stahlhaus Member


  • It's possible you need to start a bit higher, like 1500-1700. Your body can go into a "starvation mode" and make it hard to lose, not to mention makes it harder to stick with the plan. Keep with it though, and you'll likely see results. I know I had some plateaus and for several reasons: 1) I wasn't really making great…
  • Wrap in a damp paper towel, and microwave @ 30% for 1 minute. Then it will come apart and go in the toaster. Seems to avoid any toughness that way. Unless it's already freezer burned, but that usually doesn't happen unless it's been in the freezer a really long time (months & months).
  • There is a great website called Real Self where people post their own stories. I have learned a lot from reading others' experiences. They also rate their doctors, the staff, etc. but mainly tell their own stories from consult, pre-op, post-op recovery, etc. They have an app for Apple, but not Android. Best wishes to you!
  • One thing I haven't seen people mention is the inaccuracy of some My Fitness Pal foods. The catalog of foods is primarily just folks like us putting in the details (calories, protein, etc.). Some entries are wildly inaccurate. Look for the green symbol with a check mark that indicates it's been verified by MFP. Sometimes…
  • You arguably are getting plenty of activity with your workouts. Until August, I had been very sedentary and wanted to walk because it's a very simple thing for me that I can do at a time of my choice in regular clothes. In the past 4 months, I have walked 3-6 miles almost daily, often more if I'm busy outside of the formal…
  • People shuffling their feet when they walk, like zombies. Have a little pride and pick up your feet. Dumb thing to be irked by, but it bugs me!
  • Dallas, Texas. Hoping to visit United Kingdom sometime in 2014! Wonder how many MFP folks I will be passing on the street!:smile:
  • Mostly boredom is when I'll eat too much. When I eat the really bad stuff (cookies or fast food, etc.), if this makes sense...when I am so very busy I'll eat something to "reward" myself for the hard work I've been doing. I think we find coping techniques early on, and we've chosen food. Some people are alcoholics,…
  • I'm just trying to offer some perspective for the people who are criticizing your weight goal. I am 36 years older than you, but I remember where I was at 18. My height was the same as yours, but I wasn't finished growing. I added an inch between age 18 and 19. I probably weighed about 122 then, and looking back was very…
  • Love it. And if you'd met Chuck E. Cheese too, I bet your head would have exploded! Good one.
  • Congrats to you! I suck at pushups! By the way, what does NSV mean??
  • So sad how some people need others to feel bad so they can feel good. But you can't control what another person says or does, but you CAN choose whether to be in relationship with that type of person (most of the time).. A person who puts others down is a weak person, but only has power if others allow it. There's a quote…
  • OK, I'm old, so get ready: Babysitter (hated that) Cashier/Cook/Minnow Scooper/Worm Turner at a bait shop Transcriptionist for a gastroenterologist Various temporary secretary jobs through college Inside cargo sales at an airline Airline Marketing Rep Sales for telemarketing corporation Back to the airline--Charity Golf…
  • Congratulations! Sounds like a real attitude shift. I envy people who have taken up running; I have tried many times but either I don't know how to do it correctly or need to get stronger first. But I've found lots of other activities that DO agree with me. So happy for you. Keep us posted on how the 10K goes! :happy:
  • I haven't even considered taking hormones. No doctor has ever brought up the subject. However, I have had to change ob/gyn 2-3 times as two of them quit their practices or moved in the past 5 years. Haven't found a new one yet. Maybe I need to at least figure out what's going on there. I was used to wearing at least a size…
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I'll just keep going; I can be too perfectionistic and quit if I can't do things well. But the sticking with it seems to be the far better course to take this time! Thanks again!:smile:
    in Day 2 Comment by stahlhaus August 2013
  • I see your point, but I would LOVE MFP forever if they would put a banner at the top of their header that says: "You LOSE weight so your pants will be LOOSE" I mean, come on! I know you mean you want to LOSE a few pounds, not LOOSE. So "lose" the extra "o". OK? Rant over (climbing down from my soapbox). Thanks!
  • I'm pretty good with the weights and crunches, but I can't keep up with the jumping jacks or the back kicks, and horrible at the pushups (even modified). I'm more out of shape than I realized. I had to skip yesterday because I was SO sore. I see people here are sticking with it, and I will do that too. Maybe tomorrow I'll…
    in Day 2 Comment by stahlhaus August 2013
  • Did Day 1 today, and while I had multiple technical difficulties (DVD with TV wouldn't play, so I did it with my laptop), I feel pretty good. I was seriously winded on the kickbacks and some of the jumping jacks, and I'm really bad at pushups. But I have to believe that if I push through I will get better. Seriously...that…
  • I just bought the DVD. I'll start this week too. I've been walking only the past 2 months; I'm post-menopausal so the pounds aren't flying off. I'm trying to be focused on getting stronger, which I am. I'm hopeful that the extra flab around my middle will whittle down a bit doing the 30 Day Shred. That would make me very…
  • One of the things I said was a bit misleading. The WW food sold at meetings is just snack type things, plus oatmeal, smoothie mixes. You don't eat WW food like some other plans (Jenny Craig, etc.). It's just supplemental and totally optional if you want to buy it. Then there is the WW foods you can buy at grocery stores…
  • I'm in my 50's and I've done WW about 4 times. It's a great program, no doubt. There's something more accountable about knowing you'll be weighing in each week, and you can sometimes find friendships with other members. People also share tips on foods and recipes they've discovered. And the recipes on the WW site are very…