Valentine's day temptations

How are you avoiding all of the Valentine's treats today? I am at work and there are a TON of goodies for the taking!


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Just say NO or eat in moderation. You can have a little just don't go over board or not log it.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Kuddos to my hubs for the lovely Valentine's Day card :love: BUT chocolates....?! He almost got a punch in the eye :noway:
  • mlemonroe2
    I'm not avoiding them... I got up extra early to double my workout!!
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    This is one day I'm glad I'm unemployed. I bought a smalle chocolate treat for my son and that is all. No more goodies in my house! I'm gonna have a 60 calorie Jello Mousse Temptation later though! Yummy!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    If I want somethiing I'll have it, but I'll chart it and make sure it's in my allowed calorie bank for the day. Having said that, now that I am seeing real results it has boosted my will power hugely. And luckily I dont like the same chocolate that my husband does: dark chocolate from Thorntons? yack!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Kuddos to my hubs for the lovely Valentine's Day card :love: BUT chocolates....?! He almost got a punch in the eye :noway:
    You know what my silly bugger did?

    When I had my gastric band fitted it was around Easter, and he ordered me an Easter egg online only when it arrived he'd ordered a giant box of around 40 - not realising at the time! A year later and they are still in the box haha the daft sod. ( I did also get Swarovski ring and earrings though and a trip to Belgium).
  • HOPEful27
    The secretary at work put boxes of candy on everyone's desk. I said thank you to her & then secretly gave my box to another co-worker. There are cupcakes in the kitchen (brought by the same secretary), but I am staying clear.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    This morning, I was almost praying my DH would NOT get me a box of chocolates for Valentines Day today and hoping he would recognize/acknowledge my efforts in losing weight. Usually he does not and says I diet for 2 weeks and quit. Which historically is true!! This morning I got in my car to leave for work and found my VD stuff......a balloon, a card......and (drum roll....) a perfume gift set!! Whoo hoo!! This is like an enormous leap for him and I"m so happy he put some real thought into this VD!!!!

    Got to work and our kitchen table is covered in cookies and treats AND when you pass by the front desk (which you have to in order to visit the ladies room), a bowl of chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just have to tell myself I'm not missing out on anything and I have to learn to resist to make healthy lifestyle changes and choices.
  • SalsaFaye1983
    God knows what i'm going to get from my fella - hopefully he won't buy anything to eat or drink as he knows I am trying to be good... He has booked a meal out tonight an ITALIAN restaurant. Not the best place to watch what you are eating in. I'll just have to try to pick better choices on the menu and hope that the dessert (if he has booked the 3 course meal) isn't going to kill my calorie intake. Its booked for 8.30pm too so i'll be starving by then but at least I might be able to do a workout when I get home from work to give me a few more cals to play with.....
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Trying to watch the chocolate because I am a chocoholic. Will be going out for dinner tonight with
    friends but will try to watch the calories. Hubby did get me dark chocolate for Valentine's day so
    I will either bring into work or keep at home at try to eat one a day. Yeah, that won't happen. :sad:
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    We celebrated on saturday with a lovely meal out, I ate what I wanted but had done loads cardio before hand to make up for it. Tonight we are having steak and chips (healthy ones made with fry light and baked) and it will all be in my calorie limit. Im not going to deprive myself of anything, I'll just make up for it with exercise.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    My guy had flowers sent on Sunday since he had to work today. I got up this morning to find a small bag (2oz) of Godiva dark chocolate almonds and a card by the coffee pot. "I had to get you something chocolate! If its gotta be small might as well be the best!"
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I told my guy not to get me chocolate. I won't know until later tonight.
    If he did I will probably pass them to my mom, or take them to work for everyone else. I love him, but sometimes he doesn't get that I am an extreme chocoholic, and giving up chocolate has been HUGE for me. I haven't had ANY kind of candy bar, or chocolate candies in...about 3 weeks...

    I think I'd rather have a balloon and some flowers. ha!

    We are going out to eat tonight and that's good for me. Getting in an extra workout today to make up for it!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    My hubby did great this year.....I got a gift card to get my hair nails and my toes (a real treat since I have lost 37lbs so far) candy.......yea!!!!
  • Nina_Crowson
    i got some dove sugar free dark chocolate promises, a small bag, and for 1 peice its 30 cal. Well thats what my mom picked out for me from my hubby and son since my hubby isnt here! : )
  • clsmith1733
    clsmith1733 Posts: 25 Member
    wish I had candy but doing with out me and hubby and baby are going to hotel next weekend with indoor pool for her to swim and i going to get in the whirl pool! :heart: :love: :wink:
  • summadmak
    At work this year, we didn't do sweets....we did a breakfast instead....and I just made sure I did not over do it, and walked away!!!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Someone bought us in a big box of choccies to share.

    I had two and that was enough (I am much more of a savoury person relaly so can take or leave chocolate!!)

    Also I am still under my calorie allowance today as half my lunch got ruined so I only had 2 baby slices of wholemeal toast