Snickering Children & the parents who don't give a damn (Ran

eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
So tonight I went to the park to walk the trails (woo burned 646 cals! per my HRM). Anyway, so I've got my camera and I'm walking and snapping away when I spy this man and 2 kids (one was his and the other was his kids friend). I start catching up to them when I notice the one kid won't stop staring me down and giving me dirty looks. I kept on walking and actually passed them and as I passed them I heard "HEY HE WANTS YOU" "HEY" "HEY" from the little 10yo. The father said "hey come on now stop it" (great parenting if you ask me!) and I hear snickering and laughing from the 2 boys behind me. I kept a great speed during my walk and felt fine even as I passed them but I found myself thinking of all these different scenarios in my head as I pushed on through my walk.

1: Why wouldn't the parent discipline more? I know if that was my mom or if it was a child I knew my mother or the people I know would have stopped me (the person walking) and told their child to apologize for being so rude. My mother would have ripped me a new one for being so rude and this father just basically smacked his kids hand (verbally).

2: Why didn't I turn around and say something? I kept thinking I should have said something to the likes of "Your child's behavior and rude comments and snickering will not deter me from my goals and I'd appreciate it if you told your child how to behave." ...I WISH I said something.

It bothered me that he kept staring at me and that as an adult I couldn't help but divert my eyes when we made eye contact. Why couldn't I just stand up to him even with eye contact? I'm a 27yo woman and I let a child basically bully me. I don't let anyone treat me like crap and get away with it. I usually speak up but this kid...i just don't know. The thing about it was his little friend was an obese child so...why he was staring at me and being so rude is beyond me.

It really makes me sad that parents are not parents anymore and would rather be their child's friend than their father/mother. Teach your children how to act...variety is the spice of life...knowing different people all shapes/sizes/ethnicity/sexes is what makes the world go round...expose them and maybe you wouldn't have such brats on your hands.

Children are mean and parents need to be PARENTS.

OH and to top it soon as it happened the tension and anxiety went straight to my back and my back killed me. I used to have horrible lower back problems and could barely walk. I felt like I was right back's insane how something so small can have such an effect on you/your body.











This is the moon tonight!



  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    First, your photographs are amazing!
    Second, that really sucks. I had a kid at my daughters school tell her 'That's your mum? Wow, she's way fatter than my mum.' It hurts, and of course you always think of the best retorts AFTER the fact.
    Keep on keeping on :)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Sorry you had to endure rudeness from anyone! The photos are exquisite. What kind of camera did you use to shoot those with?:bigsmile:
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    First, your photographs are amazing!
    Second, that really sucks. I had a kid at my daughters school tell her 'That's your mum? Wow, she's way fatter than my mum.' It hurts, and of course you always think of the best retorts AFTER the fact.
    Keep on keeping on :)

    Thank you :)

    Children are just so mean and it's more shocking when parents don't correct them. I get that children are mean and it's not intentional (most of the time) they just speak what they think with no filter...that's what's great about them but honestly they need to be taught right from wrong.

    You too! Keep pushing forward always.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    We live in a pop culture society with Hollywood leading the way in morality, and parents don't know how to parent. I've seen a pack of cats raise better offspring than a lot of people these days. When walking on trails like the one in the pictures, you should always walk with a friend, show confidence by never looking down at the ground, and always stare people shoulder to head level. By looking directly at a person, this demonstrates confidence, and most predators prey on weaker targets. Due to the fact that a predator, both animal and human, could hide in the grassy area, it's a bad idea to walk or run with headphones. It's important to stay alert at all times, and carrying a defensive weapon like pepper spray wouldn't hurt.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Sorry you had to endure rudeness from anyone! The photos are exquisite. What kind of camera did you use to shoot those with?:bigsmile:

    Thanks Jade

    I have a Nikon L110 it's a Nikon P&S....nothing special about it I have no manual settings on it. I have a DSLR on layaway and I can't to get it out!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    We live in a pop culture society with Hollywood leading the way in morality, and parents don't know how to parent. I've seen a pack of cats raise better offspring than a lot of people these days. When walking on trails like the one in the pictures, you should always walk with a friend, show confidence by never looking down at the ground, and always stare people shoulder to head level. By looking directly at a person, this demonstrates confidence, and most predators prey on weaker targets. Due to the fact that a predator, both animal and human, could hide in the grassy area, it's a bad idea to walk or run with headphones. It's important to stay alert at all times, and carrying a defensive weapon like pepper spray wouldn't hurt.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. That's exactly it. TV's are the babysitters of children now a days. It's sad.

    It wasn't dark on the trail...I feel pretty safe it's in a great neighborhood. It's not as wild as it looks...I only see bunnies and lots of them while walking the trail and it's generally busy with families and lots of dogs (on and off leashes). It was busy today although you can't really tell by my pictures. I appreciate the safety tips though! Will def start keeping an eye out better.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Great pictures! From the look of it, you could have killed them all and hidden the bodies anywhere!
    I agree, kids are mean. Its always been that way, and I'm afraid it always will to some extent. Not enough parents are paying attention to what their kids are doing. As a modern parent, we've been intimidated so much by society and the potential labeling as a child abuser that it makes it very difficult to do what parents of my parent's generation did, which was pop them as needed.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Great pictures! From the look of it, you could have killed them all and hidden the bodies anywhere!
    I agree, kids are mean. Its always been that way, and I'm afraid it always will to some extent. Not enough parents are paying attention to what their kids are doing. As a modern parent, we've been intimidated so much by society and the potential labeling as a child abuser that it makes it very difficult to do what parents of my parent's generation did, which was pop them as needed.

    Thank you!

    HA! I def could have although I don't think I could have taken the father or the mother (who was way ahead of them).

    It really is sad. I don't advocate beating your child in no way but we all grew up (well maybe not all but a lot of us) being spanked or swatted on the bum. I knew a woman who used to spank her kids and she moved to Cali from Arkansas and when her children got here they were taught in school that if your parent puts their hands on you to call 911.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Im a really strict mom if that was my kid you would probably be doing this post about the parents that swear at the park to their kids!! lol....
    I totally hate spoiled bratz ans the people that spoil them..:grumble:
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Im a really strict mom if that was my kid you would probably be doing this post about the parents that swear at the park to their kids!! lol....
    I totally hate spoiled bratz ans the people that spoil them..:grumble:

    lol probably not! :P

    I do too
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Bump! Yes...I'm bumping my own post. I have no shame in my game lol
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Sorry you had to endure rudeness from anyone! The photos are exquisite. What kind of camera did you use to shoot those with?:bigsmile:

    Thanks Jade

    I have a Nikon L110 it's a Nikon P&S....nothing special about it I have no manual settings on it. I have a DSLR on layaway and I can't to get it out!

    I have the Nikon D5000 and LOVE are going to love your new camera when you get it! As for this rude a** child, I may would have gone to jail but if it were 1 of mine I would have smacked their mouth. Not just for what they said but for simply being so RUDE to someone, especially an adult.
  • sjmartinez
    You take great picks!

    Sorry about your experience, I have no advice but wanted to tell you your pictures are beautiful :)
  • GypsyWagon
    GypsyWagon Posts: 82 Member
    Ugh. I'm so sorry. So much of the television/movies geared towards children are filled with smart *kitten*, rude banter. But, it starts and ends with the parents. We are here to teach our children kindness and empathy. I've flipped around and told children that don't belong to me not to speak "that way"...a knee jerk reaction to blatant rudeness directed to another child or their own parent! It isn't cute or funny to hear small children mouth off and I don't get why people allow it.

    But, the true justice is that those parents have to deal with those little ****s the rest of their lives. You're on the right path (literally) and doing your photos. It speaks volumes to the kind of person that you are, being able to capture the beauty in the world that so many people walk past without noticing. Hope you're feeling better.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Sorry about the rotten little turd.

    I must know where that is though. I totally wanna go there too. lol
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Sorry you had to endure rudeness from anyone! The photos are exquisite. What kind of camera did you use to shoot those with?:bigsmile:

    Thanks Jade

    I have a Nikon L110 it's a Nikon P&S....nothing special about it I have no manual settings on it. I have a DSLR on layaway and I can't to get it out!

    I have the Nikon D5000 and LOVE are going to love your new camera when you get it! As for this rude a** child, I may would have gone to jail but if it were 1 of mine I would have smacked their mouth. Not just for what they said but for simply being so RUDE to someone, especially an adult.

    Oh very nice! I'm working with a D5100 for video class. Were doing a music video. It's a beauty! I wish it was mine haha. The one I'm getting is the Nikon D3100. I like it though and it's my starter. I want to start a photography business.

    LMAO! I think if my mom was with me she would have been in jail!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    You take great picks!

    Sorry about your experience, I have no advice but wanted to tell you your pictures are beautiful :)

    Thank you :)

    I appreciate the compliment and support :)
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Ugh. I'm so sorry. So much of the television/movies geared towards children are filled with smart *kitten*, rude banter. But, it starts and ends with the parents. We are here to teach our children kindness and empathy. I've flipped around and told children that don't belong to me not to speak "that way"...a knee jerk reaction to blatant rudeness directed to another child or their own parent! It isn't cute or funny to hear small children mouth off and I don't get why people allow it.

    But, the true justice is that those parents have to deal with those little ****s the rest of their lives. You're on the right path (literally) and doing your photos. It speaks volumes to the kind of person that you are, being able to capture the beauty in the world that so many people walk past without noticing. Hope you're feeling better.

    It's so true!! TV is the babysitter now. It basically raises the children now. People are too busy and concerned with other things instead of the welfare and behavior of their children. I really wish I would have turned around and said something but that kid...the way he stared was idk it was weird. I can't explain it.

    I appreciate the support! Thank you :)
  • bigmamma3
    bigmamma3 Posts: 134
    Hi love the pictures!!

    I am a mum of three my oldest being six and there is no way I would tollerate them talking to anyone like that. I have been told I'm too stricked by my fellow mum friends but I'm not the one with my kids running wild. My oldest is going through a mouthy stage at the moment but she by no means gets away with it and she wouldn't even dream of talking to an adult like that.

    as for modern parenting I have no time for it j got told on a mums forum that telling my three year old that the police will tell me off if he takes his seat belt off is child abuse and that i shouldnt of toold him off for hitting his sister when he was 2 because he's "just a baby and doesn't know what he's doing" my veiw is if you can't control them at 2 what the hell are you going to do when they are older.

    sorry rant over great pics by the way
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Sorry about the rotten little turd.

    I must know where that is though. I totally wanna go there too. lol


    Oh you're in San Diego! It's in La's Harry Griffin Park. It's beautiful! You should go!