JakeBrownVB Member


  • I can lose 20 lbs in three days if I wanted. 90% of it will just be water and glycogen though and I will only be bombing my energy levels and screwing myself over and so will you. The only kind of diet you want to be looking at is the one that puts you in a sustainable caloric deficit. Trust me, back when I first started…
  • Your only eating 1,000-1,200 calories. Unless you goal is to acquire a third world looking physique or you are a 4 foot midget, yes you are eating too little. Assuming you keep those cals up and don't life weights, your on that one way ticket to skinnyfatville. Seen it a hundred times. Put the cals up and don't rush, how…
  • Basically protein powder mixed with milk, other stuff and Xanthan gum. Turns into this really big bowl of fluffy whip stuff that fills you up soooooo much. A 300 calorie bowl of this and you will feel like you've just had an entire dinner lol.
  • hahahahahahahah... this was honestly some of the dumbest statements I've heard in a while. Kind of wondering if you are trolling but I have a feeling your not. Dude you really need to go do some learning because you are soooo misinformed you wouldn't believe. It's actually all about the calories you eat not the food choice…
  • if you've never had protein fluff before. Give that ago, fills you up like mad. Not had it in donkeys though
  • You don't need whey. You don't need casein. You don't need 220g of protein a day. You don't need to worry about a 'broken metabolism'. No it's not ok to substitute meals for shakes, you will be missing a lot of the other essential amino acids, not to mention downing shakes with ridiculous amount of protein won't actually…
  • At your size, you weren't gaining weight on 2400 calories, fact. You are simply doing something wrong and I expect it is either fiddling around with your calorie intake too much and fluctuating your water/glycogen levels, or you have not given it enough weeks/months and/or consistency. Pick a number, stick with it, weight…
  • I'm guessing: A. Your young, aka under 25. B. Your relationship is less than 1 to maybe 2 years old. C. This is your first real relationship. You have listed possibly the worst reasons to want to get in shape and unless you find some other motivation, your going to quit I guarantee it. Because those insecurity issues you…
  • Protein on a cut is even more important than on a bulk, real talk :smiley: Personally the best price to calories to protein ratio I ever found in a powder when I am cutting is matrix anabolic powders. However Paying a TINY bit more and with TINY bit less protein to cals ratio, I usually always get bodybuilding warehouse…
  • Sophie Gray is your typical hippie nutrition nut that panders to woman's often misinformed views on losing weight. Rambling on about clean eating and making out like losing weight is more than simple energy balance when it really is not. Her workout programs are also laughable, talking about 'sculpting' in unrealistic…
  • The guy is 452lbs at 6"4, I can very easily believe his BMR is 3,740. OP, in your case eating below your BMR will not be a bad thing. Stick to your plan it sounds solid.
  • 60-80% of which will be glycogen/water weight and not actual fat. Just saiyan. I lost 16lbs in one week lol. Honest truth. (Also gained 22lbs in one aswell heh) OP, it's very simple, calories in vs calories out. Learn it, embrace it, live by it. Find your maintenance (TDEE), eat less than it. If you want to know how to…
  • Too much to explain in one thread. It's going to take many many hours of researching and educating yourself until you are clued up and fully 'bro-science' free. Go read some articles and guides on the internet, take a pro-active approach to learning and come back when you have more specific questions.
  • 3lbs? Time to up them cals. Lol jk. Though actually if it was me I would.
  • Lol I had a mate who couldn't figure out why he wasn't losing weight for 2 months. Then one day I saw him eating this HUGE plate of rice and chicken and I was like "dude, how are you fitting that in your macros". And he replied by saying this massive heaped plate of rice was only 350 cals. Found out the plonker was…
  • Could be water weight influx. I imagine if you are going low carb your fats are much higher now and your diet in general so that could easily cause an influx for various reasons, increase in sodium etc. I don't know where this number 1200 comes from lol. Did someone one day just decide to pull it out of a hat or something?
  • Unless you are non-natty, theres no reason to be getting over 200g of protein but whatever. Won't do you no harm. As for meal timing, spacing, frequency etc. Doesn't make the foggiest bit of difference. Eat every hour on the hour. Eat 3 times a day. Eat 8 times a day. Eat everything 20 minutes before you go to bed.…
  • Personally I don't give much of a damn anymore, I rarely even look at my fats and carbs lol. I log in Plonk my foods in Check how many cals I got left Either proceed to cheer or weep Check if I got dem protonz on deck Either proceed to cheer or weep again (nobody wants to have 300 cals left and 50g of protein still to hit,…
    in ITFYM Comment by JakeBrownVB May 2015
  • Well it does but I will simplify it for you. Basically the proteins, carbs and fats logged against foods in MFP can very easily be inaccurate ( :open_mouth: shocker!) and OP's situation is not impossible to be in. You can set a carb, fat and protein target and find due to inaccuracy's that you have hit all your macro…
    in ITFYM Comment by JakeBrownVB May 2015
  • What needs explaining? ... snickers
    in ITFYM Comment by JakeBrownVB May 2015
  • Even if this is accurate and true OP, so what if you hit your macros with 500 cals left according MFP? It isn't like there is a 'max' on your macro's so just go eat more lel.
    in ITFYM Comment by JakeBrownVB May 2015
  • Depends if its done with milk or water. If its milk, yeah I agree it does seem low. If it is water, I'm surprised it taste nice because protein powder with water always tastes like butt hole.
  • Not had that problem in years but when I first lost weight (60lbs) it took me like 7 months and at about the 4th month I hit a hard wall. I know people are going to hate me saying and I am not suggesting you do this at all *wink wink*, but this is what worked for me. Me and my girlfriends brother (who had also been cutting…
  • Guy here... just popping in to make sure everythings in check... Yep. Seems to be. Good good. I'll be on my way then.
  • Hmmm solid. Only thing I can think to attribute it to is water weight then, any increases in sodium? change in diet? change in exercise/hydration? Stalling at 17 stone when you are clearly in a 1k cal deficit is odd but perhaps it has happened. Just take comfort in knowing that if you have indeed eating and stuck to the…
  • Ok... turns out I don't want spanx... :joy:
  • Ha made me lol. No clue what spanx is but I think I would like some. Yes. I would like some spanx
  • There is, can't think of the names right now but my gf who is the PB lover got this powdered stuff you mix up into something similar to PB. But tbh it's not the same and I don't think you will find any replacement that you will realistically like on an equal level. Just twiddle your macros and make it fit! You know you can…
  • This. You can't decide where you lose fat, it's genetically predetermined and no hippie remedy will change that I'm afraid
  • Although if you had replaced 'cheeseburger' with 'ben n jerry's', I would have flung it sky high :smiley: