JakeBrownVB Member


  • Personally I dont find my TDEE changes that much between summer and winter. Was on 3100 cals from summer to winter and consistantly lost 0.5lb a week.
  • Yep, doesn't matter. Get your protein, your healthy amount of fats and let carbs fall at an amount that gives you the optimal amount of energy. Some people have better energy on low carb. Most and me included, do well on a sizable amount of carbs (around 50-60% is the common norm)
  • Why don't you just eat in a deficit then?
  • I'm curious. What "health reasons" would require someone to have to go low carb. I've never heard of an illness that required that before
  • A pound of fat in the human body stores approx 3,500 cals. You need to be in a defecit of 500 calories a day to lose 1lb of fat. The defecit is the number of calories your eating below your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). If your eating 1300 calories and lets say your TDEE is 1950 (purely for example), then you are…
  • What you eat does not matter in terms of weight loss, it can however make it very difficult to track. Most people tend to eat the same kinds of food on a regular basis, but if you happen to change alot then your sodium intake will vary which can lead to peeks and drops in your water weight which can skew your results and…
  • Tone up = Build muscle = Caloric surplus/recomp Lose weight = Lose fat = Caloric deficit Two different goals, can't really do them simultaneously.
  • You will lose it a bit but if you want the truth, you will probably keep the stomach and end up skinny-fat at the end of your cut. I know that's not what you want to hear but that is how it goes for most guys I know. Happened to me, I was like 220lbs and really fat (especially gut, IT WAS HUGE!), I cut allllll the way down…
  • Go back to how you was eating before... if it weren't broken... don't try to fix it.
  • Yep very possible and not a problem. It's just your water weight/glycogen levels going up. Nothing major. I put on 16lbs in one week.
  • Cool well you might aswell go eat junk now because the road to getting good results is always slow and loooooonnnngggggggg. Either get the mindset to deal with that fact or go bomb some cals now because it won't ever change. This is a lifestyle, not a 2 or 3 or 5 month goal I'm afraid. How slow is slow anyway?
  • DOM or should I say DOMS is "delayed onset muscle soreness"... bascially when you get really achy 2-3 days after doing the workout. Typically happens when you miss a week or two of lifting and especially when you do very high volume workouts. Yeah by all means doing those kind of exercises won't be completely useless by…
  • Firstly I assume you don't mean 100 in one go. Secondly doing reps ranges high teens and above in ANY exercise is pretty much always utterly ridiculous as it has long been tried and tested at being useless in building muscle. To do that many reps of an exercise you must be using a weight that is very light and you can lift…
  • Lifting is perfectly safe and... No there is nothing else you can do to build muscle other than lift.
  • Look Kirstio, whether you secretly know what you are doing wrong, don't know what you are doing wrong or simply don't want to except you are doing something wrong as far as weighing and tracking your calorie intake CONSISTENTLY. The FACT is the problem does lie with you and not your body. Your body has not miraculously…
  • Save calories to eat at night. Exercise the willpower not to eat at night until you stop getting the craving to do so. Simple really.
  • If you are honestly the height and weight you say you are and have been exercising as frequently as you say you have while only eating 1200 (or even 1600-1800) for 5 months AND you have not lost any weight. Personally I would suggest you let scientists test you because your DNA quite literally hold the cure for world…
  • You need to chill lol. You've gone from 9 and a half to 10 stone. Hell when I started my third bulk two weeks ago I jumped up nearly 15lbs in one week lol. You ask what can you eat to get down to 9 and a half stone. The answer is eat lard, eat crisps, eat sweets, it doesn't matter. The only way your getting back to 9 and a…
  • Can of diet coke. Sorted.
  • How long have you not been losing weight? If it is longer than 2-3 weeks then you are miscalculating your calories because at 225 it is virtually impossible for you to legitimately stall. If it is less then its just fluctuations and you may expect a fairly large drop soon
  • First things first you need to calm down, you seem to be obsessing too much about it. Secondly, everyone is heavier in the evening then they are in the morning, its water weight/glycogen levels. Thirdly, you said you went up to 123lbs like it was a bad thing. At 5 foot 9 that is still on the light side. Your aim should be…
  • You're thinking way too much about it OP. Just eat natural with a lean towards getting more protein than you normally would if your lifting those weights.
  • Sodium has no bearing on losing weight, except of course if you are referring to water weight. Also, just because your going to a restaurant doesn't mean you can't eat impulsively. Just tally it up later. It sounded good natured but I don't really understand the point of this post lol.
  • Average 300ml portion is like 40-45g with milk so he'd have to drink like 5 of them. That would be horrendous.
  • ha yea, my cutting phases would last like two weeks instead of 4ish months. That would be the nuts.
  • Skinny fat is basically the predicament people get themselves in when they only focus on losing fat as fast as possible and neglect all thoughts of maintaining or preserving there muscle mass. It's when you end up being ridiculously low in weight and scrawny but still unhappy because your stomach, legs, arms and other…
  • hehe, I make stevencloser look like he doesn't even lift. Nom saiyan?