What finally made you say "enough is ENOUGH!"?

My question this morning is simple. At what point did you decide that you could not, and would not live unhealthy anymore? Did you have a breaking point? Was it something that was said to you? Perhaps a medical problem that truly made you choose between life or death? Did it come upon you gradually, as it did with me? What were your first thoughts when you decided to start making changes?


  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Yeah, it was gradual.
    I've been feeling uncomfortable in my body ever since I had a baby over a year ago. I was complaining to my friends that I was sick of being fat and lazy - I was just too lazy to do anything about it.
    I've been kind of nonchalantly doing P90 just to keep my weight in check. When I found MFP I was excited - I always felt like I ate healthy but had a problem with portion size. This actually helps me keep my weight in check! It just kind of happened. I started losing and finally felt like I had energy and didn't feel quite as uncomfortable anymore.
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    For me it was a gradual thing knowing I had to make a change. My doctor recommended a year ago that I restrict my calories to 1000 per day. Tried that for about 3 days but kept forgetting to write everything down (and add it up). Watched my mom yoyo diet for decades and knew from a young age I would never "diet". The I got this app on my phone and started tracking everything. (Who knew I was eating 3 serving of cheerios every morning?) It also motivated me to really get serious about working out again. I have always been a fitness freak, but never counted the calories along with the exercise. I have to say my biggest downfalls are the portion sizes and soda pop (Mt Dew). I feel incredible now, just a month into my journey.
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Mine happened the same way. My weight has always fluctuated, although I fell into a bit of a depression last year, reached my highest weight ever, and all I wanted to do was sleep or lay around. I became SO lazy, and exhausted all the time. I finally decided to splurge on a gym membership, and I started using the MFP app but after seeing minimal results after only a month, I gave up. Now I'm back at it again (probably thanks to candlesbythebaytc) and I'm using the site along with the app. Without the constant motivation and support from the fabulous people here I'm certain I would sleep and eat my precious life away.
  • TurtleCrush
    For me it was over a year ago when I went into my favorite place to buy clothes(LB plus size). When I was in the dressing room and the size I was normally wearing didn't fit me, so I walked out of the dressing room and got the next size up. Well, it didn't fit either. I could barely get it past my hips and not quite loose enough to button comfortably. I again, went out to, again, go the next size up and finally they fit, still tight but fit. I couldn't believe that I had just let myself go for so long that I was completely out of sync and control with my body. I was at the highest size they go and I knew if I got any bigger I would be destined for Moo-Moo's the rest of my life. Only five months later I was diagnosed with Diabetes. It was a complete shock even though my parents and both sets of grandparents have it. I just thought I was immune to it but really on the inside I was a ticking clock and my time was up. I have it and the only way to shake it is to get healthy and drop ALL the weight. So here I am.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I wasnt unhealthy just over weight..theres a difference.
    for me it was when not even shapewear would hide my back rolls, yuk!
  • dlf0001
    dlf0001 Posts: 20 Member
    We had a trip to Hawaii coming up, and I wanted to do the Zip Line... 270# maximum "capacity"... I needed to lose about 20 pounds to qualify, and then decided I didn't want to have to step on a scale to prove it, so I kept losing...

    the Zip Line spots were sold out on our tour, so I missed out, but, we are going back next year and I want to make sure I qualify then too!!

    So, that was the short term reasoning, but for long term, I didn't want to start on all the medications that so many overweight people have to take... High BP, cholesterol, diabetes... I got a serious wakeup call at the 2009 wellness screening a year ago, and it took a year to make the ultimate decision of what I could take control... so, the numbers were alot better in February this year, and that was 25- 30 pounds ago...

    Good Luck to everybody.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I got "sexy" pictures done for a boyfriend, was disgusted by what I saw even though I got rave reviews on them. Stepped on the scale and weight 3lbs more then the day I delivered my 8lb 13oz baby (while he was still in me!) I had only gained 25lbs while pregnant and lost most of it delivering him so I was horrified.

    Given I had ALWAYS been the "chubby" kids but then it was out of control.

    I had balimed buying size 20 jeans on how much he had stretch out my belly while pregnant. Now it was reality it was gain too (My belly is still stretched because despite loosing 53 lbs I only went down 1 size). SO i buckled down, and decided I didnt want to be a size 2 (i never will be) But I need to be healthy for me, my son, and to help get rid of my depression
  • LionheartedDonna
    LionheartedDonna Posts: 22 Member
    I had watched both sides of my family struggle with weight and my mom's side with diabetes. I was tired of being tired and getting sick all the time. I didn't just want to be 'thin' (though that would be nice!) because in the long run, being healthy is far more important!

    Then finally, I was told I would not get the leadership position in an important group to me because, though I was completely qualified in everything else, I could not pass their physical fitness test. That's when I dropped all pretenses of being 'happy with who I am but actually hating every minute of it' and took with great vigor the 'I am beautiful and I can change when I want' approach! :D
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    Four months ago my doctor had a look of fear on his face when reviewing my blood tests and frantically tried to express how important it was that I do something about my weight and uncontrolled diabetes. A month ago when I went back in worse shape then the last, he angrily threatened to quit if I came back ever again without a decrease in weight or in my A1C which was at an 11 normal is 6 (its a 3 month blood sugar average blood test). I decided I could walk away and keep living as I am and go blind, risk neuropathy, limb amputation and live trapped dependant on someone and not listen to him or I could change my stubborn childish attitude and get myself together and take action. I ran out of excuses.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    My doctor told me to lose weight.

    That and being 29.9 on the BMI scale. It was painful enough knowing I was overweight. I really didn't want to add obese to that.
  • Cortni27
    Cortni27 Posts: 12 Member
    For me it was my post-pregnancy body. When I got pregnant I was 25 pounds overweight and I gained 30 pounds during the pregnancy bringing me to 200lbs at 9 months pregnant. The breaking point for me was when my baby was almost 6 months old and I was still 200 pounds- the heaviest I've EVER been. I was so uncomfortable in my body- I hated wearing anything but sweats and I HATED feeling so fat and "blobby" every time I got dressed. I realized that I had to make a change and that I didn't want to be a lazy overweight mom who couldn't keep up with her child. My mantra has been "Just because I'm now a mom, doesn't mean I have to be fat!" :)
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    My doctor told me that he was putting me on blood pressure medication. He told me that my blood pressure was going to knock 10 to 15 years off of my life. I was 53 at the time so losing 15 years meant not much time left! I asked if there were any alternatives to medication and he said that diet and exercise might help but most of his patients wouldn't stick with the program so meds were going to be necessary. I asked for six months to see how I could do with diet and exercise. That was five years ago. He now says that I am his best success story with avoiding medication by diet and exercise. At my last annual checkup he said he hates to even charge me - I am the healthiest 58 year at his clinic and need no advice or help from him at this point. I lost 55 pounds and built muscle at an age when I should be losing muscle. He asked me for advice on P90X and whatever other activities I was doing (running and cycling) so he could consider my program for himself (he is mid thirties, I guess.) So he scared me five years ago, but it has been the best scare of my life!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Triple post by accident!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Could not get my comment to post and hit "save" three times. Went back and deleted two. Sorry.
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    A lot of things were bothering me, I was always sick and in constant pain.
    I have a very physical job and I was worried about my future there. A dear friend and co-worker told me that our senior manager asked her what he could do to help me, he was so worried about me but didnt want to hurt my feelings or overstep any lines.
    I was just about out of uniforms that fit. My inner thighs were threadbare.
    My husband was having talks with me about my declining health.
    My mom is very obese and can barely walk and also has diabetes.
    I got so tired of being made fun of.
    I couldnt keep up with my hosework.
    I dreaded gardening, a former hobby I loved.
    I worried about chairs breaking under me.
    My doctor told me I was on the edge of a cliff with my health and was going to fall very soon.
    I hurt my back and they couldnt stuff me into the MRI..I left the hospital in shameful tears.

    I had checked this site before but this time I decided to try baby steps..no dieting.
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    I decided I didn't want to be the fat friend. Also, I looked in the mirror and realized that my cheeks looked like I had just recently gotten my wisdom teeth out. I also want to start dating again, but I didn't (and still don't) feel attractive enough to date anything. So for now, I'll work on being a better me.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    My weight has gone up and down for years. I was in a very long up cycle. There was nothing wrong with me: my bloodwork and overall health were fine and I wanted to keep it that way. Both of my parents were type 2 diabetics and I knew I was a ticking time bomb. I went for an annual exam, and while I didn't get the "lose some weight" speech from my doctor, for whatever reason, everything just clicked after that visit. That was 4 years and over 50# ago.
  • Lpfeifer419
    I had enough when my doctor said he wouldn't treat my infertility until I lost significant weight.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I've been fat forever. I don't even know what came over me, but one day I decided I would seriously try counting calories. I've never even really tried dieting before either so this is my first attempt. I've just kind of decided I don't want to be this person anymore, and I want my heart to be healthy :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I'm ashamed to admit, I'm still looking for that Ah Ha moment. I know that I want to change and that I am unhappy where I am. I am just struggling to get myself in the mental place to do it.:blushing: