I'm a fan of traction. So, I get trail type of shoes that are almost like cleats. They are heavier and not road user friendly (for long distance). Mind you, I do mountain running and trails that if I do not have any good traction I end up on my face or sliding on my butt (I'm talking really non-compact dirt, hay, sand type…
present because I like surface anatomy.
I'm not into sprints, but listen to gdyment and whoever said hills. If you don't have a gym you're safe with the following: carrying a bucket of rocks up and down a hill, pull-ups, and a 5k run nonstop, burpees. This will establish a strong base for your beginning race.
yes, but do you have a question about it? Technique issues? Remember this is the Fitness and Exercise thread.
if you find something you can stick with and are a social person then group classes is a great motivational factor to keep up with fitness.
I would be kind of wary about just visiting a "specialty" shoe store. Bear in mind people that work behind a desk of that store may be runners, foot advocates, and looove shoes. The problem; they have limited training of fully understanding the mechanisms behind your walking/running pattern. Seriously, in school we joked…
I feel better after working out.
youtube- Blogilates. bunch of pilates.
well.... I never had sciatica, so you may not want to hear from me. However, sciatica can be through a bunch of stuff: spinal stenosis, herniates disc, DJD, sacroiliac impingement, and the ever so famous piriformis syndrome. So one person's sciatica may be something else compared to yours. I would follow the protocol from…
I hate running, but that's kind of a big deal for obstacle course races (which I looove). Because I hate running I let everyone know that I am not a runner... however, the marathons, half marathons, 5ks, 10ks, 50ks--all make people assume I'm a runner. I would consider myself a runner if I enjoyed running and competing in…
you're not giving enough information for people to help. Are you losing weight in general? if not, despite your macros your numbers may be off and you may need to reevaluate (sucks to hear, but if something isn't working; doesn't make sense to keep going, right?). If it's just your lower belly fat... sometimes things take…
your heart rate compared to your target heart rate zone while on a stationary bike (best guess).
without goals or training knowledge we seriously do not know anything. Is it enough? IDK, is it enough for you?
err... /60 whatever your bodyweight is in kg. then times the result by 3.5MET then times each minute you jump..... For example my MET= .91 per minute x 3.5 (just what I get for jumping) x 30 minutes of non-stop jumping= 95.5 kcal total.
that everyone on this thread does selfies.
also know how to bail out.
All the time people ask if I'm a gymnast. #bigcalvesforlife
Agreed. It's amazing how many comments are advising OP to buy that stuff.
shout out to the fellow popsters out there: blogilates.
pinterest, youtube, google. HIIT: sky is the limit.
onto day 2!
I would utilize the web: sooo many youtube resources. Though you are utilizing the web by asking the question on what you can do, so good work... Youtube is great for a visual aid. The foam roller seems good for stretches and tension release. Really popular after being sore. There is technique for the back, leg, and even…
Pretty much. A good point is to prove what you can do. How you can handle different things. Beat a lift, speed, distance, any type of record. As well as OP mentioned... besides the health benefits... well, last time I checked health benefits was awesome and a huge point to do something.
I'm being totally rude over the internet. :(
cannot spot reduce. running is great for concentric calf work. edited: because sarcasm on the internet doesn't work.
heart rate monitor can help you out on that one. As well as other nifty gadgets that more mfp people can talk about.
old shoes = no bueno, get some new shoes (check with a physical therapist, doctor, or podiatrist if you need orthotics). try freezing a water bottle and rolling that under your feet as well (especially after inflammation). Highly recommend stretching as well:…