marcyj Member


  • That is the perfect answer!
  • What an AMAZING story! Congratulations on all your hard work!
  • You look fantastic!
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zumba! It's my favorite! I usually make it to between 2 and 6 classes a week!
  • I'm just your normal, ordinary girl out for a friendly run until Jessie J "Do it Like a Dude" shuffles on. Then I am suddenly badass.
  • My Home> Settings > Diary Settings > Publlic :)
  • Ditto on that! I'm friending you both :)
  • I workout every day, but I do different things each of them, Monday: Zumba class and weights in the morning, step aerobics class at night Tuesday: Zumba in the morning Wednesday: Kickboxing in the morning and Zumba in the evening Thursday: Zumba in the morning and Kickboxing and weights in the evening Friday: Running…
  • This is reason #2468541 I love my fellow Texans. There are 26 million people currently living in this state, but every single one of is like "You're from Texas, too?! WE SHOULD BE FRIENDS!" I'm from DFW :) (also, we should totally be friends!) ;)
  • Me, me! I was a dancer through college, and then marriage and motherhood put a stop to it. For me Zumba is the thing I look forward to most each week. I still make myself head to some other classes to keep my body guessing, but the dance based workouts are always my favorites!
  • Give me frozen yogurt from sweet frog any day! (With reece's cups and butterfinger...mmmmmmmm) I...may have had that for lunch today. *looks around guiltily*
  • I'm glad I helped! I would definitely enable takes all of the guesswork out!
    in Fitbit? Comment by marcyj April 2014
  • Go ahead and type in what your HRM said. At first fitbit will take away some of those calories in an adjustment on your daily diary, but if you continue to move around more than you have your daily activity level set in MFP, it will give them back. If not, it will penalize you the calories which you set your profile up to…
    in Fitbit? Comment by marcyj April 2014
  • I would need to look at your diary to say for sure, but it is possible that you have your activity level on mfp set too high. If you are not as active as you said you were, then fitbit will take calories away to balance out your intake/output!
  • The fitbit is worth every penny! It integrates with MFP to add to or take away from your calorie deficit. Take today, for example. I logged a light aerobics session (250 some odd calories.) However, my youngest child has the flu. Apart from that aerobics session, I've sat on my booty ALL day at doctors offices and…
    in Fitbit? Comment by marcyj April 2014
  • Here's mine!
    in Fitbit? Comment by marcyj April 2014
  • Polar Beat's output sounds a lot more reasonable, though perhaps a tad on the low side for the weight and avg bpm. Mapmyfitness seems really high since your heart rate wasn't through the roof. I use the digifit app right now to tie in with mfp, and it seems to be pretty accurate.
  • We've got about the same amount of weight to lose! I'm trying to focus on fitness and working out as well. :) I love to run, but sometimes it makes the arthritis in my hips flare up (stupid ballet as a teenager!) so I've gotten into Zumba and Step Aerobics at the gym, too. We can do this!
  • LOL! I'd be happy to be an accountability buddy! I need the same thing. Someone to say "So I see you had 5 pieces of chocolate today." (Yeah...I had 5 pieces of chocolate today...oops) And your "thigh gap" comment solidified the fact that we were meant to be friends. ;) I love a smarty. LOL!
  • I would definitely be interested!
  • My biggest challenge is the weight and the general concern for overall health. It used to be pregnancy. We did several IUI/injectable cycles before deciding to adopt. When my sweet boy was 18 months old (and after I had lost about 30 lbs) we found out we were pregnant. Weight and sugar/starch intake + exercise seems to be…
  • I was diagnosed about 10 years ago. I've managed to lose about 30 lbs (it bounces between 30-40) with a combination of a low carb/low starch diet and LOTS of exercise. It has been muchore difficult for me to lose and maintain losses than it is for my non-PCOS friends, but it is possible1. I've actually found that my body…
  • This is spectacular! I joined with mfp & fitbit and chose the Make a Wish donation as my reward. Now I will feel doubly good about my workouts! Awesome!
  • It's worth every penny! I absolutely love mine!!
    in Fitbit Comment by marcyj September 2012
  • As a child: Ducktales (woowoo!) Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers Garfield and Friends Tale Spin As a Teen: Buffy Charmed Dawson's Creek Angel Now: Vampire Diaries Doctor Who Glee Torchwood ...once a nerd always a nerd?
  • It's so hard to reform that self-destructive ED mindset into something positive. I'm so proud of you! <3 We should TOTALLY be friends! ;)
  • Thanks for all your work putting this together! And queenstatus, I like the name!
  • I want to join, too! I'm a newbie so I need a team. :)
  • I've done the same thing too many times to count. Kudos for you for stepping up and looking your lifestyle in the face and making a solid decision to take control! I'm sending you a friend request right now!
  • Before I started running (even though I did other cardio) it was in the low 70s. It now sits pretty regularly between 52-57!