

  • Thanks for the recipe, this looks Awesome!
  • Your body is in starvation mode from only eating 900 calories a day and fasting. That is NOT good for your body, it is probably desperately trying to cling onto any calories it can get. You should eat 1200 calories a day MINIMUM, more if you exercise at all. Keep eating more calories... 1200 plus... it should level off…
  • Bone structure and other gentic factors definately does play into size... For example, my mom, at her lightest weight when she was young, weighed 128 lbs, but the smallest size she wore was a 10, just because that's how her body was built. I have a friend who is my age who weighs around 130 lbs, but in contrast, she wears…
  • Don't give up! Small steps! It is the journey, not the destination. You are not going to be perfect! And these things take time. I was reading your profile and it made me feel quite sad how you are putting down yourself and your body. I would really really encourage you to start the mental transformation journey along with…
  • Wow, that looks like a great plan! I am super impressed (and a bit jealous lol!) by your mile time... mine's in the 7:40s. I looked at your profile and saw you want to enlist in the National Guard... I'm actually enlisted, leaving for basic training in *gulp* 8 days! But with that kind of plan and with your mindset you…
  • I've heard it actually helps you lose weight by revving up your metabolism... then again I just read that off a random website so i'm really curious if anyone knows! I love my morning coffee... anything in moderation i say!
  • 6 oz yogurt and two slices whole wheat toast with peanut butter. =) Usually I'll have 2 eggs topped with hummus and turkey bacon or 6 oz yogurt with various fruit and a sprinkle of granola on top... changing it up today!
  • Posting for tracking. I'm very curious about this... I'm sure we've all had those friends who are very slim and can eat practically anything they want... although I'm sure body type also has a lot to do with this.
  • Now I really want Mexican food.... :(
  • Running definately has made a lot of difference, especially for my legs/butt. I haven't lost much weight but it's interesting how it's all shifted and turned to muscle... definately took a while though... I started running last June but I would just kinda jog along... I've definately kicked it up a notch since this…
  • All the time! I'm super confident *cough* vain *cough*, though ;)
  • I usually never do, but my ipod died once... I tried to text on the elliptical and almost fell off. Nipped that habit in the bud. :laugh: But, I can't even walk and text, much less operate workout equipment. :laugh:
  • I love the entire album "For the Masses" by Hadouken. The entire thing is workout gold. Not sure if I'm allowed to post links, but here's the opening track... greatness... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8R1sYWEKEw
  • It's very possible it's water, hehe. Have you just started out trying to lose weight? It happens a lot faster when you first start out. I wouldn't worry about it, it should taper off after a bit.
  • This whole topic = *facepalm* http://shouldieatmyexercisecalories.com/
  • I definately think exercise/eating well really helps - endorphins and other parts of body chemistry that I don't quite know the science of, but it works for me, so I'll keep doing it. But I think it all boils down to having a goal and working on it. I think people are meant to do things with their lives and if we don't do…
  • You look amazing! And really happy too! :) Congrats a million times over, and keep at it girl! :)
  • Well done! You look awesome! :) ps- i love your shoes!
  • Some of my favorites would be my legs, my shoulders, my arms, and my boobs... but... I'm very vain...er, i mean, self confident! so I really love my entire body. I cannot think of any part on my body that I actually dislike lol.
  • Yogurt Fruit (especially apples and grapes!) Also, I love love love LOVE protein bars, it's awesome when you want chocolate. I'd recommend Luna Bars, Special K Meal Bars, and clif builder bars :)
  • I usually make a hot cup of tea or coffee and that gives my mouth something to do. Gum is another good option. Do you have any hobbies? I like to draw, paint, and read, so I enjoy doing that. If you like to sing you can do that too... it's hard to sing with food in your mouth! :) Or any sort of work you need to be doing,…
  • I would recommend yogurt. Kroger (and probably other stores) makes a type of yogurt called "carb master" - it has 60-80 calories, 8g-12g of protein and 3-4g of carbs depending on which flavor you get. It's really good too, and I've been eating it like it's been going out of style lol.
  • I'd try to get some drinks in there with more substance in them... you said you do the milk with the protein powder, that would work! You could also try nutrition drinks like ensure or carnation instant breakfast.. maybe v8 if you like vegetable juice. Smoothies would work too. But when it comes down to it, do what works…
  • I have a small one on the top of my foot, it really didn't hurt that bad, just was a stinging sort of sensation. But then again, it is SMALL, and it took less than half an hour to do.
  • Mine's private because I want it to be :) I don't have to justify that.
  • Good luck! It does sounds like you're doing the right things! One thing I could recommend is really cut out/cut down on carbs. Obviously this isn't good or healthy for long term, but for the purpose of a weigh in, it may work. I've read that for every pound of carbs you store in your body, you have to store several pounds…
  • Congrats! Keep up the great work, keep your head up! Sometimes it's hard to avoid becoming discouraged, but you just gotta look back and see all the awesome stuff you've accomplished! :)
  • I don't consider a hot fudge sundae a "binge", i'd just consider it a hot fudge sundae. And if I worked it off, great, if not, well, tomorrows another day, and in the grand scheme of thing one hot fudge sundae is not going to ruin everything. You can eat hot fudge sundaes, this is real life, and in real life sometimes we…
  • I love the special k protein meal bars. I'm at school all day during the week so i usually have that for lunch, with an apple. Or any protein bar really, I just try to keep atleast 10g of protein and around 200 calories.
  • Try eating grapes! Coffee works too - try drinking it black! Get an iced coffee if you want it to work faster (it's double brewed) Also, ginger tea. Oh, also- Don't eat bananas or apples for a few days - they have pectin in them and if you eat a lot they can block you up. Good luck!