pktbundy Member


  • Great job. What kind of physical activities are you doing to get those kinds of results? Or are you able to generate those results with diet only? Nice work on BP. No one wants to be on long term meds. I have seen similar improvements in my BP numbers by living a more disciplined life. Keep it up. Good luck your next…
  • None at all or Work out first and only eat a planned amount.
  • Cross train, cross train, cross train. I have had ACL reconstruction & meniscus repair in my left MCL/PCL reconstruction in my other (ACL is still torn in right knee) I weigh 225lbs and started running, biking and swimming last summer (I started around 240lbs). It was shear torture when I began. By rotating my activities I…
  • I am in. I started the month at 225 and I want to get down to 217 by the end of the month. 8 lbs in FEB. Have you been logging and exercising so far?
  • EAS whey protein vanilla flavor from Sams Club. Low carbs, mixes good with skim milk and the vanilla taste is decent. I agree the chocolate powders tend to have a chalky tast.
  • Good for you. Its always great to hear the success stories. Have you ever considered riding a century? I am hoping to do one this summer. Taking the extra weight off will be critical to make sure I am not making it any harder on myself. I was started swimming regularly last summer and then got discouraged trying to fix my…
  • If it says your BMR is 1576, then that intake will keep you at your current weight. The target MFP sets for you takes your weekly weight loss goal in lbs x 3500 calories that you need to burn off per pound and divides that in to a daily rate that is subtracted from your BMR. It sounds like if your target is 1200, then your…
  • Both of these are not going to win gourmet awards but.... Keep a can of fat free redi whip in the fridge to fight cravings. If you break take the can out and spray a blob into your mouth. Its like 5-10 calories a spray. Its not a sit down desert but it keeps you away from the fridge. Another one is fat free cottage cheese…
  • I would sign up to try to cut 5 by the end of february....
  • Are you measuring yourself? My weight isn't coming off fast and I have been biking, running and swimming like crazy but everyone says I look thinner so I don't care. But, the scale still haunts me. Running and biking uses your big muscles like quads and gluts so you can expect that the muscle mass weighs more than the fat…
  • I have a polar f6. It really helps. One thing that everyone forgets to do is to make sure you set the user settings. They are tough to get to but, you need to set wt, ht resting pulse, max pulse, and most importantly vo2 max. vo2 max, HR level, and wt I think are the big variables for it to calculate your calorie burn…
  • Its a massive mailorder scam. Oprah and others who have been named as endorsing the claims have active lawsuits. They will do anything to send you a sample and then start charging credit card for monthly recurring fees which are near impossible to cancel
  • I like one of the following, 3 egg whites and pan fry with a spray of pam, Oatmeal with splenda Fat free cottage cheeze with splenda and some fruit (apple or an orange) Sometimes, if I don't feel hungry I will have a V8 instead of fruit.
  • I agree. Spin class is totally addictive once you get past the bike set up and learning the instructors lingo. Good for you. I also like that it uses bigger muscle groups and I feel like I can get more out of the same amount of time exercising compared to other activities. The class format is a definite boost to my…
  • What was the furthest outdoor ride you did before the actual century ride? I am trying to find good training plans.
  • How did you do?