NaoyukiTai Member


  • TL;DR I recommend to eat enough to not lose weight too fast, and lift. I lost about 25lb in one summer. One thing I regret is that, I did it too fast, and lost some muscle. Losing fat and gaining muscle is possible if your body fat % is high, but once you get to certain point like body fat 20%, it's difficult. As a matter…
  • Not exactly. Muscle uses glycogen. To use the carbs (aka sugar) for muscle, you need insulin. Once your muscle becomes insensitive to insulin, it's called diabetes. It's better to use glycogen stored in fat cells. That's how you lose fat from your body. When you feed carbs/sugar into blood stream from food, you are keeping…
  • As Einstein said, Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. #1 If you go back to how you eat and exercise, the weight will come back. If you expect anything else, you are insane according to Einstein. #2 If you change the daily food intake and exercise so that your net calories to…
  • If you are kind person to freak out by the scale, don't weigh every day. Do it only once a month. If you want to step on the scale every day, understand the weight fluctuations are +/- 3lbs, depending on food, water and all the chemicals in your body. If you have never worked out and started resistance training, you could…
  • I also get pissed off people saying me "you got skinny". I'm done with "skinny fat". I want to think I have enough lean meat on my body as a result of patient/consistent strength training. You are welcome and put your hard hat on.
  • I have a Omron gizmo. Very inaccurate. It says I'm 13%. Total BS. I also have a Fitbit scale that has the fat%. Also pretty inaccurate. It says 16%. Not sure. I don't pay attention to either but I pay attention that both are coming down. I just compare myself with those body fat % pictures on the web and guess. Unless you…
  • A. Put the science on your side. 1000cals = 0.128Kg. It's not possible to gain 1Kg. B. Restaurant food is salty. The rest of weight is mostly water weight. C. Most important thing is, enjoy the food. Get back to good diet. Keep working on the workouts.
  • Ditto. I lost précis muscle and working on regaining it. Really hard work.
  • Every time I see "1,200 calories", I cringe. I'd not make mistakes again. I now make sure that my net calories is more than BMR. Quote from it: Dear Former Weight Loss Clients (you know who you are): I'm sorry.…
  • There is a difference between loosing weight and changing body composition. If you are lowering calories while increasing exercise, you do not want to cut out protein. Once you lose your muscle, it's hard to come back. At the beginning of "losing weight", I did just that. I lost weight but at the same time, I lost fat and…
  • I think it's true that there is good and bad sugar, and good fat and bad fat. I try to avoid bad sugar and bad fat. I happily eat good sugar and good fat in moderation. ex. My breakfast was an apple - good sugar, eggs x 2 - protein, bacon x 4 - protein and bit of bad fat, tea with whole milk - good fat. This is not much…
  • It does not look like bike weather to me. So, my challenge ends at 226.66 miles. Less than 14 miles to the goal, less than a commute ride. Less than an hour ride. I think the bike season is over for me sadly. MTD: 226.66/240 10/5/2013 6.91 10/9/2013 7.09 10/9/2013 9.42 10/10/2013 7.11 10/10/2013 9.42 10/12/2013 30.93…
  • As the season ending, I bought a Cannondale road bike which was a LBS's rental bike. He wanted to unload, so I got a good deal. So far, I only put 160miles on it, but I'd have to wait for the next year to put it through. Take care.
  • Okay. So, I did ride a long ish one, and the goal is mere 22 miles away. If it's warm, it's done in two commutes. Should I bite a bullet? I've rode enough in two days that I don't feel like I want to ride any tomorrow. (I want to play tennis!) MTD: 218.38/240 10/05/13 6.91 10/09/13 7.09 10/09/13 9.42 10/10/13 7.11…
  • I wanted to go back and ride at Rhode Island east bay bike path for a while so I went. It was very windy. It's a very scenic bike path and quite a few spots, it makes me smile, esp. with bright sun even in cold wind. After the ride, I was a little cold so I stopped at The Blount Clam Shack and Soup Bar and got a cup of…
  • Same here. I bought a ear band. I haven't tried it yet. In morning, it's high 30s - low 40s for commute time. It's not just ear but it's too damn cold BTW,…
  • With the highs 50s and lows 40-ish, I am about to quit riding this year. When the October challenge began, I thought I can ride more but it's too cold for me. Today, however, the high was just about 60 and sunny, I did go out and rode the Nashua River Railway Trail. It brought the MTD up to 130. The remaining 110 for 10…
  • I miss a lot of foods I don't eat. To make life easier, I designate Sat. Dinner - Sun. Lunch as cheat meals and eat whatever I want to eat. And when I eat "bad" food (like beer+chips+dip), I enjoy it. It keeps me honest for the rest of week. However, even on the cheat day, I keep eating "good" food like fruits, veges, lean…
  • I've been slacking a bit lately. I play tennis often late night and don't feel like riding bike to work next day. Plus the 50s temp is already cold for me. MTD: 104.86/240 10/5/2013 Cycling 6.91 10/9/2013 Cycling 7.09 10/9/2013 Cycling 9.42 10/10/2013 Cycling 7.11 10/10/2013 Cycling 9.42 10/12/2013 Cycling 30.93…
  • After a few days of missing bike commute, finally I had two days of opportunities. I'm still way behind of "schedule". I did a bike ride this Saturday to catch up some of it. I rode to a beer house, drunk two pints, and came back today. Looking at my food log today, it proves me that you cannot outrun your fork+mug. :-b…
  • You may be losing fat and gaining muscle because you are doing proper strength training. If that's the case, you'd look smaller and weigh the same. Typical "the scale lies". If you do strength training with more weight and fewer reps, you'd see more "smaller" you because the muscle you add is denser.
  • After a few days of missing bike commute, finally I had two days of opportunities. I'm way behind of "schedule". I'm planning a bike ride this Saturday to catch up some of it. MTD: 39.95/240 10/05/13 Cycling 6.91 10/09/13 Cycling 7.09 10/09/13 Cycling 9.42 10/10/13 Cycling 7.11 10/10/13 Cycling 9.42 It's getting cold and I…
  • Temp is dropping, and I hate it. So far, for random reasons (like helping out friend's dead laptop), my bike commute has been decimated. Also, the weekends were booked solid. I seriously need some kind of artificial mileage inflation this weekend, aka a long bike ride or two. MTD: 23/240.
  • It's October already? :noway: Let me review. I did 294/310 in July, 311/310 in August and 324/240 September. I completed challenge easily mostly because the weather on weekends were so good, and riding with friends was so much fun. I'll try 240 miles again, but it's going to be difficult as I play a lot of tennis, and hate…
  • It was almost cold! The temp was coming down fast afternoon. I ended up going over 300 miles. I could have set the goal 10miles/day like last month. I did not know the weather holding up nicely for weekends, and had may fun rides with friends. Total: 306.97 Date Type Distance 09/03/13 Cycling 7.11 09/03/13 Cycling 9.22…
  • I bought a hybrid bike in May as a way of cardio recommended by my doc. I was a bit sick and didn't exercise for a while and gained weight. I hate running, and but found biking enjoyable, esp. with my friends. Now, I do bike commute. It made me kid again, reminding me I went everywhere biking when I was a kid. I've gotten…
  • The activity choices of Road Bike app are Cycling, Race cycling, Handbiking. I don't see "Road Biking". Are you talking about the difference between "Runtastic" and "Road Bike"? In terms of 400k cal difference, Is it the difference between Runtastic app and Road Bike app? Can you tell me the reported cals on both? If so,…
  • Done! Last night, I decided a bit extra ride so that I can smash the goal - 240 miles. My GPS software on iPhone (copilot) totally screwed me over. It wanted me to ride into the air force base. What's with that! Temp is getting cold - upper 40s. It was kind of a test run for my fall clothing. I bought a yellow cycling wind…
  • I was thinking no rides this weekend, but I changed mind last minute to go out with friends for a bike ride in Rhode Island. East Bay Bike Path is an excellent bike path. It was a great fun. Total: 224.49 / 240 9/3/2013 Cycling 7.11 0:33:18 9/3/2013 Cycling 9.22 0:35:02 9/4/2013 Cycling 7.14 0:33:03…
  • Last weekend was almost perfect weather for bike rides. On Saturday, I did another 40 miles ride that ends at a BBQ restaurant. I realized that I was very cold after the ride, and a hot shower felt really good. Sunday was warmer? 70 or so, and much better, but my left leg started to complain. That brings up to 156 out of…