LionheartedDonna Member


  • Hi there! Personally, I found the movie too risky in terms of triggering to watch in full, but I read some background and reviews and feel like I have a fairly good picture of it. Creating visibility for the true life and death battle that is anorexia is so important, and I value the screentime representative of people…
  • Hi hoopika, It's true that seeing a doctor is the best mode of recovery, but I completely understand that healthcare is not equally available to all people especially in certain parts of the world. There are lots of resources out there if finding medical attention poses too many challenges at this moment in time. No one…
  • Wheelhouse is on the money with foods that you like. I've found that getting the non-diet and non-light versions of foods (especially your faves) is super helpful. And in the end, my mantra is any calorie is better than no calories at all after I had many long months of less than 500-700 per day. So no feeling guilty if…
  • I would love to join anyone in the struggle of recovery. Years of anorexia has hurt me physically and mentally, but it's the years of recovery that's made me dedicated and positive about my outlook. EDs have a way of infiltrating every aspect of your life, and people will still just say "try eating more." It's never that…
  • Thanks to everyone who added! I'm glad we are all making friends here. Best of luck to all readers and frienders! Feel free to add me- I'd love to chat! C: -DS
  • beaglenutty: Thanks for the add! :) rygr500: Pleasure to make your acquaintance! SeptemberHall: I'm a little on the younger side as well! Hopefully we can relate, communicate, and support each other :) tmfpartyof4: Welcome! This site's really great and supportive! Everyone can use more friends to help with the support.…
  • penelepurr: Pleasure to have you as a new friend! :) lexi1385: Welcome to MFP! I'm sure we can keep each other motivated. jackykins: I hope the same works for me! So far, it's really nice to see what other people out there like me are up to. Thanks for adding me! :D jrditt: Consider yourself a new friend! C:
  • Consider yourself added, whatshewants! Good luck on the Atkins, Rosy06. I intend to give it a shot in a little while since I've seen my dad and brother succeed so well on it, though switching diet methods is a little scary!
  • Thanks for the support, ajalcazar!
  • Wow! Thanks for the support, everyone! I hope people are making new friends :) Don't be shy to add me. I do not bite, and I'd love to talk about anything! Courtney24107: Added you! :) courtneymal17: Thanks for the invite. I'm sure we can support each other! suzihead: Keeping it off has been one of my proudest…
  • Love to have more friends on here! I added you :)
  • Thanks for all the quick responses. -I gorged on Easter, much higher fat than I ever eat (I only reach about 50% of total fat allotment a day.) There was a literal expansion of flab, not bloat, in my midsection. -I made my diary visible (though I 'm nervous!). I really would have no idea about proper nutrition so input…
  • I couldn't stop weighing myself when I got a good scale! It was an obsession. But I've got it down to once a day or less. Still got some work/confidence-building to do. Hopefully I'll get there! :D
  • I had watched both sides of my family struggle with weight and my mom's side with diabetes. I was tired of being tired and getting sick all the time. I didn't just want to be 'thin' (though that would be nice!) because in the long run, being healthy is far more important! Then finally, I was told I would not get the…
  • I've already gotten into a habit of eating too little once where I was eating 600-800 calories a day, and it took forever to get out of it, both the habit and the plateau. I'm really scared it'll happen again. I exercise everyday, I never go over, but I'm not losing anything.
  • Wow, thanks for all the help. I have no idea about most of these things! XD