HELP! Indian food??

Hi all :smile:

Im going out tomorrow evening to an Indian restaurant for my boyfriends birthday :smooched:

However i usually will only eat a chicken korma or butter chicken and i dont want to overdo it and put all my hard work to waste :sad:

So... does anyone know which of the two has the fewer calories or fat content, silly question as both have loads but dunno what else to do :frown:


  • kiki2006
    Yum! I love Indian food! I'm sure that the caloric content varies by restaurant, but I love chicken tikka masala and I love veggie korma. I know when I make the tikka masala at home it's not to bad calorie wise, but I'm not sure about the others. Just be careful of the naan bread and rice!
  • aggie04chic
    It's going to depend on the place but roughly:
    Chicken Korma - 100g of - 166 cal
    Butter Chicken - 350g - 490 cal
  • erinmc
    erinmc Posts: 7
    hi rachael,

    i looked up both foods in the database (most are packaged brands) so i'd maybe jump on recipezaar and find a recipe that seems as authentic as the one you ate and chart that as your estimate. but, just for refrence, of the brands listed in the database, the chicken korma was around 390 calories and the butter chicken ranged across brands from 250 to 490! but, nutrionally, i think the chicken korma has veggies and nuts (at least it has when i've eaten it), so i think i'd go with that b/c of the nutritional bang for my buck! enjoy! and you won't undo your work just eyeball a 1/2 to a cup sized portion and eat that saving the rest for leftovers! have a great celebration!

    hope this helps, Erin
  • RachelJoyce
    Thankyou all for the advice :drinker:

    Fingers crossed ill be good and eat as sensibly as possible :happy: