

  • Eat too much
    in ABC game Comment by benny1152 April 2013
  • a little website called 'My Fitness Pal'
  • count me in!
  • I'm 5'8" at 15 years old and 137lbs so I don't know where to go from here because I can't get any accurate calculations so I'm thinking of it less like what weight i want to be and more like how much fat do I want to lose
  • When you feel that completing the sets may be easy and after finishing you feel "I could do more sets/reps" then you should increase the wait, there isn't a set routine for when to increase it will just happen naturally
  • -What's your name? Benny Clark -Where do you live? Hampshire, South East England -What are your food vices/ cheats? Coke -What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Motivation and Determination -What's your favorite exercise? Chest press -What exercise would you like to try this year? Anything that…
  • false TNP wanted to be a musician when they grew up
  • Agnostic but if I were to choose any religion to follow I think buddhism would be my choice :)
  • Need some more friends too! joined up a few days ago and only have one ahaha
  • Naturally lean? oh my god my brother is like that and I HATE it! I'm just here with a bit of a gut (slimmer than I used to be, mind) and there he is, doing bugger all and being very lean - cheers genetics. I'm 5'8 at roughly 137 lbs and I wouldn't really know where to start with supplements and whey protein and all that…
  • So I'm sort of new to this stuff, at the end of february I decided to try and take a more active interest in losing fat and gaining muscle/definition before going to (english) college in the summer, and I bought some weights as the gym is too expensive for teenage ruffians of the likes of myself and decided to get going. I…