

  • I'm new to California =) I live in Newhall/ Santa Clarita. I'd love to have some friends from around here =)
  • Don't post your age!! =( You're supposed to be 18 to be here.. Good job btw! You'll be glad you did it now rather than later!! =) Takes a lot to focus on weight loss that young.
  • This might just be the Best answer here =)
  • I had a similar issue.. I made a pouty face, and looked at him really concerned and told him I wanted him to be healthy. He was feeling like *kitten*, his stomach always hurt.. he was always tired.. so I told him I wanted to pick out some healthier dinner options when we went grocery shopping. We found some healthy snacks…
  • I'd tell the manager or something.. that is awful. Making people feel bad about themselves/ cry to get business.. Don't let that *kitten* get to you. You are at the perfect weight right now! =) Just continue to focus on being HEALTHY! You are far from fat!!
  • Thrift stores! =) If you are worried about maintaining your new weight.. you have to give up baggy clothes! They make it harder for you to tell when it starts to come back.. O.o or somewhere back in your subconscious you'll know you have baggy clothes and it'll be easier for you to put that weight back. =/ SO, get rid of…
  • O.O.. Wow. This is amazing!! You've done a kick *kitten* job!!!
  • I love water. I used to only ever drink sweet tea... That does have water in it but IMO it isn't enough.. plus you're also getting sugar and caffeine and all that.. I always felt thirsty, and I'd automatically for for the tea, or a soda or juice.. all of this does have water in it. BUT I still would feel thirsty.. My…
  • It isn't so crazy that some people like to do things the traditional way =) When I have kids of my own, I'd like to be a stay at home Mom. I don't wanna have babysitters and day cares raising my kids. That will mean I'll be at home doing the housework and he'll be out working and making money, that is fair to me.
  • It would not be right for me to choose just one. Honestly, I love them all. I usually go for the Absolutely Zero, or Lo-carb.. but my first love was the original Green Monster. =) I haven't seen them in awhile.. but there were the other flavors, I liked the yellow one.. not the rehab... I do like the Rehab ones =) MONSTER…
  • I was on any where from 900-1200 a day.. I too lost about 40 lbs, then it stopped. I started eating 1540 a day and lost 2 more lbs! =) Just make sure those are GOOD calories!
  • Ohhhhh... He scares the *kitten* out of me! :cry: But it is still so funny! My Baby brother was in the hospital and he and my boyfriend sat and watched this together to make him feel better :heart:
  • Drinking water is ESSENTIAL for EVERY function of your body. EVERY FUNCTION =) So you NEED it.
  • Sounds harsh... but I agree. It is SO easy to log. Ask ANY Dr, nutritionist, dietitian w/e. This is the way to lose weight. Don't wait, just do it. Once you do you'll see how/ why it is so important.
  • Funk =p I wear them twice.. before they get washed.. but that is just because I'm broke as f**k and try not to do as much laundry.. and honestly they don't stink after one work out.. and I stay inside my own house. So know one cares any way. I do the same with jeans too.. just because I try to cut down on how much laundry…
  • I don't have a cell phone at all.. Of course I would love to have one but I can't afford one either.. It is already hard enough eating and kind of paying the bills.. :noway: I don't see how other people that are always 'broke' too have cell phones. :explode: **Smart phones. Like the newest Iphone....
  • I was NOT a Law student.. I'm actually going back to school 2 years late.. :ohwell: BUT I just wanted to say that if you aren't HAPPY with it, don't do it :heart: You have to do what you think will make you happier in the long run. Life is too short! :bigsmile: On the other hand, law sounds like a very interesting thing to…
  • I actually continued exercise after getting my bellybutton pierced a few years ago =) I didn't do any crunches or anything like that.. mostly went walking til it healed up. Do stuff for your lower body.. take it a little easier until it heals! :smile:
  • Until someone proves me wrong... I see NO reason to fast. All it is gonna do is make you really grumpy and hungry. It is way better to learn a new healthy lifestyle!
  • I agree with this =) Unless you've got that sweet tooth.. then the soda would help.. but water is still a much better choice IMO :smile:
  • I personally don't think you should have to fast at all.. what are your reasons for it? :smile:
  • You should go pee on a stick to be on the safe side =) If your monthly is ALWAYS normal and then suddenly stops, I would def go to the Dr asap. If you did turn out pregnant, and would keep the baby.. you'd need to tone done your exercising.. which is why to be safe you should at least take a test =) Good luck! <3
  • My boyfriend works in produce at grocery store here.. OH MY GOSH. O.o I know more about these numbers than I need to.
  • I've never tried weight watchers.. but I know someone that has been doing it for a year.. I've hardly seen results from her. This thing I don't understand with WW is how can fruits be 'free'.. they do have calories and calories add up. I also don't see how you can really re-learn nutrition like that.. looking at the…
  • It isn't just rice.. =/ Do some research. They've found it in little kids apple juice.. :sick: There are no regulations or anything on this kind of thing.
  • This makes sense to me! =p I don't panic if I go over sugar (I stopped following it at all) if I had a banana and 2 apples. =)
  • My guy waited for me :heart:
  • I only ever drink diet when I really, really want a soda.. I feel like it is terrible for me when I do drink it.. =/ I do feel like I have more junk food cravings when I drink it! I just prefer no soda at all.. or very rarely.
  • The eating more thing is working for me so far =)
  • I wasn't 'morbidly' obese, but I was obese. I always knew what I was doing.. I saw myself getting bigger and I just didn't want to do anything. I tried a gazillion times and always found an excuse to not. I do have family that is to that point... I don't understand it either.. I see it every where and I just knew I…