Ice Cream Substitutes?

faile486 Posts: 21 Member
Anyone have some good ice cream or dessert substitutes?

Everyone else in my family has a metabolism to die for - my sister LOSES weight eating a half-gallon of ice cream. Big portions of dessert were a nightly occurrence in my house growing up - if there wasn't something, someone (probably my dad >.>) was calling child protection. Now I find it REALLY hard to stop eating this stuff. I'll try to skip it for a while, but then eat like...two or three cups in one sitting = (

I've tried Skinny Cow bars and things like that, and those are good, helped control cravings, but they can be pricey compared to a tub of chocolate ice cream. Any other ideas? Would it be possible to make my own Skinny Cow-similar stuff?


  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    You can freeze non-fat fruit flavored yogurts right in their cups and eat them like an italian ice with a spoon.
  • supercool111
    I really really love sorbets (esp lemon!) and icepops. Never really been keen on dairy though
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I buy sherbet..its got the sugar still but low cal/fat and it's dirt cheap. I don't have it very often but it's good when I get a craving for something like ice cream. Sorbet is also very good but pretty expensive.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    You could also try frozen yogurt and Breyer's and I'm sure some other brands have low carb, low fat, etc. Just make sure and just have one serving :)
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Have you tried Edy's, slow churned, no sugar added cookie dough ice-cream? I'm a wicked ice-cream lover, and I swear, I can't tell the difference between it, and the "real thing"! :love:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    One of my doctors suggested making a simple switch to frozen yogurt. You get the cold, sweet, and creamy, plus the benefit of natural cultures. Another thing you can do that will help curb cravings for anything sweet is chew gum. Gum is your friend!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Mix canned pumpkin with vanilla lowfat yogurt, add cinnamon and freeze - YUM!
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    I really like the Dreyer's Yogurt Blends. They are 100 cals a serving and really good (and I hate stuff that tastes fake!).
  • pktbundy
    pktbundy Posts: 21 Member
    Both of these are not going to win gourmet awards but....
    Keep a can of fat free redi whip in the fridge to fight cravings. If you break take the can out and spray a blob into your mouth. Its like 5-10 calories a spray. Its not a sit down desert but it keeps you away from the fridge.

    Another one is fat free cottage cheese with equal or splenda. Its sweet and has more of a rice pudding feeling without the empty sugar grams.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    small food processor..

    1 cup of frozen strawberries
    5 packets Splenda
    1/4 cup fat free milk

    put it in processor and it turns into pure fat free ice cream
    you can use frozen peaches ...blueberries...any frozen fruit

    you might have to tweek the amounts of ingredients

    its good
  • mswing7674
    edys slow churned frozen yogurts are AWESOME... and they are between 110 and 120 calories for 1/2 a cup
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I just eat Skinny cow brand............who can argue with 140 calories 5 grams of fat
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Something else you could do is make your own pudding pops with sugar free pudding. What I do is take the Jell-o 60 calorie cups, remove the top, stick a popsicle stick in the middle and cover it with saran wrap then freeze it. When you're ready to eat it just run a bit of hot water on the container on the outside so it comes out a bit easier. It's really yummy!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Something else you could do is make your own pudding pops with sugar free pudding. What I do is take the Jell-o 60 calorie cups, remove the top, stick a popsicle stick in the middle and cover it with saran wrap then freeze it. When you're ready to eat it just run a bit of hot water on the container on the outside so it comes out a bit easier. It's really yummy!

    gooooooooooood idea I love those sugar free puddings..
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I make mock ice cream sandwiches. Take a graham cracker split it and put fat free cool whip on it. Could put some choc. chips if you like. Cover with saran wrap and wait till its frozen
  • reneen
    reneen Posts: 1 Member
    Just ordered something called "Arctic Zero" - haven't received my shipment yet - but it got good reviews on and by It's only about 130 calories for a whole pint - and the flavors sound interesting - so I will let you all know when I give it a try! Gotta say that if I can have ice cream and pasta on a diet like this one, I am a happy dieter!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I'm a big fan of Edy's Slow Churned ice cream. I fooled my husband with it! It tastes great & there is no artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated fats. It is also only 110 calories per serving-just have to be disciplined with the serving size which is hard!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Edy'd 1/2 the sugar 120 calories 62g is the serving size and it is just enough for a sweet treat. They even have Girl Scout Cookie ones right now.
  • volks80
    volks80 Posts: 56
    I LOOOOVE icecream. I just buy the lower fat kind and try to attempt portion control! A serving is usually just over 100 calories.
    Skinny cow stuff is good, Another thing I do is soften some PB in the microwave and then mix with coolwhip, yum. Also just eat frozen coolwhip from the tub gives you kind of an icecream feel/taste. Oh and some food stores sell mini-icecream sandwiches I think they are around 100 calories.
  • cattiemac
    cattiemac Posts: 251 Member
    When an ice cream craving strikes I choose frozen yogurt.