Insanity- No Fat Loss.

At the beginning of the Insanity program, I electronically measured my BF% on the machine at the GNC store. I have no idea the accuracy of these machines, but it measured me at 14.9%. 4 Weeks into it, after going hard every day, eating a healthy diet, and even having noticeable results (lost inches on waist and other places, and started to notice better looking abs), i went back to the GNC store and used the machine and it told me that my BF% was 15%, a 0.1% increase. I just don't understand how this is possible after all the hard work I've put in over the past few Weeks. I'm hoping its just a technological inaccuracy, never understood how it could just measure by your grip Anyways. Opinions???


  • goldenglow90
    goldenglow90 Posts: 44 Member
    Have you taken measurements? I was told by my trainer at the gym that your body fat can take a long time to come down (I'm a woman and mine is 19%) but your body shape can still change as your fat is being redistributed if that makes sense
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    If you are losing inches and getting smaller and tighter, then you are losing body fat. There is no reason to believe some machine in some store which is known to be inaccurate. Keep doing what you are doing because it is obviously working, and don't worry so much about actual BF% numbers unless you have access to Bodpod or Dexa.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    ooh no, poor you, you're at fifteen percent body fat.

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    What body fat percentage are you trying to get down to?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Yeah, those things are so unreliable, that a .1% change is meaningless -- it falls within the measurement area.

    It's also much harder to lose body fat the lower you go. Someone at 35% body fat can lose fairly easily for a while since they have extra. At 15% you're so much closer to just the essential body fat that it is harder to lose it (and also riskier … I don't know what your goals are but make sure you're going for something that is still healthy). If you're still losing inches, I'd say that you are successful in the Insanity. :wink: