Brands you will not purchase because of the commercial?



  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I can think of a few I love ...the most interesting man in the world and mayham

    I :heart: Mayhem!!! Can't stand the most interesting man and that guy on the Old Spice commercials The Man Your Man Could Smell Like! :noway:

    I love how the Mayhem guy is Tina Fey's/Liz Lemon's crappy boyfriend from the early seasons of 30 Rock. He is so funny!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member

    There is a commercial in my area for a website called Cougarlife. HATE, HATE, HATE.

    "I'm a cougar. She's a cougar. We're all cougars. Men love cougars. Don't you want to date a cougar too?" Over and over and over again.

    haha. I saw that the other night. The girls on the commercial are like 25. Not exactly a cougar.
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    hmm id have to say the AT&T commercial with the samsung infuse 4g phone when the guy puts his phone down with the spider pic on it and she sees it and screams then teh other guy takes his shoe and slams it on the phone over and over and over and says "got it"...................................................... are you freaking stupid? really. they couldnt see it was a phone? i didnt understand the point of that commercial except that there was a pic of a spider.................... will never get at&t service.....

  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Anything where they make me feel like I'm not a real woman because I never have 6 of my bestest friends in the whole wide world over for coffee so we can sit around and gossip.
    Anything they make look way harder than it is, like...sweeping so I can buy a disposable product.
    Idiot husbands doing anything.

    #1 Any company that thinks it's E-Z. Arghhhhh....drives me right up a pole. Grrr...shouldn't have read this before bed.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    And did you know since the Old Spice commercial with the ripped guy on a white horse telling you to smell your man came out, the stocks and sales have sky rocketed...that's the best marketing campaign that Old Spice has EVER had...makes you wonder eh?

    Meh ont his one, the commercials got my attention a couple times because they were different, but I've only ever used Old Spice Deodorant anyway. Won't touch antiperspirant in any form, I was "made" to sweat so I want to be able to :)

    DQ's latest round of commercials are really annoying, heck there's tons of annoying commercials.

    Can I just say "ANY commercial" especially on the stations that you have to turn UP the volume to even "hear" the show, and then when the commercials come on THEY ARE SCREAMING AT YOU! and you scramble madly to get the volume down in a nasty 15 minute cycle... what's that? my shows are on DVD almost as soon as the season is done so I don't have to deal with their stupid 4 weeks of episodes, 1 or 2 weeks skipped then more episodes? I can watch it all at once? No commercials (barring whatever previews may be "forced" to watch before the menu option is available? Hmmm
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    That and the commercial with the tiny baby giraffes...I'm pretty sad I can't get one of those as a pet...LOL
    I totally want a tiny baby giraffe too! I love how he blows the guy a kiss!
    Can't stand Kit Kat bar commercials with all the crunching.... Just thinking of it makes me cringe.
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80

    Sonic for instance has a commercial right now advertising a oreo ice cream shake thing and a big glob of ice cream makes out with a big pile of oreos. It is absolutely creepy and disgusting and i dont think i can have oreo ice cream anymore.

    Yes! That is so awkward!

    And I hate, hate, hate the snobby blond kid car commercials too!!!

    And, one of my least favorite ever, the car commercials (hyundai?) with the hamsters driving toasters...what the what?!?! That doesn't even remotely make sense. And the song (which is a hip hop classic about not making bad choices in life, ie don't do drugs and drop out of school) is remixed to sound incredibly annoying!!

    If that commercial comes on and my son catches even a second of it he sings that song ALL DAY. "You could get with this, or you could get with that..." Lord it's awful.

    It's downright scary how kids memorize that stuff. Our daughter sings to the jingles when hubby forgets to forward the DVR. And we DVR almost everything and skip through the commercials I'd have to say 96% of the time!

    Oh...and Flo annoys me. She treats men like morons.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Remember when Quizno's had those annoying scary looking singing hamster things????

    I mean Quizno's wasn't ever really that good to begin with but after those it's not even an option.

    AGREED! I didn't really like Quizno's before those commercials but those sealed the deal for me.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    If I was in America, and I needed a Lawyer, I certainly wouldn't be calling 1-800 ASK GARY. Those ads drove me mad when I was over there.

    From the UK, the new Superdrug ads annoy me because I can't stand the girl in them from Gavin and Stacey. The Boots ads on the other hand make me laugh, so based on that Boots gets my business!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm not sure which diaper company it was - Huggies maybe? When they came out with the jean "diapers"...

    Something about "I look like number 1 when I go number 2".

    Are you freaking serious?

  • Kayamooh
    Kayamooh Posts: 45 Member
    I hate the "go compare" adverts, where this guy sings really obnoxiously about car insurance. If you've never heard of it, youtube them and see the awfulness.

    I also dislike the adverts where there's a group of women sitting around discussing their bowl movements. and then some obscure product comes on screen. WHY?!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    go compare - never!!

    we buy any *kitten* off
  • Kayamooh
    Kayamooh Posts: 45 Member
    go compare - never!!

    we buy any *kitten* off

    Compare the market on the other hand.. I would totally consider. Meercats are awesome!
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    I hate the Go Compare ads too, always mute the telly. BUT the other day when I was looking for a car insurance quote, that was the site I went to as it was the first one that came to mind, so as much as I hate to admit it, their ads work :(
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    That creepy child who sings "potty time" and grabs his crotch. So innapropriate!
    Can't remember what nappy (daiper) company that is for, lucky I don't have to buy them!

    And one that used to be on here in Australia (maybe just in the west) for a camping store who showed people playing computer games or watching movies and shouted "that's not living, this is living" as they disembowelled a fish or destroyed the fragile sand dune environment by ripping up and down in a petrol guzzling four wheel drive. I can only assume that I'm not the demographic they were aiming at, but my brother in law didn't get the gift voucher he wanted!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    The Adios slimming pill ads *gag*
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    The Adios slimming pill ads *gag*

    Yup - what makes them think that ANYONE would be seen in glittery bright pink hot pants! NOONE looks good in them - they even make the skinny girls look chunky!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i agree with the go compare adds they drive me nuts, but i do like the we buy any ones for some reason, not to watch but i always end up singing the song. my bug bear has to be cilit bang, i mean who is barry scott? and why does he have to shout? and i remember when it first came out they promoted it a product that could do away with several bottles of stuff, but if that is really the case than why do they have so many different types now?

    bring back the wimpy mr muscle!

    and for heavens sake please let that child go for a poo at pauls!!!
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Head On, apply directly to the forehead.
    Head On, apply directly to the forehead.
    Head On, apply directly to the forehead...... :)

    LOL My mother in law bought me some when I had a migraine.. Not only did it not work it made my skin feel weird. She couldn't understand that if my Rx migraine drugs didn't work the next step was Demerol, if that fails it's to the hospital for whatever it is they give me there. Not sure what it is but within an hour my pain is gone and I am in loopy land for the next 8 hours :bigsmile:
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Car fax/fox. The fox is annoying!

    Pampers diapers, but only the one for the 'jean' type diaper

    Any Old Navy