Asking Bridal Party To Lose Weight



  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    My sister did this. No one in her bridal party was larger than a size 8. Fortunately, it was during one of my better times and that stipulation didn't effect me. I still wanted to choke her for it. What's worse, the bride and all the other bridesmaids went on a ridiculous crash diet, cheering each other on. I was the odd one out.

    See, I knew it wasn't that far fetched. Bride to be's have been getting crazier and crazier. I hope I don't drink the Kool- aid lol (sarcasm)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    The awful part about it is she knows some of the girls in my bridal party and she was telling me I should do the same as her and request them to lose some weight LOL. Some people *shakes head* ...I have been seeing this time and time again on television though, so I didn't know if it was the 'norm' or what.

    She opened the door for you to give your opinion on what she is doing. Give it.

    Oh, I have. Several times. I cannot change someones mind about what they ultimately want. Got my own wedding to focus on. I did tell her though, she should really quit focusing on what size her bridesmaids are and focus on herself and fitting into her own dress. She is not exactly a skinny minny so I am not sure where she gets off on telling people they are fat and need to lose weight.

    I'd honestly be tempted to egg her on because the friendship and her wedding are doomed anyway. You might as well encourage her to self destruct in the most spectacular way possible. Just don't forget your video camera.

    She's screwing herself over anyway lol. Her future sister in law declined being a bridesmaid because of her request. Way to go to get your new family to like you... Meh, she's not always this bad, it just seems the wedding planning has brought out the crazy in her.

    I was joking but only a little. I feel for you because I'm sure the pressure from her crazy isn't exactly helping with your own wedding planning stress. I think the best advice would be to simply put some distance between the two of you.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    why? Let all the bridesmaids be fat so the bride can be skinny!
  • sdpeklo
    sdpeklo Posts: 82
    Sometimes I think that I have heard it all...then a crazy post like this arrives. The bride sounds like a "prize".
  • criscollrj
    criscollrj Posts: 30 Member
    That's ridiculous!!

    When I got married 26 years ago one of my bridesmaids early on told me she was expecting (I had two married friend in my wedding) and she asked if I still wanted her to be my bridesmaid. I said OF COURSE! All 3 of my bridesmaids were gorgeous, all different sizes and looks, and she went on to have her 2nd daughter (of 3 beautiful daughters!) 3 months after the wedding.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Really offensive. I think I would nitpick things of no importance like when she is getting her boob job before the wedding.... afterall, if the they all need to look flawless, then so does she right? Hopefully she would get how ridiculous she is being. The way I carry myself is who I am proud of, not how you want me to carry myself. I would actually save her the hassle and remove myself from the wedding party.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Years ago a "friend" asked me to be a bridesmaid, then said that they didn't make the dress she wanted the bridesmaids to have in my size and asked if I would mind not being a bridesmaid.. And that was the beginning of the end of that friendship.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    We had a small courthouse wedding, on a chilly day in November, and no real bridal party, but I was so giddy to be Mr & Mrs that I didn't even pay attention to what we were wearing in our photos.

    It wasn't until much, much later that I noticed that in all the outside photos, I'm in my sleeveless wedding gown and my husband has on his winter jacket. I didn't feel the cold. I didn't notice his coat. All I thought was, "SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!! We did it!!!!!!!!!" :heart:
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    I feel so sorry for the husband to be. (puts head in hands and shakes head)
  • Lemongiggles
    Lemongiggles Posts: 10 Member
    DITTO! I think this is just awful. I am going to be in my best friend’s wedding in September, and I'm using this as motivation, but they would NEVER ask me to lose weight. They love me as I am, and so should any good friend.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Everyone else, except one person it seems, has said all that can be said on the subject.

    Except maybe encourage all the reject bridesmaids to get silly drunk and photo bomb the entire reception.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Years ago a "friend" asked me to be a bridesmaid, then said that they didn't make the dress she wanted the bridesmaids to have in my size and asked if I would mind not being a bridesmaid.. And that was the beginning of the end of that friendship.

    I was in a wedding many moons ago and the bride's mother made our dresses. The pattern didn't come big enough for one of the bridesmaids, so they found a similar pattern for her dress.

    Then my cousin's SIL was HUGE with twins for my cousin's wedding and the only similar dress they could find was tea length while the rest of us wore full-length gowns with trains. The SIL was still welcome in the bridal party.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member

    First thought... Damn feel sorry for that groom.

    2nd thought... Nah, his own damn choice so it's his own damn fault...

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Wow. Your friend redefines shallow and callousness. And by extension, if she should one day give birth (I shudder at the thought) will she leave the kid at the hospital because they've got too much baby fat? After all, no one wants a chubby newborn baby photo and there's no guarantee of locating a suitable stand-in baby at the hospital for the photo shoot....
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I took a different approach. I wanted to be the thinnest one, so I asked all my groomsmen to get fat.
    Yeah, I thought that brides wanted less attractive bridesmaids so they could stand out?!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    The moderators would definitely censor/delete the things I would say to one of my friends if she had the nerve to say something like that to me as a bridesmaid. Just saying.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    To value the appearance of your wedding over your friendships is not only the height of narcissism but a frightening way to begin one of the most pivotal and, at times, challenging relationships of one's life. Marriage is not a pagent at the end of a fairytale, but a commitment at the beginning of a path of self-discovery, growth, connection, compassion, compromise, self-lessness and adventure. I think this woman should reconsider her priorities.
  • megabyt23
    megabyt23 Posts: 580 Member
    Shouldn't your bridal party consist of people that you already love and want to share in your special day?

    That's like saying..."Dad...You're overweight, so I'm gonna ask uncle so and so to walk me down the aisle."

  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Years ago a "friend" asked me to be a bridesmaid, then said that they didn't make the dress she wanted the bridesmaids to have in my size and asked if I would mind not being a bridesmaid.. And that was the beginning of the end of that friendship.

    I was in a wedding many moons ago and the bride's mother made our dresses. The pattern didn't come big enough for one of the bridesmaids, so they found a similar pattern for her dress.

    Then my cousin's SIL was HUGE with twins for my cousin's wedding and the only similar dress they could find was tea length while the rest of us wore full-length gowns with trains. The SIL was still welcome in the bridal party.

    That's how it should be!