

  • I drink diet coke all the time and its never harmed me or my diet, if anything it helps stop my hunger as its fizzy and bloats me up, prob not good for my body but ive managed to keep my weight off a year and im now starting up my diet again now its new year and will still continue to drink diet cokes
  • https://www.abcirclepro.com/ you can buy here but ive been looking at them on ebay as they are a bit cheaper than the stores on there
  • Oohh great that sounds positive :happy:
  • thanks ladies! glad its not just me who gets this :happy:
  • thanks ladies! glad its not just me who gets this :happy:
  • thanks everyone :smile: i feel a bit better now, i will work harder next week to get those pesky scales back down!! :drinker:
  • OMG that cannot be just 5lbs?? i cant believe ive lost 3 of those blocks and cannot tell a difference in my body Still cant believe that pic:noway: http://www.blubberbuster.com/images/fat_bricks/fat_5lb_brick.jpg im so shocked!! i cant believe that is 5lbs
  • thankyou all for your lovely comments x
  • Thank you so much for your kind words, i hope so too xxx
  • Hiya These types of chords have been banned from production in the USA following 359 children’s deaths between 1985 and 1995. It is now overdue that the United Kingdom cease the manufacture of these and follow in the sensible footsteps of America and in addition make the population aware of that thousand of these are…
  • MMMMM sounds yummy :smile: Im having lasagne for lunch and cant wait! Im a sucker for pasta dishes :bigsmile:
  • thanks for the encouragement guys, it is difficult to stay focus when you seem to be losing nothing, im doing the 30 day shred at minute, was doing taebo until couple weeks ago, so might try taebo and shred alternative days :smile:
  • That would be great!! Thankyou very much :happy:
  • Hiya I cooked a shepherds pie last week, to get the calories i added all the ingredients and then created my own food so it was more accurate, for example: i added calories from meat, potatoes, the vegetables etc and then divided by how many portions you are making to get the estimate what you will be eating, i cooked for…
  • wow thats great for a month! i think being able to log calories and food is great when trying to lose weight, thank god for MYFITNESSPAL!!:smile:
  • yeah that makes sense, i dont want to eat calories just for the sake of it, just when my body needs them :smile: hopefully it wont do too much harm
  • Wow!! 123lbs that is some achievement! that is inspiring :smile:
  • alsooo i do taebo at the minute, wondering is taebo a breeze compared to the shred or are they about same excercise wise?
  • thanks :o) hopefully i wil get it do it 2-3 times a week but with work i think i will find it hard to do everyday
  • ive been logging my food and it does help:smile: but i do find i can never reach my 1200 limit apart from a couple of times i am usually 100-200 calories short, i know i shouldnt go so low but its hard to eat more when im trying to lose and would feel like im eating too much if that makes sense!?
  • Thanks guys, it would be great if we saw results straight away wouldnt it! ive lost 9lbs but dont feel any different :angry: i suppose its a struggle but when we get there it will be worth it and easier to maintain than to get off, well i hope so anyway!! :laugh:
  • Thanks for the replies guys:smile: Ive just done a search and seems to me most people think the protein is set too low on here and going over doesnt really do much harm :wink: so im not going to worry too much about being a little over some days :laugh:
  • does anyone know roughly how many calories the 30 day shred does in each 20 min workout?
  • Thankyou all for the advice :drinker: Fingers crossed ill be good and eat as sensibly as possible :happy:
  • mmmm cottage pie :heart: do you have it homemade? if so do you know roughly how many calories and fat are in it etc? thanks :wink:
  • MMMmm some good foods here :o) I wonder where the name jacket potato came from lol