ripped in 30 or 30 day shred? which has better results?

i wanted to start one of these programs but dont know which one. any suggestions?


  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    They are both good programs. RI30 is more challenging. If you regularly work strength training and body weight into your. Fitness routine, you could probably start w RI30. If not, you should probably start with 30ds
  • I LOVE ripped in 30..and jillian's videos in general. I've done the 30 day shred before but I don't think its as challenging. Ripped in 30 will definitely give you good results
  • thank you!!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Ripped in 30 is harder which depending on your fitness level may turn you off from doing it, which won't get you as good results had you taken a slightly easier workout and stuck with it. Just food for thought :) all of her videos are awesome but you have to actually do them.
  • I did ripped in 30 first. At the time, I had not done any strength training in about a year. I was running however and was in pretty good shape. It was super challenging but I saw results quickly. I was toned and had lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks (I am not overweight and was looking more to tone than lose weight). I got 30 shred recently and found the first workout super easy. The second was better and the 3rd was pretty challenging. If you want to see results more quickly though, I would go with 30DS. That is my favorite Jillian video. Quick workout with great results!
  • thank you!! im gonna try 30DS first then RI30 :)
  • I have both DVDs but never normally get farther than level 1. But this time
    I'm doing '5 days on, 2 days recovery' starting with shred level 1 and doing each level over 2 weeks (eg 5 days level 1, 2 days recovery, 5 days level 1, 2 days recovery, 5 days level 2 etc) and my plan once I've done that is to repeat with ripped in 30. I'll have to work out how to post before and afters!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I've done both and I'd say Ripped in 30. While they are both a 30 day program (that can really be strechted into longer if you need it to be), Ripped in 30 has more variety, thus goes by faster in my opinion. Also I found that RI 30 is not as hard on the knees as the Shred. I'd say RI in 30 is also more effective, simply because people tend to drop out of the 30 Day Shred after day 12-15 because of either boredom or knee injury.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
  • tallbold
    tallbold Posts: 89 Member
    Just completed day 2 of RI30 and really like it. It's tough.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Just completed day 2 of RI30 and really like it. It's tough.

    I just started a Ripped in 30 thread for January. Here it is if anyone is interested