zatsdeb Member


  • Donny Osmond!
  • fresh lemon slices in hot water.
  • you look amazing! I lost 60 lbs with weight watchers, gained 20 back. started over here and you give people like me inspiration!!
  • Great job! you could always come and jog on my treadmill also.. with the air conditioner on! lol!
    in first NSV! Comment by zatsdeb July 2011
  • bananas are good for you, they are a filling food, and a fruit, but if you eat too many in 1 day the calories add up and carbs! 1 medium banana.. Calories 80 Sodium 1 mg Total Fat 0 g Potassium 422 mg Saturated 0 g Total Carbs 27 g Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 3 g Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 14 g Trans 0 g Protein 1 g…
  • I have lots of pets, 2 beagles, Chester and Festus...(my daughter has the other beagle.. miss kitty) 4 cats, 3 miniature donkeys, 1 paint mare, 1 european fallow deer, 5 goats, 5 baby goats, 30 chickens, 4 ducks, 3 turkeys, 75 baby chicks, 14 guineas....
    in Pets? Comment by zatsdeb April 2011
  • I keep jello 60 calorie chocolate pudding snack cups in my fridge at all times!!!
  • wow, that is an awesome story!!!
  • I have a weight watchers digital scale, and it was accurate to the ones at weight watchers when I would weigh in, I think you get what you pay for usually. my scale was not cheap but was not expensive also.. think about 20 bucks, and it works great!
  • I did weight watchers for over 2 years and lost 50 lbs... I was at a standstill, and found this site, it is almost like weight watchers only you will be suprised how many calories you are eating when you track the same things online as you do weight watchers. I switched to this cause its free and I was at a standstill for…
  • I am suprised you are taking oxicotin for so long, I did read that when you take a strong pain killer for a long time, it can mess with you, my brother takes vicodin, has for years, and has more pain.. I told him I had read that one of the side effects of taking it so long is pain... you may be having side effects because…
  • I keep my scale in the same place all the time, and always weigh in the mornings before I eat or drink anything.
  • You make me proud! I am so glad we can do this together!!!
    in Hi :) Comment by zatsdeb February 2011
  • I have some I am going to make banana oatmeal cookies!
  • me too, I just started today and I excited to see how the good old fashioned way of counting calories works for me!!
  • thanks, I will do that! It is nice having a big support group with people who understand!!
  • Today is my first day and I tracked my food just to see what I was eating and was suprised also at the carbs and fat! Tomorrow I start following the plan and we will see how it works! Lost 55 lbs on weight watchers and kept it off for a year now, not by choice, went every week for meetings and went up a lb. and down a…