goldenglow90 Member


  • I don't eat avocados or seeds. I do like coconut but again the sugar content in fruits doesn't help
  • Since I take a pack up for lunch, how would you suggest adding more red meat?
  • And cheese! That's where I have lost a lot of my fat intake from, and no, I don't cook my meat in oil. The beef cooks in its own fat and I use a 1cal sunflower spray for chicken and omelettes, since it's only 1cal, I don't log it
  • I don't really look at grams but generally its 15-20% fat, 60-65% carbs and 20-25% protein. I think my diary is open. (Ps, I don't like nut butters, although I do have a dairy free version of Nutella, also it contains sugar too so negates the fat content when looking at proportions).
  • All stats are the same in both (maintain weight). I don't have the exact figures but yesterday Fitbit said I'd burned around 1780 calories but my adjustment in Fitbit was only about 30 (so a total of 1730). Today Fitbit says I've burned nearly 1900 calories so far but my adjustment is 0, 200 calories difference!
  • Okay, now I can't get the negative calorie adjustment to work. I've enabled it on the website, restarted the app, logged out and back in, uninstalled and reinstalled the app, it still says it is disabled.
  • Maybe that's it then, I'd set a calorie goal in mfp rather than a weight goal. I'll try changing it
  • At least it's not just me. I stupidly reinstalled mfp all and now have no data at all until it syncs again :(
  • If I know I'm going out for dinner I make an extra effort to have a low calorie and healthy (I try to focus on low fat as usually fat tends to be higher in meals when you eat out) breakfast and lunch and will usually ditch the (healthy) snacks in between. That way I can choose something from the menu that I like without…
  • I'm managing okay at the moment but we are going to the in-laws over Christmas so it'll be more difficult to control what I eat. Breakfast is fine but dinner will have to be whatever is being cooked for us, plus there is the alcohol. I'm not a big drinker anyway but even just one or two can put me over the calorie limit.…
  • I've just started week 2, I like it but it's hard. Anyone following the diet too? I'm a really fussy eater so I'm trying a 50/30/20 for carbs/fat/protein as I work out that's a similar ratio but struggling getting enough carbs in!
  • Here's the thing, the 5th rep isn't hard to begin with but I struggle by the time I get to the 5th set which is why I'm not adding more than 2kg each time
  • I looked at this a while back but it's really expensive for something I don't know if I can stick to. Is there a free trial or anything?
  • I do les mills body step twice a week and wear trainers. If it's a case of not enough rest between this and running, how would you suggest building back up to bring about to do activities like this everyday again?
  • I use an app called runmeter and did the training program for 5k, I'm now doing the program for 10k. I'm on week 4, running 3 times a week, about 10-15k a week as well as doing 2 fitness classes at the gym. My shins have started to become really sore. I'm not sure what I should do, I don't want to stop running, how can I…
  • Thanks, my other half has one of those basic weight machines at home, could I use that? As I said, I already do some dumbell exercises.
  • This is the kind of thing I need! I've tried other apps before but they've not been very good
  • Okay so I did the IIFYM and I'm finding it hard to reach my protein goal and go over the carbs. I eat meat with dinner but don't like nuts and seeds so don't get much protein elsewhere. My other half uses whey protein and make shakes sometimes, is it okay for me to do that since I don't want to bulk up, just tone and lose…
  • Thanks for the replies. I looked at the beginner workout on nerd fitness which looks simple enough. Should I still do my running and swimming on the rest days? Also, with IIFYM, do I still eat back exercise calories? And what's the best way to measure food? I cook with my partner and I do measure out meat and pasta but…
  • That's the point, I don't know. If I drink at home I have vodka and diet lemonade, and I measure the vodka so I know exactly how much I've used. If I have a cocktail at a bar then I don't know what measures they are using or even some of the ingredients. I've looked up some cocktails on MFP and the number of calories…
  • YES! I've just finished level 1 and only had 1 rest day and I've gained 3lbs. I don't think it's all muscle though as I have also added 1% to my body fat :(
  • Okay, I've opened my diary. I know the last couple of days I have eaten more rubbish as I've had friends over but other than that I can't see where I'm going wrong
  • Same here! And I hate it when friends think I'm being silly because with clothes on I can hide it and look skinny but in a bikini it's a different story. I started doing the 30DS. I've only been doing it for a week and although there isn't much difference yet, I do feel more sucked in but still wanting to get rid of that…
  • Have you taken measurements? I was told by my trainer at the gym that your body fat can take a long time to come down (I'm a woman and mine is 19%) but your body shape can still change as your fat is being redistributed if that makes sense
  • Day 1: 29/07/13 CW: 116lb Chest: 33" Waist: 28" Hips: 36" Thighs: 21"
  • Thanks. I'm currently doing it in the morning as have just finished work for the holidays, so I can continue with my usual evening workouts too :)
  • I'm a really fussy eater and prefer grab food for lunch rather than foods that take preparation. I usually have a yoghurt, some strawberries and a pot of jelly (the 10 calorie pots). I tend to have small lunches and save the calories for dinner, otherwise I snack in the evening
  • Well I don't eat much over 1200 anyway. If i do, i feel bloated and too full. Im not fat (uk size 8) but my body fat is 21% so I want to get this down to below 18%. I'm quite short so any fat on my frame looks fat.
  • So on 1200 calories a day, what would you suggest for ratios? I do tend to snack on things like ham and cheese but was worried about fat and protein intake