Does SIZE Matter?



  • All very shallow really, remember you can't judge a book by its cover!
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    Right?!!! Even Jason is pretty impressive - he probably has muscular toes.
    Whatever Joe Manganiello (Alcide from True Blood) is....:blushing: :love:

    Oh damn, yes. And Eric, and Sam...but not Bill.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    All very shallow really, remember you can't judge a book by its cover!

    Says the person who is on a website that's filled with people who are sick of the way they look and feel. Really?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    All very shallow really, remember you can't judge a book by its cover!

    Says the person who is on a website that's filled with people who are sick of the way they look and feel. Really?

  • GwennyH
    GwennyH Posts: 80 Member
    Is it too late to vote?

    ENDO all the way! Because I'm a bigger girl myself but I still want to feel small/protected in the arms of a big beefy man!

    But.... I married an ecto (who i can outweigh, out-eat, out-run any day) because his heart outweighed his physique. So go figure!
  • banshishi
    banshishi Posts: 197
    Endo... who wants to be with a guy you're scared of breaking!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I'm a huge fan of big endo guys that are fit. They are big and strong, and I love big strong men. I'm not so into the lean chiseled look, but most of my friends are.

    I always thought The Rock was sexy as hell

    I second this. I watch any movie with him in it no matter how crap it might be.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157

    I don't get how anyone could find a "skinny" or "small" man hot.

    Bigger IS better. ;)
  • fitambitious
    fitambitious Posts: 57 Member
    I prefer lean chisled me :love: So, I guess it's either ecto or meso:drinker:
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    i'm an Ecto. Always struggled with putting the weight on. My core temperature seems a bit higher than average, which also doesnt help!

    I have to spend A LOT on food to maintain :o(
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    All very shallow really, remember you can't judge a book by its cover!
    So, you're saying that a post like this is "shallow," because it promotes judgement based on superficial appearances?

    Hmm... let's explore that for a moment, shall we?....

    What if this entire thread was designed to prove that different women (and men) find various body-types attractive, across the spectrum, by relating the results of this thread to a follow-up motivational thread... like this one...

    Wow, right?

    How silly would you look if the timestamps on the posts showed that the follow-up thread linked above was tendered 10 hours and 23 minutes before your "judgement" of this particular piece.


    Perhaps a more appropriate cliche' adage would be the "pot calling the kettle shallow," er ..something.

    Yeah... that just happened.

    For future reference, the "Gorilla" references the meat, and the "Esquire" references my devastating ability to levy an irrefutable argument.

    Sometimes I even amaze myself.
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    Meso has my vote :)
  • gnr123
    gnr123 Posts: 173

    Sometimes big is too big..

    Well obviously not in all aspect :laugh:
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Sometimes big is too big..
    Well obviously not in all aspect :laugh:
    That's what she sai.... sorry. I caught myself.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Ecto all the way for me.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    Endo... who wants to be with a guy you're scared of breaking!

    break huh...

  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    It is quite clear why the women aren't voting for the ectos. They don't like being with men who are prettier than they are!
  • Mexie1
    Mexie1 Posts: 48 Member
    I prefer ecto without the muscle. I like skinny, androgynous men best and I prefer big-but-not-muscly over muscly. All of the original pics are too muscly for me.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    I prefer ecto without the muscle. I like skinny, androgynous men best and I prefer big-but-not-muscly over muscly. All of the original pics are too muscly for me.
    So, we'll put you down as, "Hates awesomeness." Got it. ;)
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    It is quite clear why the women aren't voting for the ectos. They don't like being with men who are prettier than they are!
    Could be something to that. Mikey above is an Ecto, and he has the sweetest pair of orange boobies, ever.
