JakeBrownVB Member


  • I'm not usually one for these motivational speech type threads, but for once I actually find myself nodding away throughout the entire post... dang. I thoroughly tip my cap to this.
  • Hello hello hello :smile: There's a flippant saying that you will notice in 6 weeks and everyone else in 8. But that's just a nonsense saying really, all depends on how much you lose and where you genetically lose it. All I would say is 1200 cals and 80 minutes of cardio a day? You can kiss goodbye to your muscle and in…
  • The biggest concern I see is you are using the term endo/ecto morph which is by and large a massive load of rubbish. You believe you build muscle in the gym and not lose fat? That doesn't make much sense at all. If you were in a defecit you would lose fat no matter what, you also wouldn't build muscle either so I get the…
  • The great myfitnesspal forum conspiracy of 2015... It's happening. Be careful Grace, if they know your onto them, they might come for you next. Watch out for the black holicopters, they could be there any minute.
  • True but this person is 17 stone so... OP should still be losing like 2-3 lbs a week tbh. Basically answer these questions OP and we can get to the route of your problem instantly: What is your TDEE? How many calories are you eating? Are you weighing/accurately recording all your food? Is there anything you don't count?…
  • Sucks to have thyroid removed but all that did was lower your TDEE. That simply means you have to consume less calories then you used to. Your body still works no differently to everyone elses. Best thing you can do is figure out your maintenance by tracking your nutrition and weighing yourself daily and then go from…
  • Basically the pretty much time tested truth is, the higher you go on the rep scheme (abover 12 or 15 for example) the greater the stimulus curves off and the less effective your workout becomes. Remember the purpose of weight training is to break down and tear muscle fibers and doing very high reps or not lifting heavy…
  • Bad carbs... oh sweet jebus I just cringed so hard, are people still saying this kind of stuff? No such thing. Really. Unless bleach has carbs in it, in which case I retract my statement.
  • haha juicing. I'm guessing your talking about drinking some kind of hippie fruity drink as opposed to what most bodybuilding/fitness peeps know "juicing" to be. Sorry to lol but just made me chuckle at the thought of you openly asking myfitnesspal members if they'd hopped on "dat dere". But yeah, give juicing a go, juice…
    in Juicing? Comment by JakeBrownVB May 2015
  • Well done mate, looking much better. Bet your looking forward to killing that bulk? God I love bulking!
  • Ben n Jerrys... that is all I will say on the matter
    in Bulking Comment by JakeBrownVB May 2015
  • Lmao, you make a post saying how you dislike people who talk in the forums argumentatively and aggressively, then write a post like this. Just read what you are saying. "Plus are all of you doctors? Lol" Sounds like mockery to me bro. You don't need to be a doctor to know what your talking about. Also, you are severely on…
  • you need to get your goals in check. What do you want? If you want to get toned as you describe then you need to build muscle (toned=muscle). To build muscle you need to get on those weights seriously which high rep low intensity workouts like you describe are categorically not I'm afraid. Men and woman build muscle in…
  • Nothing wrong with a girl with an appetite lol, it's the best IMO. My girlfriend maintains her weight on 2500 cals a day at 116lbs but that's because shes been lifting for some years. She used to be one of these 1200 cal cardio chickens you see clucking about these forums. Moral of the story, want to eat forever and not…
  • True. But some people do need that reality check. For example if everyone was nice and noone ever told me I was fat I would probably still be fat. If noone ever told me eating poverty calories and wasting endless hour on cardio was stupid I'd probably still be doing it. Tough love bro, sometimes its the best way.
  • Cardio and veggies... ain't nobody got time for dat lel. I'd rather spend my days day dreaming at hourly intervals about my next meal haha. That's the life
  • Ha yeah it's hard. I find everything hard tbh just because my appetite in general is bottomless and insane, that's why I used to be fat. I found it hard when I used to cut on 2k cals and bulk 3k... 2 years later I still find it hard when I cut on 3k and bulk on 4.5k. Honestly lol :smiley:
  • Do you hold the railing when you do it? In general holding on to the rail heavily (especially on the step machine) makes the exercise far easier. Alway laugh when people think they've burned like 2k cals in an hour on the step machine but they had there arms locked out and were micro-peddling their feet the entire time.…
  • Coz their an idiot... I've never done Keto but I'm not ignorant enough to refute a type of diet that has worked at even at the top levels of bodybuilding
  • Coz there an idiot... I've never done Keto but I'm not ignorant enough to refute a type of diet that has worked at even at the top levels of bodybuilding
  • asking people on MFP about starting a high protein high fat diet that includes eating cheese, bacon and all that other good sht on a regular is gonna get hilarious results. most women here dodge fats like the plague and get no moer thant 70g of protein lol. I say go for it, I have a mate who did it but couldnt stick it (he…
  • weight watchers is sht.. it focuses on making everything "simple" and hence the moment you stop you pile the weight back on because you are still utterly clueless about nutrition. ditch weight watchers and learn the hard lessons for yourself, it is the only way you will succesfully achieve the full lifestyle change you…