Cassielfsw Member


  • Even though it's not possible to spot reduce ONLY your tummy and lose no fat from your breasts, the reverse is also true. You will lose fat all over, not just your breasts. It's unlikely you'll turn completely flat unless you pretty much were flat already.
  • This right here. This is a problem. Why, exactly, are you concerned about gaining "a ton of weight" when you're medically underweight and living like somebody in a starvation camp?
  • I'm going to be very blunt. NO, 500 or 700 or anything under 1200 calories (at a BARE MINIMUM) is not enough. The people in concentration camps in WW2 were fed about 400 calories a day. You know what happened to a lot of them, right? And those of us who are saying that you sound like you have an eating disorder are NOT…
  • BMI and body fat % are not the same thing. BMI is calculated based on your weight and height and has nothing to do with how much of you is fat or muscle or anything else.
  • I'll play! Name: Cassie Age: 27 Height: 5'1" HW: 193 lbs CW: 191 lbs July 31st GW: 186 lbs Ultimate GW: 120 lbs About me: Unemployed geek living in Minneapolis and looking for work. I have a treadmill (but lately I've been taking my walks outside instead) and some free weights. I'm short but have never been slight or…
  • My goal last time was 130, I got there, but I was still chubby. (I tried to lose more but stalled out and then had some personal issues and gained 60 pounds...) My goal this time is 120.
  • I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, but I live in Minnesota now.
  • I have no difficulty believing that statistic to be true, because the ladies getting breast reductions are the ones whose breasts are SO huge as to be SUCH a pain in the neck (literally) that they're willing to get surgery to fix it. Of course they'd be happy after getting the proverbial millstone around their neck…
  • I'm afraid for that poor baby alligator (crocodile?)! You look FIERCE!
  • I'm 5'1" and I was going to show you the before/after from the first time I lost weight but Photobucket has banned my account for violating the TOS! Well, I never! :noway:
  • I've got 60-70 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • I played WoW for about 4 years but quit in frustration after Cata because my preferred role is healing and they nerfed healers into the ground. :brokenheart: I'm playing Lord of the Rings Online now. :smile:
  • What does NSV stand for?
  • I was looking for a calorie counter on my phone and found it in the Android Market. I mostly use my phone for the tracking stuff, I come to the website for the forums. :)
  • I usually watch DVDs and downloaded-- *cough* I mean, legally acquired-- stuff so I rarely see commercials. That said... NO I DO NOT WANT A FANTA.
  • My pic is me all gussied up as a bridesmaid for my sister's wedding.