

  • To the concerns about eating, yes I am eating well! I meant mentally drained not physically. Though I may up my calories soon because I'm building more muscle. Just hearing that other people have been here and managed to keep going has helped a lot! I needed a small push. Thanks everyone :)
  • Thank you all!! I'm going to put some motivating music on and make a workout calendar, I love checking the days off. It's not that I'm bored Capt_Apollo, I love 30 Day Shred and the fact that you can feel yourself improving. I just feel drained all of a sudden.
  • I'm totally on the same page as you goal-wise! I'm not overweight but I'm not in shape either. I know youth won't hold off the pounds much longer... I'm starting to see some weight gain and I'd like to nip it in the bud without becoming obsessive as well. Good habits mean the weight will take care of itself!
  • Hello!! I'm so sorry about your mother. I lost my father several years ago and grief is one heck of a thing to deal with. I completely understand about the family history, and making healthy changes sooner rather than later is the best thing you can do. I've got a host of diseases on both sides of my family and I am…
    in Newbie Comment by saduliss June 2013
  • Turning 20 in less than a month! :) I'm looking for some more friends as well, feel free to add!
  • Most of these fitness accounts are not about accountability, just providing useful information or motivation. I think it's just a great way for people to relate to each other and be inspired!
  • i'll be a junior this fall! trying my best to make healthy changes this summer, especially learning how to cook healthy, cheap meals so i dont gain too much at school. sooo much self-discipline is needed, especially if youre a big party-goer (alcohol ain't calorie free). but at the end of the day it's really satisfying to…
  • Hello! I just started about a week ago now. My goals are the same. I'm not overweight but not as fit as I'd like, so my goal is tone and be generally healthier.
  • hello! i can relate to having skinny friends who don't get it. IGNORE THEM and stick to what you know is right. don't give in to temptation/peer pressure. right now they'll ask "why are you doing that" but later, when you look amazing, theyll say "HOW did you do that?!"