becka63 Member


  • Ooh, how lovely!! I'm thinking of getting a Charge 2 - seem to read lots of positive things about it, so would value any pointers or suggestions added from anyone here. Am looking to get seriously motivated after too long inactivity!
  • Oh I'm in! Want to lose about 20lbs, with hopefully 10 of those before April. From past experiences, I lose weight s...l...o...w...l...y... which makes me lose motivation!
  • Oh, I'm back after a long time (I just logged in daily, nothing more)! So determined to make this happen this year! Have sent you an add, anyone else on here, please feel free to add and let's support each other!
  • Thanks all - yes, the squats...the lunges....aarrgghh! But I know it's all to the good!
  • Oh, thanks - I'd decided to stick with it until I'd done it 5-6 times anyway, so it's good to hear that I might just have to power on through the first few times! :)
  • I'm started running many years after being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and it doesn't seem to affect my condition. I've never tried to run during a flare - I've been lucky insomuch as I've not had a flare since starting running - I guess I probably couldn't! If you, or any IBDers are interested, there is a Facebook…
  • When i was running 6+ miles, I would make a chocolate milk drink including greek yoghurt, ground almonds, smooth PB to have post-run. I found it so filling it broke the cycle of get home, shower, get dressed, eat the contents of the fridge and cupboards and then make lunch...i had got into! Note to self: I probably need to…
  • You see, this is where MFP really needs a 'like' button because I want to like all of these comments! I'm finding them so motivating! thank you all so much!!
  • Thanks for the responses! I think the ones that resonate most with me are the people who said that they just ran the distance without being in a 1/2, especially taking into consideration registration fees etc. I'm currently doing higdon's 1/2 novice and just completed wk 3 where the long run is 5 miles. I spent the first…
  • Bellowhead. Currently 'Revival'. Great tracks.
  • Yep. Even though I've had running breaks of several months, I like to go back and start it again, especially when I feel I'm starting from a fairly unfit base! I did it initially and then went straight on to the c210k programme. I ran a 10k and carried on running with other apps (mapmyrun, Runkeeper) until I got to about…
  • The downloadable PDFs are free to download.
  • Heyyyyy The hal higdon apps are expensive, but the schedules are available on is website as downloadable PDFs (for free). I'm not sure if it meets your criteria in terms of runs per week but might still be worth a look!
  • Yes. You can't get the strap wet enough, imo. I usually soak mine in a sink 5-10 min before I wear it - this solved the same issue with me (once I'd done the battery on the watch and transmitter!).
  • I think body fat percentage is different to BMI and body dimensions maybe measurements? have you taken measurements as they can be more telling than the scale. I have a polar ft4 and whilst I believe it is accurate, I don't take it as gospel. That said, when I use a running app (with my stats in) both my HRM and app…
  • Stupid question: did you replace batteries in both watch and the thing you stick on your strap? (It's name eludes me at the moment!). It sounds similar to how mine was behaving (same model) and I just really made sure that I was soaking the strap before wearing it and I was soaking myself before attaching the strap. Also…
  • If it was me and I was still experiencing symptoms I would be going back. Some times with IBD meds it's a case of getting the dosage right before looking to add new things in. Check out there is a publications page which has free downloadable information sheets on UC and treatments. I don't…
  • I would also add that I think 5 months after diagnosis he is doing a terrific job to be running at all! Also, had you thought about a treadmill? I realise you wouldn't be able to run together! and maybe that's too much of the appeal of running to consider a treadmill! but he would be able to run and find out how his body…
  • I have got Crohn's Disease and enjoy running. Thankfully, the only time I have experienced anything like you describe as your husband's experience was on an organised 10k so I was able to leave the track, sort myself out and then return to the run. For my own preparation, I always try to have visited the loo before I run.…
  • Will, I've managed my 2nd run of the week! I feel to stay motivated, I have to log EVERYTHING, including if I weigh myself, how I feel when I've exercised and not forgetting what I eat!
  • I would be up for the group thing too, if only to have a 'place' to offer motivation and encouragement (and I know I will need some serious butt-kicking to keep me on track!) :-)
  • Yes, what a lot of great responses!
  • This is me! Ideally, I'd like to lose maximum of 20lb, so I don't think I'm actually asking the world here! Am currently 153lb, I have been under 130 through illness and it wasn't a look that suited me, so would look to staying in the low-mid 130s Have just restarted running today. That's my problem. I do a lot of…
  • I just started the hal higdon novice 1 1/2 marathon programme yesterday. I'm actually very nervous about registering for the 1/2 (19th october), so I haven't taken 'that' step yet. I plan to see how I feel after a couple of weeks. I have run 10k (and more) before, but never this much, so I'm not new to running. That said,…
  • I'm interested in finding out more, so yeah!
  • I agree on the push ups front. There are lots of different styles and ways to adapt push ups whilst you're building strength. Doing them on your knees, or standing upright and pushing against a wall, resting your hands on a (stable) chair seat and doing them that way is effective. Also, if you can, maybe look at getting…
  • That would be me! Lost 16lb and gained it and a little bit more too! Defo looking for ads to help me this time round!
  • Hi I've done it before and am just starting it again today! I am soooooooooo unfit this time round, I could really use some support and a motivation group!
    in TurboFire Comment by becka63 June 2014
  • I did workouts A & B at home last week.... I need to join the gym!! One more week at home and then I'll relocate :-)
  • Wow, that is still an amazing difference, I would be beyond proud with those types of results! If that took six months, what are your plans now?