have cake....I shouldn't but hey, I have plenty of…
  • I'd be interested to know too. I have tried to drink it and find it fairly bitter for my taste so would be interested to hear if the pill form is any good....
  • I'm having a rubbish day at work but tonight I am letting my hair down, glamming up and going out for a meal to celebrate a friends birthday....going to an Italian Restaurant so feeling a little worried I might end up going over cals today - have to see what they have on the menu! :D
  • The EA Sports Active 2 has a few different step things - Basic step, Single Curl, 3x Curl Repeat, High Knee, High Knee Repeat, Kick, Kick Repeat, L-Step left and right, Cha-Cha, Grapevine ..... probably more but those are the ones I have seen so far. Plus it has a mid break of Touch Squats, Touch Squats with Jab and Touch…
  • Working at the office from 9-5, then home for a cuppa before getting changed and loading up the Wii for some working out with either Wii Fit and / or Sports Active 2. Will get dinner after that and probably chill out or nip to the shop to get in some more diet-friendly food. Nothing special sadly! LOL
  • Yep - i'm trying to keep carbs low. Used to be strict on the South Beach diet - some others here are trying that so maybe keep an eye out for some of the recipes etc. I'm not avoiding ALL the carbs all the time but am trying not to have too many!
  • Its awful.....i've had it happen to me too. I'm sorry to say I chuckled over your post, but I did. I remember when I did it ...... I was out around Christmas-time a good few years ago with a friend of mine. We had had a couple drinks and were going to get a chinese takeaway as a treat....then my friend (who is tipsy by…
  • I have done the South Beach diet - it is how I lost over 5 stone (although I must admit I actually did phase one for about a year rather than 2 bad). It is good and I don't think it is too unhealthey because throughout the diet book, it doesn't ban you from foods (at least not for long) and it teaches you how to…
  • I'm 4 foot 11" ! LOL
  • Hi Jen, what a fab way of looking at things - it is true, take things a day at a time and it should all fall into place! I know what you mean about being distracted. I have managed to stick to a diet and lost a lot of weight but since then I have crept up a little and although I am nowhere near my original start weight, I…
  • A stone is 14lbs (pounds) or around 6.35kg (kilogrammes)
  • Hey guys - thought i'd try resizing the photos to see if they would come out any better: Trying a different 'after' photo: This place is crazy, lol. I have logged on and off so many times already. I barely looked at Facebook yesterday. Definately a good motivator - combined with EA Sports Active 2 on the Wii and…