

  • I agree that you first need to worry about why youre throwing up. If your sick then dont worry about the calories. Just get yourself better and start fresh when you feel better. If your pregnant then you need to be eating to keep you and the babay healthy and not worry about calories as long as your eating healthy. If its…
  • That sounds like something my friends and I would do.
  • That's awsomely confusing!!! Im so proud of you for keeping your cool. I may not have lol. Especialy not that early!But Im sure the look on that womans face was just about priceless at your response.
  • Good Luck! You can do this! :)
  • I havent had a chance to look at your food log but I can suggest trying to plan ahead as much a possible. Having at least a general idea of what i am going to eat from day to day realy helps me. Like I know every morning I will have a yogurt and either cereal or grits or maybe a piece of fruit. Lunch I have at work so I…
  • I know today was a bad day for me due to that time of the month but normaly what has realy helped me a lot was at the end of the day for my between dinner and bed snack I could eat 2 squares of the great value chocolate cookie dough. The kind already portioned. And a chocolate snack pack pudding cup and it realy helped…
  • I know today was a bad day for me due to that time of the month but normaly what has realy helped me a lot was at the end of the day for my between dinner and bed snack I could eat 2 squares of the great value chocolate cookie dough. The kind already portioned. And a chocolate snack pack pudding cup and it realy helped…
  • First thing is dont get yourself overwhelmed. Take bay steps at first. Set small goals that you can achieve. It may take a little longer to get to where you wanna be but with each success of overcoming a goal gives you more motivation to reach the next. And snacks are definately a big help! Also I give myself 1 day a week…
  • Thats amazing! Keep up all the good work! I didnt take a before pic f myself when I started this. I wasnt expecting that much honestly. But now Im wishing I had cause 1 month in and 5 pounds lighter and I can actualy start to SEE a difference in myself. Thanks for sharing your pics, they will help inspire many more people!
  • This is a great site! So much support and help!
  • Thats a tough one. Since she is a friend then she is probably concerned. If you guys are close maybe you should just try talking to her. If you are honestly just being healthy then she will see that. And as far as being jealous, that may be part of it. I know I have had moments of jealousy with my best friend. But once I…
  • This site has been a HUGE help for me. I hope you like it too. You may add me as a friend if youd like. Support is always helpful :)
  • Well I got an 8 year old, an 18 month old, full time job, and a babysitter. So other than the schooling Im right there with you! This site has been realy helpful for me :) Good luck!
  • I personaly right now am just counting calories on my food, not even my drink, and occasionaly doing some sit ups or stretching. I have managed to loose 3 pounds in two weeks, so for now as long as I keep showing some progress I will keep on doing what Im doing. But my personal goal isn't to loose that much actual weight…
  • You may add me as well if you would like.
  • I used to LOVE trail mix. But I always got the kind with the nuts and chocolate pieces in it. So one day on a friends suggestion I decided to try one of the dried tropical fruit ones instead. Thinking it was healthier. It was suprisingly very good and I ate the whole bag, just to find out that it was just as bad as the…
  • Welcome! I have been on here for 2 weeks now and I realy like it. Just being more aware of the things I eat and of course portion sizes is already starting to make a bit of a difference. I have found I dont have to give up my sweet tooth, just maybe adjust it a bit lol. That has been a huge help! Good luck!
  • I dont have this problem but my husband does. And he has already mentioned trying this site out if it works well for me. So I will try to remember some of the food suggestions mentioned here to help him out. Thanks!
  • I just started and have told everyone Im doing it. Some people have shown interest, but noone has actualy signed up yet. That is kind of disappointing because having a few friends to do this with would be nice. But on the other hand it just gives me another reason to stick to it. My friends all know I have little self…
  • Thank you :) good luck right back
    in Hi Comment by AutimnRose February 2011
  • I agree. I am 5'4 and according to charts they say I should be around 120 also. But the last time I was 120 even my doctor said I looked sick. My body seems to naturaly stay between 145 and 140. Has been that way since I was about 15. But I have also looked thinner than my weight would seem. So I have set my personal goal…