

  • Do you have any close friends or family to help you. Talk to them and see if you can get some help. Let them know what you are trying to do for yourself and see if they could lend a hand once or twice a week at night. What are youir weekends like?? When I started my diet and everything approx a year ago I at first just…
  • I joined my local rec center and pay $25 a month for me only. It's real small and private and only has treadmills, ellipticals, bikes and weight machines and free weights. No pools or anything. I really like it and I go pretty much every other night. I do an hour on the ellipitical and then sit ups and then the weight…
  • LeighYan- Welcome back! I joined a few weeks ago and really like it. If you are looking for someone to encourage you- add me I am on here pretty much every day at some point in my day. YOU can do it- just get started that's the hardest part is to get in to the routine. Once you start losing a couple pounds it will motivate…
    in Hi Comment by ginurse_amy September 2011
  • Welcome to MFP- your gonna love it!!:wink:
  • Got one here!!
  • Hi Liz I started c25k last night after work. It was hard on my hip joints they are sore today but overall it felt good to run some. It's going to take some getting used to. I do about 6 miles on the elliptical every other day at the gym but running is different I guess. Would love to talk to you daily during my 9 weeks. Amy
  • Hi Keri- my name is Amy. I joined mfp a few weeks ago and really love it. The way you can count your cals all day and it will tell you how many you have left after each meal is a huge help. I have lost approx 10# since joining but a total of 28 since last fall doing my own diet and working out. So I am on here pretty mu ch…
  • I got some ole school 80's rap on my playlist. And some fergie which is hugely motivating. If you like 80's rap let me know and I'll give you my playlist.
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi Erica welcome to You will love this website! If your looking for a few friends on here- add me! BTW- I'm a nurse as well!
  • I go as soon as I get home from work and change my clothes. I'm usually there from 6:30 or so to approx 7:45 or later depending.I do my 60 minutes on the elliptical then 15-25 sit ups and weight machines then I'm out.It works for me. No won the weekends I either go first thing in the morning or in the late afternoons 3-5pm…
  • Welcome back and if you need a cheerleader or someone to hold you accountable I am on here daily pretty much. Good luck
  • You gotta take care of you because no one else is going to!! YOU are worth it!! Take it ONE day at a time! :wink:
  • I weigh first thing in the morning just after urinating and I weigh completely naked. Same time every day and I feel like it's my true weight. I also went out and purchased a new set of scales that actually has a memory so it keeps track of your daily loss or gain and tells you how much you lost from the previous day which…
  • Hi Jenny Welcome to MFP- you will definitely get the support you need on here. I am fairly new as well but have been on my own weight loss track for almost a year now. Have yo-yo'd a little but started out just before Thanksgiving last year at 181 and am now at 154 so am pretty happy with that. Are you going to be on here…
  • Hi there pedals. I am fairly new as well joined three weeks ago or so. If you need someone to get inspiration from I'm on here daily.
  • I am an IPhone girl-have the Iphone 4. But I can only run in the evenings after work. I want to run in a 5K in October so thought this would be a good start.
  • Does it matter which app I buy on my Iphone?:flowerforyou:
  • JRENA- Hi my name is Amy. I am interested in doing the c25K. Let me know if you are going to start today or not. Thanks. BTW- new to this site but have lost approx 27 lbs so far. Amy.
  • Congrats! I absolutely love to pull old clothes out of the closet and find them fitting after they didnt for a long time. Congrats!!