Exercising after getting a tattoo? Help?

kareinlib Posts: 98
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Alright so I already have two tattoos, but I'm getting my biggest one to date on Wednesday - it will be on practically the entire inside of my right bicep.

I have been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (a cardio/strength circuit video that involves some weight lifting, pushups, jumping jacks, etc. with my arms), and I reallyyy would love to continue doing it throughout my tattoo healing process so I don't have to quit halfway through.

Anyone go through something similar or know anything about this?


  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314 Member
    I have been wondering the same thing.

    JRMGG Posts: 4 Member
    Depends. If you're doing something that can pull and stretch the skin where the tattoo is that's a bad idea, bad bad bad. After the first day or two you're gonna start to scab over a bit which will make your skin dry no matter how much moisturizer you pack on it. If you're stretching that area you're going to end up with a tattoo that needs touch-ups, I know this from experience. It's also a bad idea to get it sweaty, it's trying to heal and so should be kept as clean as possible for the first two weeks at least. Your sweat can definitely irritate it. If you can avoid using that arm too much and you're not much of a sweater than go for it.

    I have them all over, that's the only cred I have.
  • grendella
    grendella Posts: 158 Member
    do squats, deadlifts, planks, leg lifts etc instead. lower body.
  • I exercised soon after having one of mine done and sweated a fair bit of the ink out of it and onto my clothes .. live and learn eh.
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    I did high intensity aerobics the same day as i got my leg tatto - ankle to hip.

    Tryto ease off the area, and wear loose fitting clothing. Take some painkillers, and use a moisture rich anti septic such as savlon right before hand.
  • I actually continued exercise after getting my bellybutton pierced a few years ago =) I didn't do any crunches or anything like that.. mostly went walking til it healed up. Do stuff for your lower body.. take it a little easier until it heals! :smile:
  • wah, I was really excited about seeing my 30 Day Shred results, too, I've been consistent with it. :( Bummer.
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