

  • Thanks! i like the hard boiled egg idea... how long will those stay good in the refrigerator. The pre-cooked meals idea sounds good too, but of course... that would mean i have to cook them at some point, on weekends or whenever... def something to consider
  • How heavy is your spoon?
  • just be careful not to dehydrate yourself while taking creatine... i'm talking to extreme levels as if you were weighing in for a boxing/mma match and dropping 15 lbs of water.. it's a bad combination
  • shakeology actually doesn't have much fiber, but may have other factors that help digestive health..... my bowl of cereal costs ~$5/week instead of $5/day... so looks like I'm not going to go that route. unfortunately i only eat veggies a few times/week... so maybe that's where the benefit of shakeology will show up...…
  • If you busted your *kitten* for an hour, it's possble you burned roughly that many calories.... the advise here has been good. Have a snack, i'd go for something with some good protein, but you definitely don't want to make up all those calories this late in the day.
  • I agree somewhat... as long as what you do is consistent, it doesn't really matter. It's about tracking progress week to week... but lay off my coffee!!!
  • well, this is my first saturday here... only have 100 calories left and haven't had dinner yet... but also still have to work out... hoping to carve out another 400 calories so i can have a quick snack and a few beers tonight!
  • it looks like there are alot of chinese food options available in the food search... you may want to try planning it out ahead of time... may be tough to get portions exact, but close is better than nothing... figure out roughly how many calories you want to (ch)eat, and put together a diet of things you like...
  • y'know... tracking calories is a pain in the *kitten*... but, it's the only thing that keeps me from doing what you're talking about... i may screw up at lunch, and eat a big 1000 calorie sub... but if i log it, i may still find that i haven't broken my daily total allowance, and i can either work out to level things out,…
  • What are you doing for workouts? Have you tried a heart rate monitor to make sure you're getting up into your target zones?