

  • Thats not eally something I would worry about! In the red is one thing, but say you were to get double the protein you needed, and starved yourself instead of exercising, then tthat excess protein would turn into carbs. Dont feel bad if you get into the red. There no way to tell for sure how much protein someones body…
  • Completely motivated? Wouldnt mind hearing how you stay motivated!
    in Hiya! Comment by crawdiddy01 May 2011
  • You should post pictures. It helps monitor your progress. I understand some people are too shy, but i use that as an extra motivator!
    in Hello :) Comment by crawdiddy01 May 2011
  • Dont cut it out! The idea is not to deprive yourself, you will just end p eventually giving in and driving yourself crazy with guilt and regret! RAther, Id say you go for a healthy lifestyle. Eat them, but in moderation! Working out and living this new lifestyle is merely to make you feel better about yourself, which…
  • I use Shakeology, its got the stuff from like 70 vegetables! Dont worry about fruit if u take in ur veggies! Lots of fruit have natural sugar, which is still better than artificial sweetners.
  • How about when soda comes in a 20 oz bottle for 2.5 servings!
  • Eminem's Beautiful... not calling myself that but listen to it and you'll know what i mean!
  • I have heard that when you sleep your body rests and so its not necessarily the calendar changing the day but sleeping that ends one day's cycle. That being said, doing extra to your body the day after a binge could actually hurt it. You need fuel to do well. Depriving yourself after a binge is counterproductive! And when…
  • Everyone has theier favorites but I do all around conditioning! I dont wanna be the weird gym guy with massive arms and chicken legs! haha! Ive been doing Bob Harpers DVD set. The yoga is killer! Im about to start P90x or Insanity, probably Insanity becasue it requires no extra equipment! I love anything that doesnt…
  • Ive been doing the dry sauna lately, just because I go to one specific gym gym for the whirlpool and its been out of order last few times! Boo!
  • Of course! we all need motivation! some people cant put themselves out there and this is an area im all self conscious about, but otherwise im an extrovert. So I decided I needed that to be an extra motivator! I linked up MFP and my facebook so now when I log an exercise or daily calorie count, it shows up in my newsfeed!…
  • i purposely go to the gym while my favorite shows are on, might as well let my eyes relax and my legs pound it out!
  • I dunno why but Kanye West's Pwer always helps me run better!
  • I eat out of boredom so that has just got to stop! I also eat out, mostly because I had to move in with the parents and they dont care about thier food consumpiton and pay no attention to what thier eating. Actually, sometimes it seems that if a food can be considered healthy they best "doctor it up!"
  • Ijust started but mine is going to be very umm "un-diet-like"
  • Ive been told for any sort of toning to just do cadio! Anyhow I had a rough day and ur post mde me laugh! Appreciate it!
  • Im weird. I either go all out and do great or lapse and do horrific!