What's on the menu/cards today? (UK)

Morning all! Hope it's a lovely sunny Sunday where you are. I'm just chilling in front of the tv at the moment, but will shower and dress soon, then walk to the supermarket (long way round maybe), pick up some bits n pieces for dinner, then back to watch the Grand Prix highlights this afternoon (NB. I don't know what happened, please don't tell!!) So my day is looking like:

B: Egg fried in spray oil, two smoked bacon medallions, two WW toast and light spread
L: Undecided....Something cheap that I have in already!
D: Making mushroom risotto for my flatmate, my current favourite thing after the tomato risotto triumph on Friday!

What is everyone up to today?



  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Beautiful day here on the NE edge of Scotland too, have walked and swum already and DH is doing a hill race this afternoon so will go and support him in that. Food wise

    Pancakes for breakfast
    White bean salad for lunch
    Butternut squash pizzas for tea

    and tons of stuff in between to eat up my exercise calories and boost my protein intake
  • geecee77
    geecee77 Posts: 149 Member
    Just had cereal for breakfast.

    Not sure on lunch, depends what my other half is up to, either a sandwich, soup or something on toast.

    Dinner will be roast beef, spring greens, carrots, and either home made roasties and gravy, or cauliflower cheese as am trying to lower my carbs of an evening.
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I'm in North East England, its a lovely sunny day. I've just got home from the gym and had fruit and yogurt for breakfast. Next stop Tesco! Exciting eh? Once I've done my food shopping I will decide what else I'm having to eat today. Have a great day everyone :smile:
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Sunny but freezing here in Cambs.
    Breakfast , semolina with banana cinamon and bown sugar, ( looked like baby food but i needed something that would stay hot)
    Lunch , leftover spagetti with tomato sauce, green tree and olivs
    Dinner, pizza ( if we remember to b cheese) with olives, corn and soysage.

    We should be going climbing this afternoon, so i'll burn the pizza off before i eat it.
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    I am suffering a little from the wine flu this morning! Had half a can of baked beans and sausages with a poached egg for breakfast... The crisps in the cupboard are calling me!
  • chappers2
    chappers2 Posts: 4 Member
    Morning all! Hope it's a lovely sunny Sunday where you are. I'm just chilling in front of the tv at the moment, but will shower and dress soon, then walk to the supermarket (long way round maybe), pick up some bits n pieces for dinner, then back to watch the Grand Prix highlights this afternoon (NB. I don't know what happened, please don't tell!!) So my day is looking like:

    B: Egg fried in spray oil, two smoked bacon medallions, two WW toast and light spread
    L: Undecided....Something cheap that I have in already!
    D: Making mushroom risotto for my flatmate, my current favourite thing after the tomato risotto triumph on Friday!

    What is everyone up to today?


    B: Golden Syrup Oats so Simple
    L: Roast Pork Dinner
    D: No idea yet!

    Going to try to get to the gym at some point for a hours session - have a good day :)
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    1. Porridge with banana and a pear cut up into it - with skimmed milk

    2. roast lamb with potatoes, parsnips, gravy, carrots, brocolli and cauliflower - followed by a Muller Light Greek Yoghurt (oxymoron that - "Low Fat Greek Yoghurt")

    3. dunno - "She whom it is probably best on the whole that she should be obeyed" hasn't told me yet. My diary is open if the suspense is killing you later

    4. Do I have to log the communion wafer and sip of wine earlier this morning ?
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Lovely and sunny here in Kent!

    For breakfast I had cereal.
    Lunch is a sandwich and some low fat crisps.
    Dinner is beef in ale which is currently in the slow cooker, with sprouts and roast potatoes.

    And today I am cleaning the oven, the bathroom, upstairs of the house, varnishing my kitchen cupboards to hide some scratches and finally doing 30ds. Busy busy!
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Well I woke up late - dogs slept with me last night and for once, they slept in so managed to miss breakfast which I don't mind doing as it makes managing my calories for the rest of the day a doddle

    Off out shopping so
    L = sandwich grabbed on the run
    D = chicken breast with roast broccoli - yum

    I'm having to stop myself form having pad thai for the 4th time this week - ever since I discovered shirataki noodles I've been using them all the time and I don't want to burn myself out.


    Zero calories. Oh sorry what was that you said? HOW many calories? Yes, that's right - ZERO! So now I can 'carb' out without the carbs and the calories. Check out your local chinese supermarket - I found mine in the chiller cabinet. There's a great thread on here about how to prepare them. I'm going to be looking like a pot of pad thai by the end of this :)

    Have a great, sunny day wherever you are!
  • Mexie1
    Mexie1 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm doing the same as OP today, except I went to M&S yesterday, meaning we have a nice feast for today!

    Breakfast - half a coronation chicken sandwich (I don't do breakfast food)
    Lunch - prawn layered salad
    Dinner - extra lean minute steak, asparagus tips, tenderstem broccoli
    Snack - wasabi peas
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    have a family birthday party for my son and husband (son had friends party yesterday).

    Have made a black forest gateau inspired cake - 3 layers made from brownies. Sandwiched with whipped cream and a cherry with kirsch filling. Covered in a basic ganache (dark chocolate and cream). I have topped it with some kirsch soaked chocolate covered cherries from Hotel Chocolat.

    Usually I make buffets from scratch but tiredness/work, not enough time and making 2 birthday cakes (boy had his yesterday) so have bought loads of stuff from morrisons and lidl. Made some garlic bread from leftover baguettes from yesterday and some romesco sauce for a dip but everything else is packet - quiches, pork pie, cheeses, cooked meats, bread, potato salad, general salad stuff, pickles, crisps and dips.

    B = hard boiled egg, needed something but didn't want much.
    L = buffet and cake
    D = pick at leftovers probably.

    Went out for dinner last night as well, had party food for lunch. Have told kids that they can eat whatever this weekend then back to good eating on monday. Trying to stick to maintenance calories. Will also be drinking (cider).

    Nom nom nom :drinker:
  • Vicki685
    Vicki685 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm going to be peering out through the window out the sun whilst studying for an exam. Foodwise it will be:

    B - Frosties and skimmed milk
    L - Vegetable hotpot soup (I really should find a recipe to make my own)
    D - Quorn fajitas and a cornetto
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,719 Member
    Please post your tomato risotto recipe.

    L: Hubby and I have weekend ritual to share a pizza locally. Have eaten at virtually every pizza joint in Shoreditch/Hoxton if you ever need a recommendation. Will go back to our favorite spot so far, after I work out at the gym to make room for the excess calories.

    D: Meeting up with friends for pub Sunday Roast. I am going to reallty need that work out.
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Breakfast; boiled egg, toast and paracetamol :wink:

    Lunch, pate and salad

    Tea; ww recipe beef sweet potato and green bean curry. No idea how you make it, DH cooks!

    Dry and bright here in West Wales, so a bit of golf practice this afternoon I think.
  • Babybanana
    Breakfast: - Cheerios, with semi skimmed milk.
    Lunch - not sure, possibly a pot of raisins?
    Dinner - Leftover pizza from last night.
  • Pandy1962
    Pandy1962 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi from sunny Bristol, UK

    B = Frosted Shreddies and semi skimmed milk
    D= Crockpot Chicken and veg casserole
    T = Low fat soft cheese and crackers

    Snacks= none today apart from a gallon of coffee
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Its sunny but cold here in Belfast! Proper autumn morning, lovely to wake up to on a Sunday though in a warm home! Still in pjs too but I think its allowed once a week lol. Im sitting down with my hairy dieters cook book and working through a menu for the week and then going to pre cook as many of them as I can for the week ahead so we just have to reheat them after the gym most nights!

    Brunch: eggs (no oil, no spray!) A cooked banana (which then gave the syrup / oil consistancy to cook the eggs) 2 rashers of bacon grilled and fat cut off and a plain crumpet.

    Dinner: Most likely to be a typical Sunday roast, corn fed free range chicken, mixed veg, sweet potato, small amount of gravy.

    Desert (to make up for the "brunch" instead of breakfast and lunch lol) hairy dieters swiss roll - 157 cals per slice!

    Have a great Sunday everyone :)
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,719 Member
    Wow. Thanks for the tip. I will look for this.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Was lovely & sunny here near Portsmouth, but clouded over now

    Skipped breakfast as usual, had my weekly shave, then walked to Morrison's, circular route around 2 miles, with rucksack of shopping

    Lunch was mixed salad leaves [bought reduced to 40p in Co-op I visited on my return walk] with tomaotoes and cottage cheese

    Dinner is Morrison's Bistro beef kleftico, also reduced for quick sale, and I think stir fry veg
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    From a bright & chilly Surrey

    B: 2 cups of coffee!
    L: Baked beans on 2 slices of whole meal toast
    D: Roast chicken, sprouts, carrots, broccoli, Yorkshire pud & gravy

    Not sure about snacks, but probably some pb on rice cakes & 0% Fage with some strawberry jam ;0)