Will antidepressants make me gain weight?

I finally took your advice and went to a doctor. After asking a bunch of questions, he prescribed me an antidepressant (fluoxetine).
I've heard antidepressants can make you gain weight. Now, I will take this medicine regardless of that, but is it true.
Does it cause weight gain by increasing your appetite? I'm pretty sure I can keep myself in check and not over eat. Or does it ACTUALLY make you gain, despite eating a normal amount?
I'm going to restate this for clarity: I WILL take the medication, even if it causes weight gain. If I have any problems I'll talk to my doctor.


  • z_bra
    z_bra Posts: 79 Member
    It was originally manufactured as a weight loss drug,there is a good chance it will reduce your appetite significantly and help you lose weight- especially if you overeat due to depression(boredom, loneliness,etc)
  • tubbytwinmummy
    tubbytwinmummy Posts: 10 Member
    I was taking fluoxetine for years and actually lost weight. I think they just have to put it as weight gain/loss (which is also listed as a side effect) can be an effect of depression itself, same with suicidal thoughts etc... I'm now on citalopram and the same things are listed, but I'm still losing weight at a healthy pace.
    Well done for seeking help - I know it's not easy. Feel free to add me if you need some support/would like to chat :)
  • It really varies from person to person. I know my Wellbutrin definitely causes a lack of appetite in most people, but Prozac is going to be a 50% chance. Don't worry about it though. Once your body gets used to it after about a month, you'll be able to tell. It hasn't affected my weight, and it's always better to not feel sad. =(

    There are a bunch of anti-depressants that cause weight gain but for real these are side-effects instead of law.

    Be happy and healthy all across the board, lady.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Some people gain. Different bodies, different effects. Don't give in because you think you can blame it on the pill. That stuff takes a while before it happens.

    Stay strong. You will be happy and thinner. Stay positive,
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Yeah, for awhile, they tried to market fluoxetine (Prozac) as a weight loss drug. I've been taking it since soon after it came on the . market which was in 1987. I've taken it almost constantly for 33 years! Anyway, never noticed any effect on weight and had to laugh when they tried that marketing scheme. Lilly had to back off because there was little evidence supporting it for that.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I was on Cymbalta for 10 months. I gained weight. I went off it because I decided Cymbalta made me fat... I didn't lose weight until I started tracking calories.

    So if you gain weight while on medication, either talk to your doctor and try another medication or simply track your caloric intake and compare it to your TDEE. If you're eating above or well below your TDEE then that could be why you are gaining (with eating below, I'd guess that your metabolism has been stunted and your BMR and TDEE are much lower than they should be).

    I am actually considering going back on the medication as i've been inconsistent with my moods and such, but I'm not really worried it will make me gain weight. I just happened to be eating al ot at that time and stopped working out regularly (or stopped doing as much cardio, can't remember)
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    I blamed a lot of my weight gain on birth control pills for years, but truthfully I just was eating a lot of calories and not exercising at all... so it was inevitable to gain weight lol.

    But to answer your question I'm not on the same medicine you are, but my mood stabilizer hasn't affected my weight at all. :)
    It does give me headaches and make my vision blurry, but it's classified different (anticonvulsant) than prozac is.
  • BigMuhol
    BigMuhol Posts: 1 Member
    I am on 100mg of Pristiq and have lost 6kgs from not 'eating my feelings'. I'd get anxious and eat. I'd get upset and eat.
    I'm under the care of a Dietician and she has said that many people with depression/anxiety issues lose weight once they start medication because they're more balanced and no longer binge eat.

    Pristiq is weight neutral according to my doctor and he prescribed it specifically because I am trying to lose weight, as there are some on the market that can cause increase your appetite.

    I'd research your options and discuss it with your doctor. Request a weight neutral anti-depressant if it is available.

    I hope this helps :)
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    I would keep taking the med, be aware of your food intake. Get out for some activity. Weight loss or gain is a very common side effect in many medications. If you find that you are gaining despite eating well and exercise then another visit with your doctor to discuss a possible alternative to the med you are taking, make sure he knows you are trying to lose weight if he doesn't already!

    I was on a medication for migraines, it had an appetite suppressing side effect but did not last very long, the first year I was on it my doctor always asked me if I was eating well or had lost any significant weight. LOL, nope!
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Firstly, WTG on listening to people here and taking their advice to get some help.

    My question is, though, did you go talk to a therapist *first* who recommended you go get a prescription from a doctor? Or did you just go straight to the medical doc without therapy?

    I ask for two reasons:

    1.) though medical doctors have good intentions (most of the time), they will hand out antidepressants like candy if they think it will make their patient feel good. The sad thing is, they don't have to take anyone's advice on that but their own, and they are NOT licensed in psychotherapy. Thus, you are getting into a potentially really bad situation where you're "flying blind" on whether or not you even need drugs. Psychotropic drugs are STRONG and can affect your physical and mental state quite dramatically. Also, some docs collect commissions from the drug companies for prescribing their drugs - so not all docs have pure motives in handing out these pills. and

    2.) Even if you decide to stay on the drugs, you really really really need to talk to a therapist in *tandem* with taking the medication. You can't just take a pill and everything just gets better. There are no short cuts in life - believe me! You need to work out the stuff going on in your head and learn new ways to think and new ways to cope with your obsessions. Drugs will not "magically" make that happen.

    So please, as soon as possible, go talk to a good therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Will you do that?
  • GrokGranny
    GrokGranny Posts: 25 Member
    I have been on several of them through the years and ALL of them put on 15 pounds or more...even Cymbalta which was not supposed to do that. When I started with my current therapist 15 months ago, he suggested I might want to go back on something and I flat out said, "No. I've worked too hard to take off 110 pounds already!" He understood and explained that many people do not metabolize anti-depressants well and they can put on pounds. So, I opted to return to Serenegen by Metagenics. It's a Chinese Herbal blend. I also pray throughout my day and do Yoga 2-3x week. Still...we are ALL different and because it didn't bode well for me, does not mean it will not for another. Also, there is a blood test through Assure Rx that help you to know which anti-depressants will agree with your system and which one's won't. It removes all the trial and error. I have a family member who took the test at the suggestion of our doctor (and with the blessing of his psychiatrist) and it made a huge difference getting him on the right med (he did not experience weight gain.)
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  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    There's quite a few antidepressants that are used to treat anorexia nervosa, so they obviously help with weight gain.

    Fluoxetine shouldn't affect your weight all that much, if anything you may lose a little bit of weight just simply from feeling sick from first taking it.