Lifting weights for fat loss. Help please.

Hey. I need to ask a few questions as im not sure what to do for the best. I started the 30 day shred a few months ago from using no weights and only doing the resistance exercises and no cardio to doing the full level 1.

The reason I was trying to lose weight in the first place was because I have excess fat on my tummy and on my hips. Unfortunately im skinny as a rake everywhere else. I have lost a tiny bit of fat between my legs and my outer thighs have increased in muscle. My arms actually have some muscle In them now. Not visible but I can feel it when I tense so I know its done my body some good.

It hasn't done a huge improvement to my stomach though. I know ive only just finishd level 1 but I was reading about people just doing weight training and finding they actually lost fat whilst weight training. Im very paranoid about losing any more fat from my already skinny areas. I have quite the flat pancake *kitten* lol Im scared of losing fat from there. So that's why im tempted to find out about what weight training can do specially for the bum, legs and arms.

Can anyone tell me if by weight training the legs, butt and arms I could still possibly lose the fat from my stomach? Would I have to be able to lift really heavy? I cant lift anything very heavy at all. I had to lift 1lb weights for level 1 30DS for most the exercises. I know when you weight train though to build muscle you lift heavy and less reps. Also im unsure about calorie intake whilst weight training. Can anyone help me ? :) Here are some stats of mine...

23, female, 115lbs , 5ft

Any help appreciated. Thankyou.


  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    If you lose more fat from your skinny areas, that's just how your body wants to lose fat. There's absolutely nothing you can do to change where you gain or lose fat.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    "It hasn't done a huge improvement to my stomach though. I know ive only just finishd level 1 but I was reading about people just doing weight training and finding they actually lost fat whilst weight training."

    It's really the only thing that's made any of my stubborn fat start to go away - especially my tummy!! . Plus it's amazing fun, and lifting heavy means lifting heavy for you. You start wherever you start and build strength from there. :)

    "Im very paranoid about losing any more fat from my already skinny areas. I have quite the flat pancake *kitten* lol Im scared of losing fat from there. So that's why im tempted to find out about what weight training can do specially for the bum, legs and arms."

    This won't happen. Squats will actually turn that pancake into something to shop for the perfect pair of jeans for! lol

    Please pick up Starting Strength and/or the New Rules of Lifting for Women. will love the results!!!

    Best of luck!
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    weight training builds muscle, sure you'll burn a few calories lifting weight... which if it helps you to be in calorie deficit then GREAT!

    It's having a calorie deficit that will burn fat, not resistance training.

    Here's a youtube video which explains it all
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    Unfortunately, spot-reducing is a myth. Our basic body shapes are in large part determined by genetics, and everyone responds differently to various exercise methods. However, that doesn't mean you should give up what you're doing. A mix of weightlifting and cardio is excellent for your overall health and that's what matters. Also, weights build muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn while resting. You should also try to use the heaviest weights you can safely lift. But you may have to accept the fact that you might always have some belly fat.
  • rem10210
    rem10210 Posts: 40 Member
    Lift Heavy! You will loose more fat, but you will build muscle and fill out those skinny areas (including your butt!) Squats and lunges especially will give you an awesome booty!
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    You can't spot reduce, and it's all about diet. Strength training while on a deficit will only allow you to retain your muscle mass while losing weight, unless you're totaly new to weight training you might get some newbie gains. Minimize muscle loss while losing weight will help you lower your bodyfat percentage and get rid of the fat around your stomich.
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    I know I cant choose where I lose fat but I just wanted to know if building muscle instead of doing cardio all the time will actually still burn some fat off and hopefully burn It off my belly last. (In reply to SailorKnightW)
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    "It hasn't done a huge improvement to my stomach though. I know ive only just finishd level 1 but I was reading about people just doing weight training and finding they actually lost fat whilst weight training."

    It's really the only thing that's made any of my stubborn fat start to go away - especially my tummy!! . Plus it's amazing fun, and lifting heavy means lifting heavy for you. You start wherever you start and build strength from there. :)

    "Im very paranoid about losing any more fat from my already skinny areas. I have quite the flat pancake *kitten* lol Im scared of losing fat from there. So that's why im tempted to find out about what weight training can do specially for the bum, legs and arms."

    This won't happen. Squats will actually turn that pancake into something to shop for the perfect pair of jeans for! lol

    Please pick up Starting Strength and/or the New Rules of Lifting for Women. will love the results!!!

    Best of luck!

    Thankyou for your positive words :) Im glad it worked for you! When you say lifting heavy for me. How heavy do we mean? How many reps would I need to be doing to build some muscle? Also how did you work out how many calories to eat a day? At the moment im eating at a deficit. Would I need to eat to maintain or up my calories? I still want to be able to lose fat but im unsure how that all works.

    Thankyou so much for the encouragement though and I will take a look into those articles or whatever they are (not really sure lol )

  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    weight training builds muscle, sure you'll burn a few calories lifting weight... which if it helps you to be in calorie deficit then GREAT!

    It's having a calorie deficit that will burn fat, not resistance training.

    Here's a youtube video which explains it all

    But is it possible to burn fat on a calorie deficit but build muscle? With heavier weights and lower reps? Thanks for the reply!
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    I know I cant choose where I lose fat but I just wanted to know if building muscle instead of doing cardio all the time will actually still burn some fat off and hopefully burn It off my belly last. (In reply to SailorKnightW)

    you cant lose fat to and build muscle at the same time. you need to chose wether you are cutting or bulking.. there is no in between. If you want to tone then you need to build muscle but that means holding onto that fat (or even increasing it, but not by much if you clean bulk) for a while longer. If you keep cutting (depending on the state of your lean muscle mass and where your body likes to lose fat) you may lose fat in the areas you want to, but there is no way of telling.

    Also, as soon as I hear "resistance training" I giggly like a little girl to myself.. why? because resistance training is for little girlys who think that you will see any noticeable improvements in body composition doing that rubbish. Dump resistant and go with a 5x5 heavy lifting routine.
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    Unfortunately, spot-reducing is a myth. Our basic body shapes are in large part determined by genetics, and everyone responds differently to various exercise methods. However, that doesn't mean you should give up what you're doing. A mix of weightlifting and cardio is excellent for your overall health and that's what matters. Also, weights build muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn while resting. You should also try to use the heaviest weights you can safely lift. But you may have to accept the fact that you might always have some belly fat.

    Im maybe considering doing 30 day shred maybe 3 times in the week and then add some weight training in maybe two days? Maybe that way I can get a good combination of muscle and fat loss? I know I cant make my fat come off from my belly but I would like to try anything possible to help myself achieve that. Thanks for the input :)
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    You havnt mentioned much about your diet, which could have a very large factor in regards to the excess tummy fat.

    Avoid any complex carbs i.e. white breads, also avoid any fizzy drinks and alcohol.

    All of these contribute to tummy fat and bloated tummys, maybe evaluate your diet also and change things up to see whether your tummy begins to flatten.

    Make sure that you have enough fibre in your diet by eating cereal such as weetabix to ensure you are not left bloated and are releasing your bowels regularly!
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    More muscle in any area burns more calories all day long. Meaning less body fat all over.
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    I know I cant choose where I lose fat but I just wanted to know if building muscle instead of doing cardio all the time will actually still burn some fat off and hopefully burn It off my belly last. (In reply to SailorKnightW)

    you cant lose fat to and build muscle at the same time. you need to chose wether you are cutting or bulking.. there is no in between. If you want to tone then you need to build muscle but that means holding onto that fat (or even increasing it, but not by much if you clean bulk) for a while longer. If you keep cutting (depending on the state of your lean muscle mass and where your body likes to lose fat) you may lose fat in the areas you want to, but there is no way of telling.

    Also, as soon as I hear "resistance training" I giggly like a little girl to myself.. why? because resistance training is for little girlys who think that you will see any noticeable improvements in body composition doing that rubbish. Dump resistant and go with a 5x5 heavy lifting routine.

    I hear you! Well not sure if I said resistance but i don't really have any muscle at all in my whole body. Ive definitely gained some from doing the 30 day shred and i guess that's what you would call resistance its light weights and higher reps. But i see what you are saying. I know nothing of weight training so im just trying to get a fuller picture on what it can do for me.
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    You havnt mentioned much about your diet, which could have a very large factor in regards to the excess tummy fat.

    Avoid any complex carbs i.e. white breads, also avoid any fizzy drinks and alcohol.

    All of these contribute to tummy fat and bloated tummys, maybe evaluate your diet also and change things up to see whether your tummy begins to flatten.

    Make sure that you have enough fibre in your diet by eating cereal such as weetabix to ensure you are not left bloated and are releasing your bowels regularly!

    this needs to be taken with a serious pinch of salt.. anyone can get bloated from downing a bottle of diet pepsi but complex carbs, insulin spikes and all this other trash that supposedly "promotes belly fat" has been long thrown out as garbage.
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    You havnt mentioned much about your diet, which could have a very large factor in regards to the excess tummy fat.

    Avoid any complex carbs i.e. white breads, also avoid any fizzy drinks and alcohol.

    All of these contribute to tummy fat and bloated tummys, maybe evaluate your diet also and change things up to see whether your tummy begins to flatten.

    Make sure that you have enough fibre in your diet by eating cereal such as weetabix to ensure you are not left bloated and are releasing your bowels regularly!

    My diet usually goes...

    Breakfast - wheatabix with milk and odd occasion i have fruit and fibre.

    Snack - About two hours after breakfast i will usually have a tiny snack on a banana or maybe some yoghurt.

    Lunch - Usually whole meal bread to make a sandwich with ham or bacon. With cucumber, tomato sometimes red onion.
    Some days i have a bowl of tomato soup with a slice of whole meal bread.

    Snack - Between Lunch and dinner time i may have two small snacks within an hour or two of each other. Fruit, yoghurt and if im feeling really hungry i let myself have some breakfast cereal bar i love. About 140 calories.

    Tea time - I live with my mum and she piles plate up with at least 3 diff veggies! Usually always have a whole breast of chicken or some kind of meat and a couple potatoes.

    Late night snack - I do try not to snack after tea but i usually feel too hungry to get through the night without one. So i try have
    something like a carrot or two or just something non stodgey.

    I don't think my diets bad but tbh i haven't got the money to go all fancy and buy a lot.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You havnt mentioned much about your diet, which could have a very large factor in regards to the excess tummy fat.

    I agree with this part, but for different reasons.

    Make sure your calorie deficit is small. Very small. Or even eat at maintenance since your weight is already low. Aim for a lot more protein than MFP suggests.... I'd suggest about 90g a day. Aim to reach your fat goal. And fill the rest with fruits, vegetables and whatever other carbs you enjoy. Then track your progress through photos instead of the scale.

    When I lost weight not eating right (too much of a deficit, not good nutrition), I lost a good deal of muscle along with the fat. As a result, I had ribs that showed, but still had a muffin top and mushy thighs. This time around, eating right and strength training, I'm two sizes smaller at the same weight, because I've lost primarily fat while keeping muscle.
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    I forgot to add i do drink diet coke i had to stop myself drinking normal coke cause im pretty sure that is what led to me gaining this belly fat. It was my sort of comfort food. I suffer with depression and I consumed a heck of a lot on a daily basis so i forced myself to having diet coke. I haven't gained weight from drinking it too so i dont think im doing harm but i could be wrong.

    I drink about 2 litres of water a day now aswell.
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    I worked out on some calculators i needed to go below 1200 to lose fat whilst working out! and i have read that could be bad for a woman. Im sure i eat more than that everyday though. It doesn't help living with parents when they are planning the meals everyday.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    OP, I recommend joining the "Eat., Train, Progress" group on MFP. There is a lot of great information there on weight training. I think it will answer all of your questions and concerns. Also, the mods are very helpful and knowledgeable.

    All I can say is lifting heavy will be beneficial for anyone. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about lifting out there. People tend to imagine the Arnold Schwarzenegger type people and big football players (American) are the only ones that lift heavy.

    Yes, you will burn fat lifting if you are in a calorie deficit. Figure out your TDEE and subtract by 15% to as a starting point.