i like 7-11 hotdogs with that processed bright orange cheese. i know it's gross. but it's sooooo good.
i haven't paid for any fad diets but i currently doing the 8 hour diet and doing pretty well on it. i can only eat for 8 hours a day. i can eat anything i want but i'm sticking to anything under my calorie limit. i need to excerise for at least 8 minutes and a day and i fast for 16 hours. it's pretty cool and it's helping…
i love the banana split but i dont know if they still make it.
cherrios, frosted flakes (in right portions they are fine), rice krispies, chex and sometimes i slurge on something sugary and sweet like trix or cocoa pebbles but they can only have it on the weekends. they love it. it's like a reward for being good all week.
dancing with the kids. they love it. turn on some fun music and dance and sing. also, the park. swing, going up and down. just doing everything with the kids.
6-18-12 walked 39 minutes and burned 365
this man know what he's talkin about
monoploy and life. i think i just like games where i get money.
i'm in littleton, colorado! and it's a beautiful day.
raw red leaf lettuce raw green leaf lettuce raw spinach alberston large egg royal crest, 1.5% milk those are my top 5
is someone a little chocolate crazy right now?
whip it
carrot sticks are my favorite. i'm a huge fan of smuggling snacks anyways but i love eating carrots while watching movies.
i do the same thing and i feed a family of four.
i feel like pilates has done more for my flexiblity then yoga.
i wanna make my boyfriend jealous. i want someone to hit on me and him to actually be jealous. i have never seen him jealous and it honestly breaks my heart. i want him to get pissed because he thinks he could actually lose me because i'm pretty.
keep it comin'. you guys know some really random crap.
im 5'9 and i wear heels all the time to work. i think i look tall and sexy and i love it. my man is 6 foot even but in his work boots, he is about 6'2 and damn he looks good.
i will eat a banana, work out. then shower and all the gettin' ready junk and then eat breakfast. it works well for me.
my friend did it. and i think she finished. not quite to sure of her complete results but her butt is lookin really good. i know that sounds weird but i saw her yesterday is a new pair of jeans and had a little butt envy.
no guilt. i did the same thing. too much drinking and pizza. but today is a new day. and it's fresh start.
eat smart. small meals, lots of water. enjoy the time in florida. dont worry to much. just make smart choices. plus tons of walking. you will be fine. just have fun.
hell yes it is.
i drive a red 2004 sunfire. its my baby.
by day three i was feeling a ton better. but day 1 and 2 kicked my butt.
my arms are starting to look it too. i'm so excited to see what this 30 days brings
swimming and volleyball. swimming is my favorite sport to watch. i love it.
there is 5 of us in my family and i can normally feed us for around $600 a month. it's hard and i shop sales and buy as much fresh and local as i can.