ortega1990 Member


  • Agree with the rest about adding sweetener to something that is already sweet. In time you will start to taste the natural sweetness and won't need to resort to adding sweeteners. Honey and maple syrup are natural/paleo sweeteners to use.
  • There is a certain "paleo" person who has apps and cookbooks and I followed for a while on Instagram until I realized that *everything* he posts is a Paleo-fied treat: cakes, cookies, desserts... All. The.Time. I no longer follow him. I agree that people need to stop Paleo-fying the foods they used to eat (i.e. paleo…
  • I made Paleo Brownies yesterday - something that I rarely do: making paleo treats. But I had all the ingredients for this recipe and decided what the heck. They are pretty tasty, though I *accidentally* used double the baking soda and they are a bit fluffier than they are supposed to be. Here is the recipe: Ingredients 1/2…
  • Good job KombuchaCat with getting more movement in - it's important when one is a desk-jockey (I am one). Thanks to the MDA podcast I found Al Kavadlo who does all body-weight exercises/ calisthenics. It's pretty amazing how physically strong he is (Google his name to see - particularly the Human Flag - ouch!). This type…
  • I use this recipe and it works every time! http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2010/06/03/the-secret-to-homemade-mayo-patience/ She says the key is to have the egg at room temperature. I have a mini food processor that I use but the video shows a traditional blender.
  • I don't know if this is the first time you met with that dietitian, but I'd venture to say that most dietitians will revert to what they know and how they were trained with regard to eating grains. Does this dietitian know anything about eating paleo/primal? You can get carbs from other sources than grains, i.e. sweet…
  • I stopped tracking over a year ago. I know what I need to be eating and feel comfortable managing it without tracking.
  • I had my leftover sprouts for lunch and even though slightly smelly, they tasted fine. I've never roasted sprouts before and I thought that like with cauliflower, the smell would be completely gone by roasting. A squeeze of lemon over them sounds good!
  • Vegan cheese sounds horrid. I don't know how you can substitute the goodness of creamy, whole milk cheese whether it's cow or goat!
  • I haven't had a gallbladder for 20 years and no problems eating Paleo.
  • Brave cleaning out the cupboards! I agree about the fruit - it is my crutch I admit but I love it so much I cannot give it up!
  • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks ...very informational but also with a personal story.
  • Got Robb Wolf's book this morning... I love a good deal. Yeah, the cookbooks are a bit more but still a bargain.
  • Keep lifting heavy and get yourself fat adapted - done by maintaining low carb. You don't need to be in ketosis to be fat adapted. I know the concept, which is seemingly easy but I love fruit and that keeps my carbs somewhat high. Mark Sisson says the fat burning happens between 100 - 150 carbs per day... double check that…
  • Keep Calm and Grok On!
  • Hello~ there are tons of Paleo blogger websites - one of my favorites is Nom Nom Paleo. Pinterest has lots of recipes too but be careful because people pin stuff that is not really Paleo but they think it is... or it can be Paleo if you know how to substitute the ingredients. Your basic rule should be to pair a vegetable…
  • Ambitious! good luck!
  • Welcome! My best advise for you want to eat clean is to focus on whole foods in their natural state: veggies, fruits, fats, and proteins. Stay away from sugar, grains, and processed foods.
  • Michelle Tam has an awesome Thanksgiving recipes page - all clean ingredients. Check it out: http://nomnompaleo.com/post/67751963650/forky-friday-nomtastic-thanksgiving-roundup
  • Usually fat-free means that it's either full of chemicals or sugar. Margarine is definitely not a clean food... it's hardly food - it's one molecule away from being plastic! Stick to whole foods: vegetables, fruits, proteins in their natural state. Shop the supermarket perimeters more that aisles. Read labels and avoid…
  • Natural fats: yes! Our brains and cells need fat.
  • Great progress! I 'm glad you will keep the nutrition part going.
  • I belong to a MFP group for Paleo/Primal recipes... It's not very active but there's some recipes there. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/17967-paleo-primal-recipes Pinterest is the best source though!
  • Excellent! thanks for posting this... I've been meaning to make bone broth, hadn't remembered to check for a recipe and this one looks good.
  • I have to tell you that I find Whole 30 very beneficial. I just completed my second one this year. The first one resulted in my completely ditching all manner of artificially sweetened drinks - and I'd been drinking diet Coke for 30+ years! I only drink water or mineral water, or unsweet tea these days. I also got a whole…
  • If it's a grain then it's a no-go.
  • The Walk by Richard Paul Evans. It's a 5 part series and I've only read the first part but it was an easy and quick read. I need to read the rest! The plot is that life circumstances sets the main character on a cross-country walking journey.
  • To repeat professor Tim Noakes: there is no scientific evidence that humans needs to eat grains. I think that when people hear the word Paleo they automatically think everything is wrong with it... it has gotten such a bad wrap that people ignore that the concept is that you are eating *real* *whole* foods, not…
  • It sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up and stay focused, you've got this!
  • Everything Akima said ^^ . Paleo and counting calories don't go hand-in-hand. And to add: your brain and body need fat! Healthy fat: olive oil, coconut oil, and yes animal fat... stay away from the bastardized "vegetable" (corn, canola) oils... you probably already know this though. Fat is what keeps all the neurons in…