Struggling newbie

Hey All,

I'm on like day 3 I think. Of course I started on a horrible day, Super bowl! And then day two I went to a dinner party. Needless to say, I'm struggling a bit, but at least I'm already becoming more aware with what I'm eating and what I need to eat!
Just wanted to say hi, and put myself out there so that maybe I'll add some friends and stay a little more motivated. It's always easier to slack off if no one knows about it... And maybe I can even help motivate some other people on here!

Good luck to everyone!



  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place to be! I have been here for 43 days and I love it here. I was one of those that would get started and then just stop! Losing weight, clothes getting a little more lose and I would just stop! Here you get the support, motvation and all of the inpsiration that you will ever need. Total strangers that are here for the very same reason that you are. Best of wishes on this journey!

    By the way, one of the best things about being here, lots of us will make the same crazy oops that you do! Hang in there and always forgive yourself!
  • Refisblind
    Refisblind Posts: 77 Member
    We all had bad Super Bowl days I am guessing. Have fun with it and stay motivated. The site is great for that because before I eat bad I think about what someone on here might say when they see what I had. I always love posting good things you do because you get so much praise for doing it. sncollin is my friend too and she is always full of encouragement. Good Luck.
  • tmackster
    Thanks guys! I look forward to it. So far, it's definitely an eye opener. But like you guys said, it's full of support and it really does make a big difference. It's like when you work out around people, you're less likely to "cheat" or slack off than when your by yourself.
    You guys are motivation! Thanks and good luck to you guys as well!
  • AutimnRose
    Welcome! I have been on here for 2 weeks now and I realy like it. Just being more aware of the things I eat and of course portion sizes is already starting to make a bit of a difference. I have found I dont have to give up my sweet tooth, just maybe adjust it a bit lol. That has been a huge help! Good luck!
  • vzgregg
    vzgregg Posts: 44 Member
    i just started too...actually 1 day before you. i had a birthday party the first day and then tough weekend for me too. i find it's much easier for me to stay on target during the week. anyway...welcome and good luck! :)
  • vzgregg
    vzgregg Posts: 44 Member
    oops...dupe post.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Writing everything down I eat has helped me so much. This site is great for motivation too. Even though you started out on "bad" can do it. At least you are aware now of what you are eating. It does make a difference. I have been seeing great results since the first of January.

    Good luck to you!
  • TiredOfBeingRound
    TiredOfBeingRound Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome! I have been on here for 2 weeks now and I realy like it. Just being more aware of the things I eat and of course portion sizes is already starting to make a bit of a difference. I have found I dont have to give up my sweet tooth, just maybe adjust it a bit lol. That has been a huge help! Good luck!

    I completely agree with Autimnrose! I've been here for about 3 weeks and because of logging my food, I'm eating so much less than before!! Feel free to add me if you like!

    You'll love the support!
  • AutimnRose
    You may add me as well if you would like.