

  • Yes I have a salt addiction. I switched to Mediterranean sea salt when I cook. What I have read about it, is that it has more of a saltier taste so you use less, which also means if you are using less you intake less sodium
  • Yup I have to agree, happy to be alive. I had some yummy chocolate cake. My daughter and my husband, and seeing my mom! oops thats four...i could keep going.
  • Who cares what other's think! You did what was best for you, what you had to do! You will succeed, if you yourself know that you will.
  • I ordered a crispy taco plate with rice and beans and tortillas no drink and got the biggest shock ever 1100 calories...too bad i entered it after I ate...:( never ordering that again not unless i had a major workout that day.
  • You take great picks! Sorry about your experience, I have no advice but wanted to tell you your pictures are beautiful :)
  • Well there is nothing wrong with a snack now and then I lose my battle with ice cream now and then, like tonight...but I grabbed an apple instead. :) Sometimes you when, sometimes you lose, but what's important is that tomorrow you start out fresh. Oh and sorry I have no alternative for the not so good for you chips :)
  • i did p90x three years ago and pansied out, however i am at and completed my first week. Within one week i lost 1 inch and dropped two pounds while still eating right and consuming enough calories according to MFP. I was sore every day but the soreness worked itself out with each workout. I definitely do not do every…
  • I hate to be so down right ugly, because that's not who I am at all. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion and shouldn't be persecuted for it, however here is what I have to say. Toxins have no place in your body! If it's man-made it's a toxin. Here is a nice analogy to help put it in perspective: Your body…
  • I used to get a lot of headaches when I would sweeten my tea with aspartame. I thought they had derived from the caffeine, so I switched to decaf, yet still. After some experimenting when I eliminated aspartame headaches disappeared. Based on the things I have read, aspartame is in fact man-made and I have made a choice…
  • I didn't read all of the posts but knew instantly that I needed to respond. I have been in this boat and I married my husband bc we had already been living together for two years. While i love my husband I know he is not the one for me, we are too different. I was 19 when we met him 27, I have done some serious growing up…
  • i had exercise induced bronchial constriction growing up it was so bad i collapsed once after pushing myself too hard and i remember feeling the chest pain, you definitely need to see a dr. I got an inhaler. I don't run these day my knees can't handle it, nor can my lungs so I do cardio workouts in my house via a small…
  • oh and joining is free hope that helps
    in Zumba Comment by sjmartinez April 2011
  • try i just use it for my p90x workouts. I don't have a heartrate monitor. You have to join but it has the zumba workout on it
    in Zumba Comment by sjmartinez April 2011
  • I need mean friends too!
  • I too love to eat, fortunately for me not only does my metabolism work fairly well, but that I am so self conscious I slapped myself in the face to get a grip before it got too out of control. I gained 35 lbs after hs within a few short years. I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm really short and being as…
  • I feel the same I don't log cleaning because i consider it bonus. if I am sweating for more than 30 minutes of heavy duty cleaning say vacuuming I may only log like 10 or 15 minutes just depends. same thing with yard work if it gets me sweating I sometimes only log half of it the rest is bonus...hope that helps :)
  • And for protein, I forgot to add as a former vegetarian I would add different varieties of nuts to my meals. Look into meal replacement shakes, (but not slim fast, special k, etc they are way too high in sugar) they provide much of your daily protein needs. They are fast and easy to make and I add frozen fruits and blend…
  • Try to avoid the inner aisles! You are correct in stating that processed food is junk, and in my opinion pure poison. If it comes in a box, stay away from it, there are very few exceptions to this rule one being some cereals. Shop the outer perimeter of your store and you'll do fine. Experiment with more fresh herbs…
  • You have to burn 3500 calories just to lose 1 pound! Ya'll are doing great!
  • i don't eat greek yogurt by itself I throw it in smoothie's so i really don't even notice the flavor
  • I liked some of the ideas on here, I still only use whole food ingredients. Here are some of the things that i have substituted: Salt: I use sea salt-- I like Mediterranean Butter: I use organic real unsalted butter, there's no fake stuff in it Milk- organic 1% Season Salt- i experiment with different herbs..we used to use…
  • I agree with one of the above posters, in my experience weight literally melted off of me without even trying when I started just cooking with more whole foods at home. I rarely buy anything that comes in a box or can. I buy primarily organic as well because it comes without the toxins of pesticides and hormones that can…
  • You say it's getting old? What is old about it, maybe you are sticking with the same ole stuff? For me I get tired of eating salad after the third day. I like to experiment with different soups, you can change up the types of broths and the types of veggies you use.
  • I'm not an expert at all, but you may be right in your assumption that you need more water. You should be at least drinking 8 but if you are also becoming physically fit, you need to up that a bit. Also you should be trying to eat from all of the food groups, other than just all veggies. A good meal would consist of about…