Mexie1 Member


  • Not much to add advice-wise. Just to say I wouldn't rely too much on BMI, especially as you are short. According to a new BMI scale, your weight is in the 'normal' range for your height at 19.9 (there are 14lbs in a st). This is not completely validated as it's new, but the old system is not great either.…
  • Eat breakfast - I just can't face food in the morning - if I force it, I feel a lot hungrier throughout the day Go to the gym/exercise even if you don't feel like it, you'll be glad you did - nope, I will have a poor workout and feel shocking Eat before exercising - anything more than a few sips of liquid in my stomach and…
  • Apparently not lol
  • First three I am a big 14, between 153 and 159lbs. Second three I am a 12, between 126 and 129lbs. I am 5'5". Can't get them to show but you can see them on photobucket. [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img]
  • If you need any treatment other than surgery, you may well lose your appetite and lose weight unintentionally. The recovery from surgery can be pretty taxing too. You can cope with treatment better if you keep your weight up a bit.
  • Sorry if someone's already mentioned it, but the OP's approach to weight loss and fitness, as evidenced by her statements in this thread, strikes me as pretty unhealthy - both physically and psychologically. I can't say 'well done on your loss' to someone who is working out on injuries, not eating enough and engaging in…
  • Well you asked for opinions lol I respect the dedication but it's not for me - like you say, not everyone likes the same look
  • I prefer ecto without the muscle. I like skinny, androgynous men best and I prefer big-but-not-muscly over muscly. All of the original pics are too muscly for me.
  • Once, this time. I have previously lost 24lbs and 17lbs to get to the same weight as I am now.
  • Height - 5'5" Weight - 126-127lbs Shape - hourglass, small frame, not lean/muscular Size - UK12 Neck - 12" Bust - 36"/30G Waist - 27" Hips - 36" Upper arm - 11" Forearm - 8.5" Wrist - 5.5" Thigh - 21.5" Calf - 12.5" Ankle - 7.5"
  • I'm doing the same as OP today, except I went to M&S yesterday, meaning we have a nice feast for today! Breakfast - half a coronation chicken sandwich (I don't do breakfast food) Lunch - prawn layered salad Dinner - extra lean minute steak, asparagus tips, tenderstem broccoli Snack - wasabi peas
  • I'm keen to hear too. I have had a really bad clicky jaw on the right for probably 15 years. It doesn't cause any problems with locking, but I have a bad habit of cracking it all the time. I'm trying to treat it through habit reduction but it starts to hurt and stiffen up if I don't click it, so I can imagine needing an op…
  • I'm 36-27-36, 30G and wear a UK12. I find most clothes are designed for straight-up-and-down bodies and don't suit me. Losing weight hasn't made any difference.
  • BA & MA Natural Sciences D.Clin.Psych.
    in degrees Comment by Mexie1 September 2012
  • I maintain on around 1400-1500. I lose a bit less than 1lb a week on 1100. I only exercise once or twice a week and don't want to increase that. I do weights for strength and fitness benefits but I'm not interested in getting a lean look. My goal is 8st 7lb (119lb) as this is the weight I sat at as an adult before gaining…
  • H&M are terrible! I'm a comfortable 12 now, but a lot of their size 16 shorts are too small for me. I tried on some trousers recently - a 14 were massive and baggy, wouldn't stay up; a 12 were so small I couldn't get them past my thighs. I don't trust the sizing in any shops really, if I like something I'll try on the one…
  • Thanks for an interesting post. I am currently on a break after a 3 month plateau with 10lbs to my goal, which is quite low (BMI would be 19). I started with eating at what I believe to be my maintenance calorie level for one month (from experience I have found that BMR and TDEE overestimate what I need). I then had 10…
  • Also from the UK, so don't know a lot of them 1. pop tart Apple and cinnamon I think - not had one for probably 15 years though 2. doritos Cool original - don't really like them though 3. cheez its Never had them 4. jolly rancher Orange - the only orange-flavoured thing I actually like 5. starbust Red 6. variety of…
  • I'm 5'5" and currently 128lbs. I don't look slim yet, still curvy with wide hips and 30G bust. My body fat is 25-26%, measurements 36-27.5-36, small frame and I wear a UK12 (US8?), or 30-32" waist jeans. From my reading on this site, I seem to be an unusually low weight for my size - loads of people are smaller than me…
  • I have to eat what I am given/what I take, even if I am full, wasting food is worse than eating too much. I need extra food/calorie-dense food to fuel my brain when working hard academically and under stress.
  • Cut out take-aways (Chinese or Indian food delivered to the house from a take-out shop not a restaurant). We used to have at least one, often two a week. I've not had a Chinese all year, only had one Indian and it made me feel really ill, I think because I ate too much and I'm not used to so much fat. I really miss my…
  • I did a 12 hour hiking thing recently and thought I'd better eat a big meal the night before - big mistake - it made me feel really sick and just sat in my stomach all night and all the next day during the hike and it was really hard to eat anything all day. I couldn't stomach breakfast at all, had an ice lolly after about…
  • Bread. Pasta. Rice. Noodles. Cereals. Pastry and therefore pies. Cheesecake. Biscuits/cookies. Chocolate. Coffee.
  • If you consistently undershoot your target cals, maybe manually change your target to a couple of hundred higher. I prefer to overshoot by about 200 a day (don't really know why) so I brought my target down by 200. You could also buy your non-perishable staples such as crisps in bulk and take them to work. I too spend time…
  • Breathe out fully, then breathe out some more, then breathe out some more - really contract the lower abdomen and get it all out. Works for me but it's hard to do when I am breathing heavily through exercise.
  • Been meaning to do something like this for ages! 1998 - age 16 - left school - 112 2000 - age 18 - finishing college - 119 2001 - age 19 - gap year working - 126 2002 - age 20 - uni 1st year - 133 2003 - age 21 - uni 2nd year - 140 2004 - age 22 - finishing uni - 150 dieted to 126 2005 - age 23 - working - 133 2006 - age…
  • Wonderbra Ultimate strapless bra with 'hand support'. Try on a load of different sizes, not just the size you think you are. I ended up in completely different size to usual but it is very supportive. It has a wide band under the bust which I have always wanted but never found before except in corsets.
  • I'm 5'5", started at 159lb UK14, now 128lb UK12. I expect to be still be a 12 at my goal 119lb, maybe some 10s. Current measurements at 128lb: Bust 37 Waist 27 Hips 36.5 Measurements at 140lb (3 months ago): Bust 39.5 Waist 28.5 Hips 39.5 I think I tend to be a bigger size than my weight would suggest. From looking at…
  • It may be different in the US, but in the UK Diet Coke and Coke Zero taste very different. I can tell immediately on tasting it whether I have been given diet , normal or zero. If I get normal coke when I asked for diet/zero I will send it back. When I was in the US I noticed Coke tasted much more caramelly and much…