No results after months



  • Emisole
    Emisole Posts: 65
    I was 5' 6'' and I went from 158 to 131. I started by eating 1300 calories and I lost maybe one pound in a month. After I upped my calories to 1600, 1700, even 1800, I lost all the rest of the weight in 5 months. It does help to eat more for most people. You don't have to physically eat more FOOD, but try using calorie-dense foods like peanut butter. You'll never know if it works if you don't try.

    I was frustrated and not losing on 1250/1300 cals, so I upped and the results were great.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm trying to lose that last 13 pounds to get to my goal weight. I'm currently at a healthy weight, but am small framed and want to get to the bottom of my weight range - where I look and feel best. The thing about being close to your goal weight, is that you don't have any room for error. Also, to be healthy, you really can't have large deficits, so your loss will be VERY slow (frustratingly so). I do think you should eat a bit more. Try to at least get 1200 net calories a day. At first, you'll put on some water weight, but after a month, you should start losing again.

    As for toning up, try 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. I haven't lost any weight doing the program (day 24), but I've already lost 2.25" around my waist. I feel great about the way I look now, and may even give up on trying to lose more.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Your body fat percentage and the lean mass that you carry matter more than a so called "healthy range" in determining what you should weigh. You need to keep your lean mass, and you need to keep an amount of body fat that is healthy for a woman. If your weight bothers you this much, it's worth having your body fat percentage measured by the water displacement method. Then you will know, by an objective standard, what a healthy range is for your body, not for a statistical range of bodies.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    I wouldn't listen to anyone's advice who cannot take a good look at what you are actually eating and also isn't given a full report of your activity levels. "I have an active lifestyle and eat healthy" doesn't mean much and people are jumping to conclusions based on that alone.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    hidden eating disorder perhaps?

    Why don't you just go the whole way and point and laugh at her. Jesus.

    Um, no one is ridiculing her. It was a question. Overly sensitive much? You're also the one encouraging her to aim for an unhealthy lower weight, so I have to wonder.....

    err... 118lbs (her aim) is in the healthy range.

    Diagnosing people with mental illness or questioning people about mental illness across on an internet forum is dangerous and moronic. Bye. :-)
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Some people don't eat as much as others, I can't help it if I don't have the hunger and the need to eat like 1800 a day, and there's no way I'm going to force feed myself.

    I definitely don't advocate force-feeding yourself if you're not hungry, so why not try foods that are higher calorically (and healthy) but aren't so filling? Avocado, nuts, nut butter, salmon, olive oil to cook food etc. Then, you aren't overfeeding yourself, but you are getting the calories you need to be able to lift weights, do cardio, etc?
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    Assuming you keep your calorie counts accurate...i would suggest to try to Increase your calories, add a weigh lifting regimen. The scales might not change much but you will most likely shed some inches, tone up and look like you are at your goal weight. Your body is at a healthy weight as it is, and it probably likes it that way.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    sweety u have to increase your calories eat like every 3 hours healthy **** and pump some iron and sculpt your body! u don't need to diet especially 1200 cal u wont lose anything its too low!
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member

    hidden eating disorder perhaps?

    Why don't you just go the whole way and point and laugh at her. Jesus.

    Um, no one is ridiculing her. It was a question. Overly sensitive much? You're also the one encouraging her to aim for an unhealthy lower weight, so I have to wonder.....

    err... 118lbs (her aim) is in the healthy range.

    Diagnosing people with mental illness or questioning people about mental illness across on an internet forum is dangerous and moronic. Bye. :-)

    Maybe you should have read a bit further, before accusing me of something which I absolutely didn't meant to! Besides according to the calculator I have been checking her goal weight has a BMI of around 17, which is to our standards underweight!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    You are eating too few calories my dear. Anything below 1200 is not good! If you are already 140 pounds, why do you want to lose another 25? That would be too thin I think.
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    You seem like a really sweet person. I think that is why everyone is trying to help.

    I would agree with the person who said we are all shooting in the dark here. Without seeing what you are eating and what you do for exercise, everyone is just guessing.

    That said, here is my guess: macros? I don't eat meat and was using highly fatty protein sources (cheese, nuts). My fat was off the charts even though my calories were low (sometimes my fat was as high as 40-50% of my day!!!). Making some adjustments was helpful to me. Also, varying exercise. One can get in a rut. Shaking things up can really help...especially with things like tabatta, HIIT, etc.

    Lastly, why don't you friend me? I have no problem with you seeing my diary and would be happy to continue supporting you. I am a person who has always struggled with the last few pounds but who has had success occasionally. I would be happy to support you as you try new, healthy things to meet your goals.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Just because someone does not want to share their diary does not mean they have an ED plenty of people here do not share their diaries. Plenty of people who have had success. We have options here on MFP and choices and settings and things called privacy. While I agree its harder to give someone sound advice without seeing their diary...what I am seeing lately is a bunch of seemingly insecure women targeting these young girls..they do have a right to be here just as much as we do and ask questions........OP I believe if you haven't already tried ...adding protein, lots of lean meats, legumes and veggies to your diet you may want to do that plus add in some strength training and ditch some of the cardio and start building muscle..your going to need lots of energy for that so make sure your packing in that protein before you work out and after and drink lots of water ...they do have lots of smoothie recipes here on MFP if u use the search function...Good luck in your journey you look beautiful stay healthy..and strong
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I'll look at the link, thank you! :-)
    and yeah every little thing, its a little ocd of mine to know exact amounts of everything haha :-)

    And no I don't drink or go out to eat because of that reason

    If you want real help then please open your diary

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    How does anyone in this thread know what the OP is eating? Her diary is closed.

    There are certainly possibilities, but to outright state that the OP has an ED without knowing what she is eating and actually seeing pictures of her, not to mention speaking with her, is asinine.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    sweety u have to increase your calories eat like every 3 hours healthy **** and pump some iron and sculpt your body! u don't need to diet especially 1200 cal u wont lose anything its too low!

    why is eating every three hours "healthy"? Am I unhealthy, because I do not do that..???
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    How does anyone in this thread know what the OP is eating? Her diary is closed.

    There are certainly possibilities, but to outright state that the OP has an ED without knowing what she is eating and actually seeing pictures of her, not to mention speaking with her, is asinine.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    It is no wonder there is a lot wrong in this world, when people don't even know the difference between a statement and question anymore :ohwell:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You are eating too few calories my dear. Anything below 1200 is not good! If you are already 140 pounds, why do you want to lose another 25? That would be too thin I think.

    My wife is 5'7" (the same height as the OP), fluctuates around 120 pounds, almost 41, and is very fit. So many people here seem to have no idea what a healthy range of weight even is. We frankly have become so overweight in Western society that the frame of reference for what a "normal" weight range is has disappeared.
  • stahlhaus
    stahlhaus Posts: 23 Member
    I'm just trying to offer some perspective for the people who are criticizing your weight goal. I am 36 years older than you, but I remember where I was at 18. My height was the same as yours, but I wasn't finished growing. I added an inch between age 18 and 19. I probably weighed about 122 then, and looking back was very slender (but it was the 70's and almost everyone was pretty thin!).

    Other than that, I agree that you might be asking a lot of your body to eat that few # of calories. Just try to get active, experiment a little with the calories (reasonably healthy calories). MFP is a big place, with lots of opinions and varying "expertise". Try to focus on the best, and leave the rest. Good luck.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    It is no wonder there is a lot wrong in this world, when people don't even know the difference between a statement and question anymore :ohwell:

    Education has gone downhill in the past several years. There was nothing wrong with your question. We constantly see people on here who have EDs, so it's understandable to question that when you see red flags being displayed like in here.