LadyoftheIron Member


  • Be proud, motmot21! You've taken the first step, the hardest step! I have 170 to go. I understand how daunting it is looking at those big numbers. Give yourself some mini goals. Focus on progress, not perfection!
  • Of course, but that doesn't really answer my question. Should one follow a diet and exercise program specific to weight loss? Or would following a figure/bodybuilding diet and exercise program while still obese be more productive? And is there much difference at all? And if so, what are the differences? And does anyone…
  • Hey there, I went to NYC to visit my sister last spring. Within hours I had HORRIBLE blisters... and another 5 days of insane walking to go. So I started googling. I found a podiatrist's blog (which I unfortunately did not bookmark) and followed his directions to take care of bothersome blisters. I went to the store and…
  • I hope you don't get excited to see a reply, but I want to know the answer to this, too. I'm quite worried about this myself, and if there's anything preventative I could do en route to getting to that point, that'd be great :)
  • Aw folks, thanks. I love the love around here. :)
  • I can FEEL your excitement! How awesome!
  • Ah, I prefer the cold to the heat any day haha. No good beaches around here either, unfortunately. I also like to bike ride, but I need a new bike as mine is broken. :( Other ideas?
  • Here's a quick link explaining mucus and dairy: While the petchonka82 is correct in that dairy doesn't cause an overproduction of mucus, it can and does cause a temporary thickening of the already existing mucus. Regardless of semantics, everyone understood what I was talking…
  • Wow, thanks for all the replies! I didn't plan on checking back soon due to the fact that the other posts I've made in this forum have gone unreplied. Anyway, I just developed allergies two years ago (to cats specifically). Never had a real problem with anything ever. Claritin, then Zyrtec. Haven't taken anything since…