tubbytwinmummy Member


  • I was taking fluoxetine for years and actually lost weight. I think they just have to put it as weight gain/loss (which is also listed as a side effect) can be an effect of depression itself, same with suicidal thoughts etc... I'm now on citalopram and the same things are listed, but I'm still losing weight at a healthy…
  • Wow, it's so inspirational reading through all of these! Today I'm wearing a pair of size (UK) 12 jeans with no love handles! And I can officially say I'm back in pre-baby jeans as I bought them before I got pregnant :D (they're actually a couple of sizes bigger than I used to usually wear, but hey!). Very proud of myself…
  • You look AMAZING!! So inspiring! Huge congratulations, I'll bet you're so proud of yourself - and so you should be! :)
  • I'm quite new myself, but from what I understand this is normal? I'd give it a little while longer and see how you are in a week or so :) I found upping my water intake to 2 litres+ a day helped. Hope this helps! Good luck, you're doing fantastically :D
  • Wow, thanks so much for all the replies :) I'll carry on napping while I need it, and now don't have to feel guilty :D tbh, I think the nexplanon is probably a big part of it. I've been checking back over my weight loss, and the plateaus do seem to coincide with bleeds. Thanks again all, I'll try to stop getting so…
  • Thanks very much, I'll try having a meal afterwards :) will probably be more likely to do more exercise if I know I can eat after! That link looks like it'll be really helpful, I'll have a proper look tomorrow. Thanks again for your replies xx
  • Thanks for your reply :) That's a good point about the exercise. I do tend to feel sluggish and can't work as hard after a meal, so will try eating afterwards. I think I just liked the idea of burning off dinner before going to bed? :)