Jilleelicious Member


  • I just add 5 drops to every glass of water I drink! I only drink water and tea. No sodas, no dairy, etc. I have been taking slim and sassy for 10 days and frankincense and my blood pressure has gone from 145/100 to 128/90! I have had high blood pressure since my last pregnancy! I am so relieved!:happy:
  • Slim and Sassy is an essential oil blend of peppermint, ginger, cinnamon, lemon and grapefruit. Essential oils go straight into your cells to replenish and nourish them. They can also get past the blood brain barrier!!! I have been drinking it for 4 days and feel amazing. I have problems with my blood pressure so I can't…
  • Hi!!! I am so happy people have joined!!! I have to apologize for the lack of info. It has snowed and our pipes are busted! So my life has been a lot more busy. ~ I drink it all day long in my water. ~I haven't tried any recipes but I am planning on it ~I am planning on doing a wrap tonight to detox! Please be patient with…
  • Hi! I am new to this group! I just started the whole30... so no sweeteners for me. I do keep raw local honey in the fridge for when I want something sweet(when I am not whole30ing it)! Raw honey is the way to go because it is a super food!!!
  • Don't go low on H2O!!!! Lots and lots of water. Sometimes we get hunger mixed up with dehydration. You could also have a food allergy. You could try cutting certain thinks out of your diet gluten, dairy, sugar. The Whole30 is great for that! I just started it today! I also take diatomaceous earth every morning because it…
  • The secret for me is to keep it thin! We are talking green smoothies, right? I get some awesome chai green tea in the bulk section of the grocery store, brew it in my coffee pot and a pot is a weeks worth. I pour in about a cup or so add a couple leaves, a banana, I eat raw farm eggs(so good for your hair), smoothie…
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSZj19AUU5I
  • You're a SUPERSTAR!!!! :wink:
  • I tried them and they gave me high blood pressure. I went off of them and with time my blood pressure went back down.
  • I love Raw milk! But I don't drink it straight. I use the whey to make fermented beverages...hindu lemonade and beet kvass. I feel amazing!
  • Lucky you!:happy:
  • Eat fermented foods!!!! They are good for the liver and gut. Sauerkraut is super easy to make. If you buy it in the store it won't do any good because it is pasteurized. There are a lot of how to videos on Youtube! Beet Kvass is also another great one. It is a blood tonic and it tones the liver.