

  • Google Dr. Bruce Fife... and there are others. Extremely interesting information. I know that its calories, but its good for you calories, good fats that do your body good in so many different ways. The weight loss, at least for me has been unexplainable other than the coconut oil. I don't restrict my calories, but i do…
  • You're right, I haven't been counting my calories at all. I have before, but now I simply don't have the time with toddler and baby pulling on me.:wink
  • This is definitely not a professional take on this, but go with the one you think would be more accurate. What I mean is, did you really push yourself? I could only guess that pushing a 31 pounder around would really be a workout. Were you sweating at all? Were you breathing heavy? Consider these when you decide on the…
  • My food scale, along with my heart rate monitor & calorie counter, was money well spent!! You learn a lot about serving sizes when you use one! Makes things so much easier when you know for sure how much you really are eating, doesn't it?
  • Hey, are you talking about the wrist watch HRM?? If you are, that is the one I have... from Target... and I absolutely love it!! Not chest strap, just had to calculate my low and high bpm using that equation. Can't think of what its called. Plugged it in the watch, and boom, its great! Just put my little fingers on it, and…
  • Thanks to everyone! I guess I'm gonna have to invest in a heart monitor. I'm so new to this counting calories, so keeping up with how many I actually burn is daunting at times. I'm definitely not new to working out! I'm completely sold on weight lifting and jogging, because it works!! I'm just needing to get back in the…
  • Okay, for Monday's Workout, I did my "Easy Walk/Jog 2" on my treadmill using the cool Runner app!! You can set up your own workouts using your own music on your itouch. So this one I created doing 2 minutes walking then 2 minutes of jogging, all for a total of 40 minutes with warm up and cool down. BUT it was not so…
  • Sounds good. Motivation helpers are great! Shellie