Brands you will not purchase because of the commercial?



  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Ok last one that I hate. The Luv's diaper commercial where the kids have a poop contest. Worst commercial ever.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Not that I won't purchase something based off a commercial, but I find these particularly meh:

    E*Trade. I might be in the minority here but I do not find talking babies "cute" in any way... at all.

    Corona. Hey, you too can have cool parties with the cool kids if you drink our sh itty beer.

    Geico. The Caveman thing? Think I missed the boat on this one. These played non-stop during hockey. Ugh.

    On the other hand, Old Spice? Old Spice deodorant commercials rock my socks.

    And another old but good one, the Bridgestone "Reply All" email. When the guy rips out the cables in the server room and comes flying down out of the tree? I laugh my *kitten* off every time.

    I was expecting you to say Shake Weight! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member

    I was expecting you to say Shake Weight! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    That is the. best. commercial. EVER! *goes back to watch the "Ooooh, that's it." man*
  • SushiPunk
    SushiPunk Posts: 30 Member
    Does anyone else avoid buying a specific brand because of their commercial? Perhaps you don't like the celebrity in it, or it is just annoyingly bad?

    I just saw the one that sparked this topic is Nikkon. I can not stand Ashton Kutcher. They will not get my business when I buy a new camera.

    Nikkon makes great cameras and lenses though. If you want a great quality camera I would go with them, even though the commercials are bad. They compensate the crappy advertising with the amazing product.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member

    Nikkon makes great cameras and lenses though. If you want a great quality camera I would go with them, even though the commercials are bad. They compensate the crappy advertising with the amazing product.

    If your photos were taken with a Nikkon, then I might reconsider. Then again, you would make my daughter's barbie camera look good.
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    I hate the jewelry commercial where the couple is looking out a window, there's a loud clap of thunder and the woman jumps into the man's arms all dramatic-like. Then he says " It's okay, I'm here... I'll ALWAYS be here". Then, he pulls out of a diamon ring. SO. DAMN. CHEESY. I cannot stand that one!!!!!

    That being said, I like some commercials that others hate. I like the Geico cavemen... I always laugh at them. And the axe commercial about cleaning your balls.... too funny.

    Has anyone else noticed HOW CREEPY the guy is in that jewelry commercial?!?! The first time I saw it I wasn't sure if he was going to kill her or propose to her. Maybe it is just me -- but I think it is creepy.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I completely agree!!! SCARY THINGS!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I can think of a few I love ...the most interesting man in the world and mayham
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I don't like the Charmin ads with the weird family of bears who are always checking out each others *kitten*.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    I can think of a few I love ...the most interesting man in the world and mayham

    I :heart: Mayhem!!! Can't stand the most interesting man and that guy on the Old Spice commercials The Man Your Man Could Smell Like! :noway:
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Remember when Quizno's had those annoying scary looking singing hamster things????

    I mean Quizno's wasn't ever really that good to begin with but after those it's not even an option.

    HAHA! Made me laugh because when I saw those I thought, "What genius in marketing decided a rodent is an appetizing spokesperson for fast food?"

    LOL...We love the subs!...They got a pepper bar...
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    ...the most interesting man in the world

    They should just be honest and call it "Antonio Banderas impersonator reads Chuck Norris jokes."
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    weeeeeeeeeeeeeee wwweeee weeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    You're home Maxwell...
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    weeeeeeeeeeeeeee wwweeee weeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    You're home Maxwell...

    Oddly enough I'm in love with that commercial. I laugh every time I see it.
  • smason1284
    smason1284 Posts: 25 Member
    Old Navy has down right ticked me off!

    The new dress commercial has a chick in a white dress with a belt dancing in front of the fountain right when the commercial starts...

    I can't find the dress on their site anywhere so I went to their Facebook page and asked them where I could find the dress or if they were just advertising a dress they weren't selling.

    Instead of replying they just deleted my question from their Facebook page and acted like I never posted....

    That and the commercial with the tiny baby giraffes...I'm pretty sad I can't get one of those as a pet...LOL
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    HONDA and the weird chick singing "I'm a woody ninja" or something like that. My dh and I were arguing about if it was woody or wooly and what the heck that has to do with driving a Honda.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    OLD NAVY!! Good LORD those are the most horrific commercials on the face of the planet. I wish it was another store because they have a bunch of clothes that I wear so I'm always torn.
  • Cassielfsw
    Cassielfsw Posts: 24 Member
    I usually watch DVDs and downloaded-- *cough* I mean, legally acquired-- stuff so I rarely see commercials. That said...

  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I'd never buy Toyota anyway, but those toyota commercials with the snotty little blonde kid who makes other kids feel bad for having sensible parents who don't buy cars out of their means, or maybe can't afford to buy cars out of their means? I hate that kid and I hate the message that commercial sends.

    THIS. I hate those commercials so much.

    The other one that springs to mind is that Doritos commercial with the two guys in the office, and the one sucks the cheese off the other one's finger in a really unattractive way. Skeeves me out.
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    Remember when Quizno's had those annoying scary looking singing hamster things????

    I mean Quizno's wasn't ever really that good to begin with but after those it's not even an option.

    You know, my wife finally wrote them a letter saying something to the effect, |Why are there rats in your commercials? It makes me think there are rats in your restaurants. Why would anyone eat someplace that uses such a disgusting thing to represent them?|

    We never heard anything back from them, but the funny thing is less than two weeks later, the commercials weren't airing anymore.
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