

  • I do question how much I eat...wish I had a nutritionist around! Anyone know of an online one?
  • Choose one site to log on. I have a FitBit and log everything on MFP. At first I tried logging food on MFP (bigger database of foods) and my exercise on the FitBit website. It screwed up my calculations and ended up having me burn 4000 calories a day. The sync works great!
  • I did ripped in 30 first. At the time, I had not done any strength training in about a year. I was running however and was in pretty good shape. It was super challenging but I saw results quickly. I was toned and had lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks (I am not overweight and was looking more to tone than lose weight). I got 30 shred…
  • I did Ripped in 30 a few months ago. I am not overweight but was looking to tone after having children. I was skeptical but I really saw a different after 2-3 weeks. I got 30 Day Shred after that to change things up. I found that Ripped in 30 was a little more challenging, especially week 4 (totally painful in a good way).…
  • Do you like Burn Fat Boost Metabolism? I was going back and forth between that and Extreme Shed and Shred.
  • Thanks for the replies. I am definitely trying more to build lean muscle than to lose weight. There is definitely more of a cushion around areas that weren't previously cushioned since I had children and I'm trying to get back. My calories burned daily according to my FitBit vary. I go by my daily burn to calculate my…
  • I don't really rely too much on my fitness pal for monitoring the deficit. I use my Fit bit for that. I use MFP to log my food and excercise. The FitBit adjusts MFP calories burned to my actual calorie burn.
  • The number of calories I burn daily varies. I use the fitbit to maintain a 500 calorie deficit depending on how many calories I burn that day. My excerise routines also vary. On days that I do yoga, I only burn 150 calories and on days I do strength and then run, I burn upwards of 300 calories.
  • On average, I am eating around 1050-1200 and am burning around 1800+ a day. I having been keeping about a 500 calorie deficit using my Fitbit. I don't feel like I'm undereating. I am trying to build up some lean muscle.
  • Yes, Level 2 is much more difficult!
  • I loved RI 30 but my little ones got a hold of the DVD and scratched it beyond saving. We will see how level 2 and 3 are. I may have to repurchase.
  • The only reason I added the tone and lose 5 pounds because I am not looking to gain by drinking the shakes. I exercise in the morning and I really like having shakes after my workout. I have a good workout routine already combining strength and cardio. I am not looking for the shakes to help me lose weight. I drink them,…
  • I do use resistance excercises and run 5 days a week and maintain a low calorie diet. I said, I use whey protein and was looking for a good one.
  • Although I do think Jillian MIchael's workouts were good, I think I have to take a break from her.
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