nickymarie011 Member


  • I'm in the same boat as you. I love love love my e-cig. I know it is better for me to smoke that instead of a regular cigarette but when I try to quit the e-cig, I end up over eating instead.
  • Thanks. I think I'll look more into the The Complete Physique 57. From what I've read this morning, it looks like something that would be perfect for me and my situation!
  • I am wondering the same thing...
  • Ah, I can totally relate to your post. I ate 1600 calories per day and did the whole Insanity program. I ended up gaining 8 pounds from the first day to the last day of the program. I KNOW I did not gain 8 pounds in muscle in that short amount of time, so I have no idea what happened. I was kind of obsessive about counting…
  • I plan on doing both D and C on the 4th. I will allow myself some margaritas or wine as well as the yummy BBQ food, but definitely will be working out before the socializing begins!
  • Yes, melatonin all the way! I take it when I cannot sleep and have been for years. I love the fact that melatonin does not make me feel groggy when I wake in the AM like Tylenol PM or Advil PM does. Also, as someone else mentioned, valerian root is awesome too. However, the taste of the capsules is GROSS (fair warning).…
  • lemon water also has helped me get over some hell-ish hangovers lol! miracle drink :)
  • Johnny Depp, Adam Levine (Maroon 5), Dean Winters (in his younger days), Ed Westwick - OMG - in <3 with his face and the one I am most obsessed with is Rob Thomas from Matchbox 20. That man is angelic! Girl crush - Jennifer Lawrence and Leighton Meester.
  • I recently got back from a vacation as well. Yes, try to limit your portions and try to drink a lighter beer if you must indulge in beer during your vacation. Kayaking is a wonderful upper body workout. On my recent vacation camping, kayaking was how I worked out. I also did a couple light walks in the evening (when it…
  • I usually have a cup or two of Chamomile tea so I don't binge at night. Tea always fills me, plus the stuff makes me too relaxed to even care to get up to hit the fridge lol
  • I have the opposite issue lol. Love fruits, not a huge veggie fan. I somehow 'force' myself to get my servings of veggies per day though lol
  • Yep, I have done it without doing the levels in order. I also have mixed it with other Jillian workout DVD's. It's certainly OK to do, as long as you know correct form and all. I felt like level 1 was not difficult enough for me back when I began using her workouts, so went right to level 2 after like 5 days in and so on.
  • When I lose just 5-7 pounds, I go down one size, maybe two (depending on the clothing brand). I think it varies from one person to the next.
  • Oh, props to you for being able to get up that early. I used to get royally peeved when my fiance would wake me up with the alarm @ that time when he wanted to work out. It wasn't that I was against him working out, it was just this woman needs her friggin sleep or else shes cranky pants all day. I think he is just…
  • In my experience of 30 DS, the end of level 2 is when you begin to see the differences in your body. Of course, we all have different bodies, so it can vary from person to person. You mention you only eat 1200 calories per day. I am no doctor here, but you may not be eating enough, especially if you are doing this workout…
  • I have the same issue, but I am 28. People think I look 12 ( Yes, 12!) At 5'5, I am not really all that petite. It's not like I dress like a kid either, and I have boobs that are quite visible, so I am not sure why people assume I am a kid who has not even graduated middle school LOL. It's embarrassing, but on the other…
  • Congrats on the weight loss. I understand where you are coming from. I have some friends like that. When I first began my getting healthy journey, they would make fun of me because of the healthy food I ate or make fun of me because I had to work out before I hung out with them. Seriously, I suggest you ignore their…
  • Same for me, and I am a female. I swear, they like double in size before they go buh bye!
  • Oh, this is tough. I would suggest you try to bring it up as something you BOTH will do together, that way she doesn't feel as if you are insulting her. How about something like "honey, I think it would be great if we began a workout program together" OR "lets begin to take a long walk together after dinner every evening".…
  • Nah, I really do not believe she is concerned with their health or them being overweight. Honestly, I am familiar with a couple of these girls and they are thin. They are not 'overweight' by any standards, which is insult to injury, because it doesn't make sense to me that she wants women who are already thin to be…
  • Oh, this story sounds all too familiar. I had the same issue and unfortunately, I did quit due to lack of results as well as my knees friggin killing me. . I am not saying you should at all. It's seriously up to you, but you only have TWO weeks left. I suggest you just finish it out. You may not have seen the changes you…
  • For my chicken legs or as my friends call them "sticks', my calves are quite big. I am proud of them, even though they appear to be completely disproportionate with the rest of my legs lol. I actually want more meat on my legs, not muscle but 'fat'. Weird, I guess.
  • LOL, for those of you feeling sorry for the groom to be. Don't. He is even worse. Not that I dislike him, but in simple terms, they are made/meant to be together!
  • No idea what the medical answer is to this. BUT, when I began strenuously working out, my cycle drastically decreased in regards to how long it was. It used to be the TOM for seven days and now its only for two days. It's odd. I do think my exercising has a lot to do with it. I would suggest you go to the doctor as well,…
  • See, I knew it wasn't that far fetched. Bride to be's have been getting crazier and crazier. I hope I don't drink the Kool- aid lol
  • She's screwing herself over anyway lol. Her future sister in law declined being a bridesmaid because of her request. Way to go to get your new family to like you... Meh, she's not always this bad, it just seems the wedding planning has brought out the crazy in her.
  • Oh, I have. Several times. I cannot change someones mind about what they ultimately want. Got my own wedding to focus on. I did tell her though, she should really quit focusing on what size her bridesmaids are and focus on herself and fitting into her own dress. She is not exactly a skinny minny so I am not sure where she…
  • That is exactly what I am asking of my girls. They are all different shapes and sizes and I want them to just feel comfortable. If I asked any of them to drop any weight, they'd punch me in the throat lol.